Chapter 25

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"Quick, Mr. Lee, what would you feed to a sick unicorn?"

"Definitely not buttered peas!"

Kettleburn scratched his chin (with his hook, of course). "I'll count that as a correct answer, I guess. Mr. Hayden, how would you find a knarl hidden among hedgehogs?"

"Um... Whistle? No, I take that back, you show them a shiny object!"

"I think you've mixed up knarls and nifflers. Would someone else like to try?"

Corey sighed-it was no secret he was better at History of Magic than Care of Magical Creatures.

"You offer each milk," answered Liz.

"Perfect, five to Slytherin. Anyway, I see it's time, class dismissed."

As the students left, Dani and Liz decided to talk to Kettleburn. "Professor, what creatures in the forbidden forest are easily trainable?"

Kettleburn raised an eyebrow, but Liz then said, "After I rescued your chimaera, I thought it'd be fun if I had a chance to take care of and train some of the magical creatures."

"The truth is, Miss Tuttle, that creatures in the forbidden forest aren't all THAT dangerous. Many forest creatures may be hostile, but for someone good with magical creatures like you, acromantulas are one of the only things that you should worry about in the forest. For the most part, other creatures such as trolls can't be much harder to deal with than a chimaera."

"I'll give all that some thought, professor," said Liz before she and Dani hurried out of the grove, where Merula was waiting. "So, what are Diego and I duelling?"

"A troll, I guess," said Liz. "Kettleburn said that it wouldn't be a ton tougher than the chimaera, and from my own research, it shouldn't need more than some meat to lure or calm."

"Troll it is," said Dani. "Now we wait for the big day."

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