He did it, and he can't stop

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Arthur could not believe what he just read; he just had a confession from his father that he is a killer, should he tell someone or should he make sure that what his father wrote in that notebook was true, so he booked a flight to Detroit and went to his father's school only to find that it have been closed for eighteen years, so, as a police officer no one would question what Arthur was doing in that old school he would have showed them the badge if someone asked, but he had no trouble getting in the school building, so he checked every air system hole in the building and in the last one as he was about to go back knowing that everything in that notebook is just an imagination of a teenager something reflected the light from the flash light, Arthur's heartbeats started to raise as he found a container, a small one, a one that is good enough to put poison in it, and as he held it he found a piece of paper wrapped around it, written in it

"Bravo! You're smart enough to catch me after all"

Arthur felt bad but something made him feel suspicious and yet so curious to know what else is in that notebook, he found that the handwriting wasn't the same as the one in his father's diary, but on the other hand it is the hand writing of his father, Arthur knew because he used to try and copy his father's signature all the time and he never got close to copying it. Arthur went home with his heart broken knowing that his father was a cold blooded murderer but he had to keep reading, he had to know what else his father did to know his full story, and so he did when he went home, and he started reading as if he would finish the diary this night

"today or tomorrow I will lose my virginity, it's a long story which I will tell you about, and by the way I'm sixteen now and I'm going through puberty, so we got a new principal and she is a dominant pedophile, if you ask how I knew that I will tell you that reading people is a great gift, she is a lady in her forties and she is going through her middle age crisis, and this is not how I knew that she was a pedophile, if you look at her arms, they are strong and steady and yet she's not muscular, probably she raped a kid or two, and by the way she treats the students also, she touches everyone when she talks to them, it's not a sexual touch but it still counts as a touch of her lust for her students, and also she seems to be more mean to the kids that are ordinary and weak, and for the ones that seem helpless, on the other hand she looks to not have the same feeling towards kids that more like adults, she is actually less attracted to them, and what was my way to get closer to her you may ask, I tell you that getting In trouble is the fastest way to get through to any principal, I looked at the girl who is easiest to manipulate yet with the biggest sexual and dirty mind in our school, that would be Rebecca to everyone she is this hard and feared person, but I know her truth, she is secretly a sadist, and the easiest way to make her be in trouble with me yet without any physical fighting is to make her see something she love, a victim, yes, me, I played the victim and she fell for it I will tell you how, first of all just by getting her attention, I just walked like I was shrinking, like I feared everything that walked the earth, she even tried to get in my way to bully me like she did to any other kid in this school, and I avoided her, and that pissed her off too much that she just stood in front of me, and she ordered me to meet her at the laboratory after lunch, and I even acted like I shrunk even more and I stuttered when I said yes. You are probably wondering what did she do to me in the laboratory, I can tell you that she did the one thing that would make the principal want me, Rebecca used me or with more details she pushed me to the wall and she tore my shirt off as I said stuttering "please don't do that"
Like I couldn't break her neck if I wanted to. She said laughing "you're gay or what?"
a plan needs steps my fellow notebook, I just let her keep kissing my body and penetrating me to the wall until the man of the hour came, or should I say woman, as she entered the laboratory she saw her daydream becoming true, an under aged teenager, strong and muscular, yet being controlled by a girl almost half his weight, I could see the irresistible lust in her body language, her lips, her eyes and her hands, she saw me calling for help knowing that the male is the victim here, which is rare yet possible, but she was about to say "what's wrong?"
I thought what can I do to stop her, I did the thing that a child would do, someone that the principal would want to have and use, I cried, After she saw me she yelled at both of us and told me and not Rebecca to go to her office immediately, as I went to her office with my cut shirt
She asked me "what happened?"
Not for my care or anything but to fulfill her twisted and perverted fantasies, and you ask how I knew that? I tell you that I used the card that every time I use no one dare asks what actually happened, see, when you cry people know that talking hurts you, but that lady, she kept insisting that I talk, that's how I knew more, and she actually made me go with her to her home to get a new shirt, and so I went, and by the way her name is Ms. Linda Brown, so I went to her house with her in her car, and now she didn't touch me yet, not that much at least, she just kept feeling my body as she made me change my ruined shirt, that felt so bad, but on the other hand, that made me even more sure that she is a pedophile, because why would a woman with no kids nor husband have a shirt in the size of a teenager, after she touched me enough I knew that she will be my next victim, I used the (I have to go) card, and I went home and now I am telling you my sweet paper friend, right now I am waiting until everyone falls asleep so that I can sneak out and build my contraption that will amaze you, but I will tell you about it tomorrow, see you in a while crocodile, man I wish I had a real friend to tell him or her that, I guess I will be so cool, not that you are a bad friend, you are actually the best listener I have ever known, and I am kind of scared about tomorrow, this lady is still dangerous, but anyways, everyone is asleep now, I will tell you everything tomorrow like I said.

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