Chapter 8

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"Good news is, I know exactly how to get to Knockturn Alley from school," Jae finished washing yet another plate and put it on top of a pile. "All you need is floo powder. Bad news is, I left my supply at home. I haven't been there all year."

"It's only late October," Dani brushed more breadcrumbs into a bin. "Who should I ask about this?"

"Rakepick, of course. Need me to come with you?"
"Knockturn Alley," thought Rakepick. "Who told you about this?"

"Duncan Ashe," answered Jae.

You know, the ghost in the prefect's bathroom who used to work with Alex," added Dani.

"Mr. Ashe. Interesting... In the meantime, looks like we're due for another training session..."
The next day, after school...

"Why am I here?" Jae asked Rakepick as he and Dani arrived for their session from Charms. "I thought Bill, Dani and Merula were the only ones going to find Mundungus Fletcher."

"Because I know that you've been stopping by Knockturn Alley, and as your DADA professor, I have a duty to keep you safe," the professor replied.

"Well, I've been there so many times and I'm still here in one piece."

"That's because you were lucky. You'll still need to learn to defend yourself. Now, let's get on with some duelling. Miss Jackson, Miss Snyde-"

"Can we skip this, professor?" asked Merula, soundly fairly scared.


"We've duelled so many times before. Let's do something more-"

"Thanks for the reminder, Miss Snyde," said Rakepick, her lips curling up into a thin smile. "I'm sure you all remember the hex deflection I've been teaching you..."
Over the next few days, Rakepick met with the students individually to test their skills. Once, Rakepick was in the courtyard with Dani while Snape was patrolling and telling off a bunch of first-years who were trying to finish their homework in the last moments before class. Rakepick set Snape's robes on fire and ran off, and once Snape had the flames extinguished, his eyes met Dani's. To make matters even worse, Filch and a very angsty Mrs. Norris showed up, presumably to start shepherding students to class. Dani quickly turned into a dog as they approached her. The result? A very confused Potions master, caretaker and cat.

Dani was now wandering through the forbidden forest, wondering what Rakepick wanted her to accomplish there. A low growl made her stop in her tracks.

A pair of ferocious-looking yellow eyes appeared in the darkness. Dani took a few steps back as Kettleburn's chimaera materialized from behind a large tree. "GRAAAAAH!"

Dani tried to keep her cool. "FLIPENDO! DEPULSO! PET-"

"Dani, don't hurt it!"

Liz showed up just before Dani could cast the body-bind curse on the lionlike magical creature.

"Are you crazy?! It's gonna eat-"

"This," finished Liz, taking a hunk of meat out of the leather satchel slung over her shoulder and tossing it in the air. "Catch!"

The chimaera caught the meat in its large, fanged mouth and began munching on it as Dani watched in awe. "How long have you been feeding it?"

"About a month, since Tonks found it and Kettleburn tasked me with feeding it. It doesn't trust me enough for me to bring it back, but we're getting there. And really, I normally wouldn't touch red meat, but she shouldn't be out here. It's too dangerous."

"Dude, it's a CHIMAERA. And it's a she? I mean, it's so..."

"Yes, it's a she. And it's the forbidden forest, where lies unimaginable danger. She's WAY better off with Kettleburn. Really."

"Can't we just murder it?"

"Only one person in the history of the world has killed a chimaera, Dani-one too many for me. Anyway, let's head back to the castle. See you later," Liz gave the chimaera a half wave as they left.

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