"The Diary Of Gabriel"

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"The diary of Gabriel, I don't actually know why I'm writing this but I'm just trying to say the things that I have done, and maybe this will turn out to be something good, now I guess I will have to talk to the diary as a living person to have the feeling that I'm talking to someone, so as a starter my name is Gabriel, and only Gabriel because I hate my father and I don't want him to be related to me, I will tell you why I hate him but let me keep talking about myself first. I am twelve years old; I have two brothers and one sister which I also hate. I don't like school that much because of how easy it is. My family doesn't know that I have the ability to remember everything and every detail of my life since I was five, but I still fake being an average person, because if they knew they would expect me to be something great; my father would expect the best of me which is so stressful, and he does it either way, and that's why I make myself get average marks, so, let's get back to why I hate my family, first of all my family are Mormons, they are so strict and they want me to be a Mormon just because they are, like I don't have a choice of my own, what if I do believe in god but I don't want to follow his rules, isn't that my choice to make or am I wrong? I guess that will be it for now but I will keep talking to you when I do something special."

Arthur found it weird that his father never really talked about this ability, but he also thought that this was just the mind of a twelve year old so he kept reading

"I'm back again because today was a very long day it's full of things that I want to talk about with you. First of all I had my first kiss, not because of love or anything I just asked the neighbor's daughter and she didn't mind me kissing her, my father caught me kissing her, after he saw me he grabbed my arm so hard that I still have marks on it, and he slapped my face and told me to go inside the apartment, and I did as he said and I waited inside only to find him taking his belt off,
And he started yelling as he hit me saying "what you did is forbidden, you cannot do that"
And I stood there just looking at him without expressing anything, because that makes him madder and feel like no matter what he does he doesn't have the power to control me. It was at this moment I hated him even more, to be honest this isn't the first time he does this to me, he did it several times before, but what can I do about it, I'm just a twelve year old and no one is helping, and apparently twelve year olds are supposed to be slaves until they love their master, even my mother and siblings are supporting what he's doing or maybe I should say, no one actually dares to stand up to him. I need to get away from him but I won't run away, I'm thinking of something to kill my time with, I will try and learn as much languages as possible, as well as learning everything about everything, because I realized that I can do a lot with this memory of mine, I guess I will talk to you later then.

This is a week since the last time I talked with you but I did a lot in that week, I made up with my father, but I did that just to make him okay with me, and now I can memorize every element of the periodic table and I can answer and know almost all of the chemical equations, I actually can make a bomb with only some stuff from the kitchen, and other than that I'm almost half way into the anatomy of humans, and don't even get me started with algebra and geometry, I think with my knowledge I can actually teach at schools but this is our little secret no one will know about this other than you and me, I guess I will talk to you again when I have something worth saying"

Arthur did not understand he thought out loud "that explains why you're the one person who knew everything, but why did you hide that ability?"
He didn't know, but his curiosity was killing him, but he knew that his answers were in this notebook so he had to keep reading, and so he did, he started reading again

"I looked god in the eyes today, in an empty ally, he wasn't someone he was something, something that happened to someone, I saw him in a dead man that I found in that empty ally, and I don't believe anyone actually cared for that homeless man, his skull was cracked open, although it was something not good to look at but I saw beauty in that dead body, I saw god, I didn't tell anyone about this and I doubt it will be months until someone actually finds out about this dead man, but one thing that actually made me take a good time thinking, who was that man, and I don't mean what was his name or stuff like that, I mean is he a good person or not, and did he actually deserve to die like that or he was just a victim of another killer, but I thought again, this man's choices led to his fate, after I saw the body lying there and admired it, I just went back home, just like it was an ordinary day, because people die every day and that means that this man wasn't any special, he lived and died just like anyone else, other than that thing I absolutely did the usual at school, I actually like having no friends now, because that makes me feel free just like I would feel if I had no family which will happen someday, but let's not think of the future now and just do what we can in the present, now I can theoretically be a surgeon or any other job I would like just if I do a surgery on someone or build something but I believe I have enough knowledge now, oh and I forgot to tell you, I'm fifteen years old now and I can speak in nine different languages. That was a lie because I don't forget, but it sounds cool when someone says it, so I just have to try. You know something? I actually think I will kill my father, and I'm not a psychopath or anything like that, but the death of my father will be something that makes my life much more easier, but I have a couple of plans which I will tell you right now, the first plan involves a weapon which will be messy, the second plan involves a gun, which will be impossible to get a hand on, the third one which is my personal favorite involves poisoning him and it is the safest way and probably the way I will kill him, but before that to cross myself off the suspects list I need to be best friends with my father, and that will be easy I will just go to church with him and that will make him happy just doing whatever he wants without questioning, and I will need a major suspect, which will be the woman that he is cheating with, I will take a photo of them fucking with a stolen camera not my actual camera because the police will know which camera the photo was taken from, I have to put everything in plan, and that's it for today, I guess I will talk to you again when I'm finished killing that son of a bitch."

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