Howling Halloween Part 4

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Still nothing.

Cecil shook his head. "Maybe the homorphus charm WAS that complex. Although I'm pretty sure the werewolf capture unit told us that it wouldn't stop Greyback from transforming again."

"Well, that'd be damn overpowered," sighed Dani, who'd been trying to master the ridiculously difficult charm for the past hour.

"Well, Gilderoy Lockhart stopped the Wagga Wagga Werewolf from transforming!"

"Gilderoy Lockhart ISN'T NORMAL."

"Of course he isn't, he's the greatest-"

Filch suddenly decided to crash the party by running into the courtyard and nearly tripping into the fountain. "Mr. Lee! We've spotted the werewolves! It's in the forbidden forest!"

"WHAT?!" shouted Cecil. "Miss Jackson, to the forest, NOW!"

"But students aren't allowed-" Filch began.

"No time for rules, old man!" yelled Cecil as he ran out of the courtyard with Dani.

Greyback easily dodged the spell in his wolf form. "Is that the best you can do, little girl?" he snarled viciously. "You'd make a nice meal."

He leapt at Dani as a flash of light grey came in from the side. Dani and Greyback tumbled on the ground as the umoving furball lay on the cold hard ground.

Dani didn't waste a second that Greyback was on the ground. "INCACEROUS!"

Greyback was bound by ropes, and hus two cronies, who were next to him, were so stunned that they couldn't move a muscle before Cecil and a bunch of other professors arrived. "Fenrir Greyback, you're under arrest!"

As the adults dealt with the werewolves, Dani glanced sideways at the smaller, unconscious one. And she was pretty sure she knew EXACTLY who it was.
The next day was Friday. As Dani and Penny left the greenhouses for dinner, relieved that the week was finally over. (as am I-writing this on Friday 30/10/2020)

"Do you know how Chiara is?" Dani casually asked the popular girl.

"She's in the hospital wing. Apparently something happened to her last night. I'm not super close to her, you know."

Dani decided that she shouldn't bring up werewolves in front of Penny and nodded as they turned into the great hall-to a surprise.

The great hall had been redecorated for Halloween.

Dumbledore soon arrived. "I have some very good news. The werewolf threat has been neutralized, and this is our celebration. So enjoy the feast."

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