Take the OWLs Part 2

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Saturday came around, but many students decided to stay in the castle and study for finals instead of heading to Hogesmeade. Dani wasn't one of them, though. She needed a break from studying, and even if she didn't end up taking one, the lively village was a change of scenery.

"Mind if I sit here?"

Dani poked her head out from behind Intermediate Transfiguration. "Not at all."

"Thanks," said Andre, sitting down on the wooden chair and rolling out a large sheet of parchment on his side of the table. It was the map of a quidditch pitch, and Andre even had red and blue minifigures to represent the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw players for the final match. Andre ordered a butterbeer and began rearranging the minis as he waited. "We haven't talked in a bit."

"Yeah, I guess I've been busy."

"Eh, all fifth-years are with OWLs and stuff. Just grab yours truly if you're in a fashion rut."

"I know. And you aren't studying?"

Andre's butterbeer arrived, and he took a swig before answering. "I do well enough to get by. Besides, chances are, I'll play quidditch or do fashion design when I leave Hogwarts, and I don't think I need NEWTs for either of those."

"Never hurts to have a backup plan though."

"Or I wouldn't even be trying. But still, you can't study 24/7. And I need to prep for the next match."

Once the yellow cups had been emptied, Andre invited Dani to head with him to Zonko's where he could get paint for the minis ("I reckon they need faces, and cool outfits would be great too if I could find the time"), so they walk there through the heat as Andre told Dani about the Ravenclaws' study parties ("I'm starting to wonder why Rowan was sorted into Gryffindor. She'd definitely LOVE to be in your house. We tried to get the fifth-year Gryffindors together for a study session earlier this week and Jae blew up his own chair, Levi sliced one of the tables in half, Charlie went to play exploding snap with Marina because he was bored and his brothers were too busy studying and Ben and I joined them when we realized this wasn't going anywhere. I think Corey and Rowan were the only ones to get stuff done."). When they get there, Dani noticed that Ben is with Tonks as she looked down the rows of prank equipment.

"Alright, so we aren't getting fanged frisbees, or ever-bashing boomerangs, or chocolate cake..."

"Are we pranking Filch again?" Dani asked behind them. "I thought that exams meant-"

"Oh, um, I've been helping Madam Pomfrey out lately and she ran out of calming draughts, so now we're finding new ways to help students de-stress."

"Tonks? De-stress?"

"I suppose McGonagall's told you about what grades are needed to become and auror. And I don't get great marks."

"Well, me neither," said Dani. "But however your OWLs turn out, I think you're auror material. Really. Right, boys?"

"Can't argue with that," said Andre as he jammed a few jars into his bag.

"Exactly why we're pranking Filch-it requires tracking and stealth, two essential auror skills. If Tonks can pulls this off-like she has more than enough times, of course-she's pretty much BOUND to ace auror training," explained Ben. "And speaking of auror material, has McGonagall talked to you about becoming an auror, Dani?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Because she talked to me about it, so I think she'd probably ask you too. Do you want to become an auror?"

"Probably not, I still find cursebreaking more interesting. You?"

"Being an auror sounds nice, but I think I'll have to learn more first, I didn't grow up with parents in the ministry unlike you guys so I don't know a lot coming in."

"So what are we pranking Filch with?" asked Tonks.

"Hm... I think this could be a study opportunity, actually," Andre suggested. "Can't we dig up the records Filch keeps on US, and cast vera verto to turn them into rats?"

"Andre, vera verto turns rats into water goblets!" Dani corrected.

"You're both wrong, vera verto turns any animal into a water goblet," giggled Ben. "But yes, we have Transfiguration first thing Monday morning, so this would be a good study opportunity..."

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