Chapter 10

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Bill, Dani and Merula ducked out of Knockturn Alley onto Diagon Alley after their first, much-less-eventful-than-expected visit. "Alright," said Bill, "to sum up, we've heard that Fletcher went to Ollivanders after being screwed by some loony."

"So Mr. Ollivander must've seen him," concluded Dani as she ran up to the wand store and pushed the door open. A tinkle of bells alerted Mr. Ollivander that he had visitors.

"Well hello. Shouldn't you be at Hogwarts?"

"We're here on... Um... CURSEBREAKING business."

"Following in your brother's footsteps, eh? Anyway, it's been some time, the three of you. I trust you've been taking care of your-"

"Of course we have," spat a by now very annoyed Merula. "Now, we need to know where Mundungus Fletcher went-"

"Oh, he said he wanted to know about the wand of a dark wizard who'd just defeated him, and told me that he was going to talk to Madam Villanelle afterwards. You know, the one who runs Flourish and Blotts?"

"Thanks a ton, Mr. Ollivander. Now, if you don't mind, we gotta-"

"Do you want to leave him a message, for the next time he drops by?"

Dani thought for a moment before dragging her schoolmates out of the door. "Tell him to send an owl to Dani Jackson. Thanks again."
"Look, this is a book by Maerwynn Montfort, a medieval author Alex liked..."

"Sure looks old enough to be medieval. What's it about?" said Merula.

Dani opened the book. They were in Flourish and Blotts, where they decided to check out some of the books before they had a chance to talk to Madam Villanelle.

"The book is blank!"

"Oh, really? Maybe this could be a port for R to send secret messages!" exclaimed Bill. "Use revelio!"

"Even better." Dani took out the revealer Jae gave her, and rubbed on one of the pages.

If you ever find a portrait of a vault, destroy it. I begged them to, but they were too greedy. Too afraid. I have to see it through, but I'm the only one who realizes that none of us will ever truly be unburied.

"Did Alex write that?" Merula asked.

"I believe you wanted to see me?"

Madam Villanelle was behind them.

"Oh, yes. We wanted to ask about Mundungus Fletcher. We've heard he's been in here recently."

"I'm glad the creepy man wasn't here for long, honestly. He asked me about some spells a wizard in white robes attacked him with. He said he'd never heard them before. He also mentioned the wizard having a tattoo of a skeletal snake or dragon."

"Do you have any idea where he went next?"
"Are you sure you want to head to Borgin and Burkes?" Bill seemed skeptical about the girls deciding to make a return visit to the creepy alleyway.

"Why not?" Merula retorted.

"Because Dad says it's creepy."

"Who cares if it's creepy?" Dani shrugged. "Plus, Duncan said that he knows about R."

"Stop right there!"

A witch in dark clothing strut towards them. "So what are a few Hogwarts students doing here?"


"Doesn't matter. SLUGULUS ERUCTO!"

A green flash of light hit Bill, and he began spitting slugs onto the ground. Merula was quick to move away from him, but Dani couldn't have seemed to care less. "DE-"


Suddenly, the witch collapsed, unconscious, as Rakepick showed up. "FINITE INCANTATEM!"

As Bill stopped vomiting slugs, Rakepick told them, "We should get going. I managed to locate and capture Fletcher. He's waiting for us in the Three Broomsticks."

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