The start of the secrets

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Arthur did not know what to think. Was his father a murderer? Or was that just his imagination? Because if that was real that means his father was a cold blooded killer, Arthur thought, was that the thing that he needed him to know, in his mind he thought that this was a confession but he couldn't take it and he went to hit the wall in the bathroom, but he didn't because he didn't want his wife to hear him. He threw the notebook in the closet and he kept it there and went to lay down on his bed. Arthur's wife Elena lied next to him and kissed him and asked him, what is it the thing that's on his mind, but he said nothing was on his mind, but she insisted that he tells her, and so he asked her what if someone he knew had this whole secret life and identity that he never thought it existed, what if he found out about it but he refused to know the whole truth just to keep the good picture of this person in his head, Elena told him that he should know the whole truth, or else he will have this incomplete idea of that someone, and she asked him if this was about his father because she felt like it was about him,
Arthur lied and said "Of course it's not about him, it's just for a story I'm planning to write"
Elena said as she walked away "well I'm here, and remember, it's okay to be sad, he was a great person after all"
Arthur said "I know that thank you very much for that"
Arthur looked at the ceiling and kept thinking in his mind that his father might have not actually done something, or maybe those were just the thought of a lost teenager and nothing else, so he did start reading again

"I did it"

Arthur read those words and he felt shocked, but he had to know the whole truth or else it's just an incomplete picture just like his wife told him, so he started reading again

"I did it, and yes I can finally say it happily, I killed that son of a bitch, well not exactly killed him, but I poisoned him and framed his lovely slut that he was cheating with behind my mother's back, that bloody hypocrite, so I went with him to the church as he always wanted me to do, just to get to know this slut of his, you're probably wondering what her name is, but it doesn't matter what matters is that I now know how to manipulate people, just like how I manipulated this woman, by being friendly as possible to her, and that made her a family friend, every time we see her in church or in the street we say "oh hey Ms. Slut"
Of course we don't say slut but I like to call her that in my mind, so we went to visit a couple of times, and I observed very carefully every single thing that she did and the drinks that she made. She is a widow, and she makes us drinks every time we go to her house, my brothers ask for orange juice and my sister takes a lemonade and my mother orders a glass of water just like every time, and of course the bastard takes a tea and, and his slut makes herself a coffee, and
I say "thanks but I don't want anything"
but this time I went to the bathroom, and after a minute or two I made a small noise so that she would come and check it out and I was hiding just to see her go out of the kitchen so that I could go in only to find there was no coffee only two identical glasses of tea, but do you remember when I told you that I can remember everything and every detail of every second, well that came in handy because I remember that she is a left handed person and she makes everyone's drinks first and makes her coffee and his tea afterwards, so, every time she gave the bastard the glass, it was in her right hand which will be the glass on the right side, I could have poisoned both of the glasses but there had to be a major suspect, I had to frame her, and so I got the most hurting and slowest poison, it's not really that slow, but dying in ten minutes? That's what he deserved. I stole the poison from someone who sells the frogs, I had to extract it carefully as the book said, and it's called Batrachotoxin. He took a couple of sips from his glass and I watched that son of a bitch suffer for all the pain that he made me go through, but still I acted like I loved him and I even made myself cry just to get myself out of the suspects list when the police investigates in this murder, you might ask, where did I get rid of the poison's container I can simply tell you that no one looks in the school's air system. After all I am now free, and remember that guy I told you I found dead? He wasn't really dead when I found him lying on the ground, he was asleep. I killed him but now I actually feel guilty for him because he didn't deserve to die, and for that I will be sorry forever, but on the other hand my father, he deserved everything that happened to him, and at the moment I need to work or figure a way to get money, and that I will tell you when I do, I guess I will talk to you later then."

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