A father with no family

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Arthur was crying he said as he looked at the sky "I love you too mom"
He started reading again

"well we're back in America a lot happened, and a lot more is going to happen but I will tell you about what's going to happen after I tell you about what happened. See we traveled the world, I actually went to places I've never been to before, like japan and other places. When we were in our hotel room in Italy, Ana said "I think it's time to go back home"
I said "we must go to Ukraine first"
She asked "why?"
I said "you'll know when we get there"
So we traveled to Ukraine, our destination was a small farm in the countryside, we walked past the fields, and they were full of crops.
Ana said while we were walking "I like this place, but why are we here exactly"
I looked at her and smiled and kept walking, as we got to the house, I knocked on the door, we waited for a couple of seconds and then the door opened.
A man and a woman opened the door and right after they saw Ana, they hugged her, Anastasia said "who are those people?"
I said smiling "chestnut hair? Gray eyes? Don't they remind you of someone?"
Ana couldn't speak Ukrainian but she just looked at them and pointed with her fingers and said "Mama? Papa?"
They nodded with their head meaning "yes"
Their eyes were full tears as they hugged her again. I said to Ana "when you said that everyone left you, I wanted to prove you wrong, so I made a lot of searching, and I found them, they didn't really abandon you they..."
Ana didn't let me finish she just grabbed my arm and pulled me into their group hug. See, you don't really need to know what happened after, other than that everyone was happy and Ana got her closure, she got her peaceful ending, well on the other hand, she wants me to have mine, and she's taking a shower now, we're in the beach house if you're wondering, and Ana is insisting that I have to go see my family, the family that I never talked to in nearly ten years, and what's annoying about all this is whenever I say "no"
Ana just says "why not?"
And I have nothing to say, it's like I have no reason to not want to meet my family like it's an instinct that I just don't want to see them, and I'm telling you this because right after Ana gets out of the shower, we will fly to Detroit... I probably shouldn't say this but I'm scared, I'm scared of what might happen because for the first time I don't know what kind of outcome will happen from seeing my family, well they neglect me and close the door right as they see me? Or will they thank me for the money I gave them? And who knows maybe they're all dead or something. I think I will go away now and overthink my mind outside your papers, goodbye until I see you again.

That was weird, it was a mix of feelings, fury, and anger and sadness and happiness. See, we got there, and as usual we don't bring as much luggage with us.
So, I just stood there in front of the door, and I was about to knock but then I looked at Ana and said "I knocked last time with your father and mother you knock this time"
Ana looked confused as she said "you are really nervous? I don't think I ever saw you like that"
Ana said as she pushed the doorbell button "did you notice the existence of that?"
As I heard my brother say "who is it"
I said stuttering a little "it's Gabriel"
He said "Gabriel who?"
I said "for the love of god Michael I'm your brother open the door before I break it on you"
He opened the door, I saw him. He looked older, a lot older than I remember I can actually see white hair in his hair.
He said looking at me and Anastasia "so you finally remembered that you had a family?"
I said "where's mom?"
He said smiling the fakest smile I've ever seen "Oh! Excuse my impoliteness, come in please!"
He said "hey mom! Look who's here!"
She was wearing her glasses as she said "who is that?"
Michael looked a bit happy from what my mom said. I said "it's me, mother, it's Gabriel"
She said "sit down"
So I sat down. She said "I remember I had a son named Gabriel"
I stood up and said "then, I shall leave, if you don't consider me as your son"
Michael pushed me to sit me back down as he said "you sit down and listen when our mother speaks to you"
I could've put him to the ground when he was thinking of pushing me, but I just decided not to. Ana yelled at him and said "don't push him"
He looked at me and said "you got your woman speaking up for you? What a pathetic man you become"
I put my hand on Ana's hand to let her know that everything is okay.
I looked at Michael and said correcting him "it's you've become"
I looked back at my mother and said with a numb voice "speak your mind mother!"
She said "what do I say to you! You left us here and you never came back, your brother went to prison because he used your money to do illegal things, and there he is your other brother was tricked from his wife, and she took all of his money like the whore she is"
I said "and where's my sister?"
She said "she's just like you, she left home and never looked back, and you're an idiot to give her money like that with no man to watch over her. If you came here to ask for your money I won't give you any of it, because it's mine now"
See, I looked disappointed, I'm just in front of my wife. I didn't even have enough power to tell my mom that I only came to visit her. Ana stood up and started yelling as if it's her problem "your son gave you enough money to live a lifetime of luxury, and all you do is make him feel bad for coming to visit you? You know what, it's my mistake I even pushed him into coming here, and he had every right to never come to see you. You're the worst mother ever, I wish you the worst life, let's go Gabriel, this family doesn't deserve you!"
My mother said with anger in her voice "who allowed this whore to talk"
Ana said "there's only one whore in this place, and I know for a fact she's not me!"
Michael was about to slap Anastasia. I didn't let him have the time to think about it, I just twisted his arm and put his whole body to the ground with his face just eating the carpet. I said while I was having him on the ground "say you're sorry for having the thought of laying your filthy hand on my wife"
He yelled crying "I'm sorry!"
I yelled back at him while twisting his arm more "sorry for what?"
He said "for thinking about hitting your wife, I'm sorry for that!"
I left his arm as I said "maybe back then I was your little brother and you and dad could have turns on me, but now you're going to be scared of ever trying what you tried"
I got out with Ana, and we walked in silence for five minutes, and all of a sudden I just couldn't hold it anymore, I just exploded from crying. Ana hugged me and kept patting on my back as she said "it's okay, nothing can ever happen to you when I'm here... I'm sorry for calling your mom a whore back there..."
I said crying like a little kid "thank you for standing up for me back there"
She smiled the best smile in the world, the smile that just makes everything better and she said "I would stand up to the entire world for you Gabriel"
And she kissed me, we kept walking not knowing where we will actually go, after a couple of minutes of crying she punched my shoulder softly as she said "don't cry!"
I chuckled a little wiping my tears. She said "can I say something? And you don't have to do anything this time it's fully your choice"
I said "okay, go on"
She said "Can you locate where your sister is and maybe meet her if you want?"
I took a deep breath and I thought about it, and then I said "alright"
I stood by the closest payphone and I called the Marshal and told him my sister's name, and told him to tell me where she is and call on the number of the payphone. We kept waiting for five minutes. Ana kept saying while we were waiting "you can back down at any time"
I kissed her because apparently it's the only way to shut her up.
After I kissed her I said "I'm not sad because of what happened, I already know how my family's like, I was just sad that you had to see this, knowing that both of your parents were... well, let's say better than mine"
Ana said "and what did my parents get? A stupid girl who didn't study that well, and wanted art as a passion?"
I said "they got the best daughter they could've ever had"
Ana hugged my arm and kissed it as she whispered "I love you"
The phone rang, and oh well, I want you to guess! Well, I know you can't you're just a notebook I just like to bust your paper brain. Laura was in New York, in a hospital! When I knew she's in a hospital I just had to go see her. I took the first plane that was going to New York, and to be honest... I felt worried, like actually worried.
We got to the hospital and we went to see her. See, I don't know if dying makes people more peaceful or wiser, but she defiantly was peaceful and wise. I looked through the small glass square and I knocked on the door, she looked but she didn't recognize me, so she said "come in"
As I opened the door a smile was drawn on her face as she patted on the side of her bed meaning "come sit beside me"
Me and Ana sat beside her as she said "you look different, with the beard and all"
I said "I know... How are you feeling?"
Laura said "I feel the same way I look Gabriel, but enough about me, I'm your big sister, I can take care of myself"
She said as she put her hand on Anastasia's face "and who is this gorgeous right here?"
Ana put her hand on Laura's hand as she smiled while saying "I'm his wife"
Laura said looking at me "if I wasn't dying I would've asked her out"
I held her hand as I said in a worried tone "what are you dying from?"
Laura laughed a small laugh as she said "you know you've changed right?"
I repeated my question, but she said looking down as the smile faded from her face "it doesn't matter, at least I'm happy that someone remembered me"
I said with my eyes tearing up "mom is the one who told me that you went away when I went to see her"
Laura said "this family! I don't think I was going to able to stay alive if you didn't send that shitload of money"
I said "that's nothing"
Laura said "did you steal a bank or become a mafia boss?"
I said "it's a secret"
Laura said "let me guess? Mom broke your heart?"
I didn't say anything, because I didn't know how to say it. Ana said "she did, but I put that bitch back in her place, no offense"
Laura said "every second I hear this girl talk I fall for her even more shut her up please Gabriel because she's too cute, and yes our mom is a bitch I don't see the offense"
Ana laughed a small laugh. I asked Laura "what did you do basically after leaving home Laura?"
Laura said "I lost my virginity with a girl and I realized that I don't like dicks, and other non-important stuff like go to college and become a lawyer, how about you? What did you do after you got crazy rich?"
I said "I traveled around the world, I fell in love and traveled around the world again and, I guess we're waiting for the child now"
The conversation kept going for hours with me reminding Laura of stuff that we used to do in the past, and how we used to annoy each other. She insisted that I don't stay and watch her die because I'm her little brother and all that, I just had to give her the dying wish that she wanted. It would've been better if she'd stayed alive. While we were walking out I stopped and said "Ana, we're in a hospital"
Ana said confused "I know that what do you mea... oh my god"
I smiled at her and said "now that I faced my fears, I made you face yours without you noticing"
Ana looked around and said "but how? I used to get panic attacks whenever I would pass by one, how am I not feeling anything?"
I said smiling "I noticed that you didn't have any weird expressions when I repeated on the phone saying "a hospital" so I just knew this was the only chance to make you not notice and forget that you ever feared hospitals, you're just too focused on my pain you forgot about yours completely"
Ana said "but how..."
I said "you don't read that much, you wouldn't know"
I don't know what is it but I like it when she hugs me for no reason, and she always does that. Anastasia is now having secrets, but not as you might think.
Right after we got to the beach house, she just said "Gabriel... I want you to make a bank account for me and put forty million dollars in there, if you're okay with doing that I mean?"
I said "I'm okay to give you my entire money but why do you need that amount?"
She said "it's just a small project that I'm working on, but it's kind of a secret"
I said "what happened to no secrets?"
Ana said "it's not like a secret, secret, it's like I don't want you to see it before it's finished, but as you may know I don't have a lot of..."
I said "fine, I'm interested, tomorrow morning you will have an account with that amount of money"
Ana hugged me, as you'd probably expect. I said "I'm going to shave and cut my hair because I don't like my hair and beard to be tall"
Ana said "no! Don't shave, I will shave and cut your hair"
I said smiling "I'm never going to let you do that"
She said "what about a deal?"
I said "go on?"
Ana said "if you let me shave and cut your hair, I will let you do my makeup and cut my hair?"
I said "fine, that's fair"
I never thought Ana would be such a snake, she asked to shower together because it makes these things better. And it's not like it was a bad experience but oh well it just feels awkward like do I scrub her body while she's scrubbing mine? Oh well, no one will ever know the rules of bathing together. She sat me on a chair in front of the mirror and she asked me "what kind of a haircut do you want?"
I said "just a normal one, just get rid of all the long hair"
See, it took her fifteen minutes, and the cut was clean, like so clean.
I was impressed really, I don't want to admit it, but she's better at this than I am. When she got to the beard she asked "what do you have to use for your beard?"
I said "I got a safety razor and a straight one, but I usually use the safety razor for everything"
She said as she held the straight razor "don't worry I won't cut you unless I want to"
She put the shaving cream on my face... to be honest I was scared because I thought she doesn't know how to do that. She held my face from my jaw, and she's so focused, she didn't even make eye contact.
I said "you're goo..."
She said shutting me up "shush! Don't talk, I might cut you"
I just watched her do three passes on my face, and I don't think I will ever shave for myself again. And as you expected, her makeup was shit, and I didn't touch her hair because I didn't want to ruin it.
I asked her "how are you so good at this?"
She said "I imagined your face as my legs"
I said "you know I'm okay with you not shaving your legs right?"
She said "I don't do it for you dummy, it just makes me uncomfortable in clothes"
That's basically it, I will live my life peacefully with my loved ones care free. I guess I will talk to you some other time then.

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