Chapter 34

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"Glad you're here," said Mrs. Weasley as Charlie returned to the inn with three friends in tow.

"We could use more hands," added Percy.

"Where are the rest of the kids?" asked Dani as she picked up one of the streamers.

"Well... I wasn't so sure about bringing small kids to a party for teenagers, so I left the littles with their Aunt Muriel, but I brought Fred and George because they'll be starting at Hogwarts in less than two months anyways. But they wanted to visit Zonko's, of course, so they're there with Arthur."

For the next hour or so, Bill's friends came in, some were nice enough to help out, others just stood around and chatted. Mr. Weasley came back with the twins, who immediately took a liking to Tonks and Tulip (whom Tonks had practically dragged to the party) when they offered to help set up some filibuster fireworks.

The door burst open and Rowan put her head in. "Are we ready? Penny's coming in with Bill."

"I suppose we are," said Mrs. Weasley.

"Just a second..." George set something down on the floor. "OK, we're ready!"

As if on cue, Penny slipped inside, followed by Bill, who was clearly feigning confusion.


Bill TRIED to act surprised as filibuster fireworks went off in front of him. "What? For me? I'm so surprised. I don't think I've been this surprised since... Well, I've never been so surprised ever!"

"You know how muggles have a prize for acting, called the Ozzys? Well, to be frank, I don't think you'll be winning one anytime soon, my boy," laughed Mr. Weasley.

"What? No! Look how surprised I am, everyone. Can you see my surprise?"

Charlie shook his head. "It's alright, Bill. We get it."

"Ah, I tried," joked Bill. "Thanks for coming, everyone! This is brilliant!"

"And Mr. Weasley, the prize is called the OSCARS," said Penny.

"Shall we start partying now?" asked Fred.

"Did you need to ask?!" said Charlie.

"LET'S PARTAAAAAY!" screamed Tonks.

As everyone set about drinking and socializing, Dani walked over to the Weasleys.

"She'll get used to it," Mr. Weasley was saying over a swig of butterbeer. "We have five more graduations to get through."

"We have enough kids to start a quidditch team," said Bill.

"We can call ourselves the Weasley Dragons!" said Charlie.

"I'll be cheering you on, but I'm too busy studying and preparing to be minister of magic to prepare," said Percy.

Just then, someone apparated behind the group. He was rather tall and big, and had one normal eye and one mechanical one.

"Mad-Eye! Fancy seeing you here. Did something come up?" asked Mr. Weasley.

"No, Arthur." He looked over at the 15-year-old girl, who, just like the Weasleys, seemed half confused why an auror had (quite literally) crashed the party (the other half was that they knew him from their ministry dads, of course).

"You're... Mad-Eye Moody!"

"And you're Dani Jackson, because Roland doesn't have red hair and neither does his wife."

Moody continued as everyone just gaped at his presence. "We've got much to talk about, young lady. But I'll have you back to Hogwarts before Dumbledore announces the winner of the house cup."

"Back from WHERE?!"

Moody grabbed Dani's arm, and they disapparated out.
"There you are!"

Rowan ran up to her best friend, Barnaby behind her. "Are you OK? Where were you?! It's been hours, I was so worried he'd done something to you!" She pulled Dani into a hug.

"It's all fine, Rowan. Moody's here to help us."

Dani broke free, and the three went back outside. Night had almost completely fallen by now.

"So... What did you want to tell me?" asked Barnaby. "Because... Walking along a street at night is romantic, right?"

"I'll have to agree," said Dani, "except that we have a third wheel."

"My ears are shut," said Rowan. "You can talk about anything."

"Well..." Dani took a deep breath. "I was worried where you stood after, uh, everything. I guess... You mean a lot to me, Barnaby. I hope you know that."

"And you mean a lot to me too," said Barnaby. "I mean, of course, because you were one of my first true friends you know. And I've got you, Dani."

"Now AND always." Rowan caught up with them. "I never left, Dani. I'm still the nerdy girl you bumped into on Diagon Alley. I'm still your day one best friend. I know, we sleep in the same room and we talk most nights and you have vault squad co-leader responsibilities but it'd be great if we could hang more. My point here is that I'm here for you, and so is Barnaby. And look, there's still a carriage!"

As Dani climbed onto the carriage with Barnaby and Rowan and it took off back towards the castle, she smiled. "Thanks, guys. I couldn't have asked for better friends than you two."

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