Someone was watching you

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Have you ever done a big crime and felt like someone was watching you? I mean you're a notebook you probably never even thought about doing anything. You want me to get to the point? Alright then, as you wish! After I got out of the plane and got my hotel room key right before I get in my room, I heard a small sound of footsteps as if someone was trying to hide the sound, and there was a man holding a syringe, if you ask me he looked like a very average man, of course as you expected I dodged him trying to inject me with the syringe, apparently that was a tranquilizer, after I dodged it and was about to attack him he smiled as he got a gun out of his coat, I didn't realize at that time that it was a tranquilizer gun, and I saw his cocky smile as I fell after he shot me with it. I woke up tied to a chair, that's what I would do to someone guilty, I thought at the time "is that the end? Am I going to die in the same way I do justice?"
The man said in English with very poor pronunciation "I am Dragunov, and you are Gabriel, I want you to tell me why and how you killed James"
I said in Russian "alright then Dragunov, I would like from you to suck my dick!"
He said in Russian "now you're making it easier for me to communicate with you, by being a smartass. Look son, the man you killed was just a small part of something so much bigger, all the organized crimes like drugs and gun trafficking even human trafficking. See, you might think the person doing those things back in your country is the big boss and all that, but believe me that person is just a very small pawn, because all the orders come from someone unknown with no records in anything, see, that person has the power to start a war that could end the world, but the family decided to do corruption from the inside. You know, we were coming for you when you were in Egypt, but you came to us on your own"
I said "let me get this straight, you're either going to torture me to death or you need me for something, and I doubt that you are going to torture me because I see nothing to be tortured with, unless you talking is my torture. And if you do need me for something just say it old man"
He said "you're straight to the point, I like that. You probably figured out that I work with the head place for all the organized crime, we call it the control cave, see, I am the right hand of the big boss, when I am actually a hypocrite because I have always planned to take that thing down, to end all the filth that drugs and guns and selling humans brings, but I waited enough working there until I became one of them.
When we found that James was killed and there was no trace to lead to anyone, the person who did it was a ghost, it began to turn into a legend until two years later after a lot of searching around, we found that a kid who was what? Fifteen or sixteen killed our strongest associate in the U.S.A that was a hit on the head to the big boss, and she didn't believe it, she hired someone to kill you but I insisted that they leave you to me, because I know you could do something with me, I thought we could take down the cave of control"
I said shocked "wait! So the boss is a she?"
Dragunov said "you bloody fuck! That's what caught your attention you sexist fuck? I am talking to you about a whole world of crime, and you're concerned about the boss's sex?"
I said "alright, untie me first so that I can trust you"
Weirdly enough he did untie me and just stood three meters away as I'm sitting in the chair looking at him. I said "and what is your magnificent plan to do whatever it is you want to do"
He said "you're going to go through the tests of being the new boss; you're going to make her think that you are worthy enough to rule the world of organized crimes"
I said "I don't get it, and why exactly would she want someone to take her place and if anyone could go through these tests, why me exactly? Why would she choose someone from another part of the world?"
He said "she never chose anyone, people have the chance to apply to be the new boss, and the reason that she wants someone to take her place is because she has five years left to live, and before anything, I want to know, are you in?"
I said "What will happen exactly if I'm not in?"
He said "I will have to make you kill me, because it will be the only explanation that makes sense, and because they will lose their trust in me if I lose a kid and come back empty handed, or I will kill you, but I don't think you deserve it"
I said "just shut the fuck up and stop playing me and tell me what these tests are and how long is it going to take, and what happens exactly if I fail?"
He said "the tests differs from one person to another and you're starting after two weeks for your finishing day to be scheduled for the day of the meeting, basically it's going to take a year"
I said "and what's my profit from all that?"
He said "first of all, you will destroy the head of all the organized crime, you will have one thousand two hundred and thirty one men under your command, and all of my legalized money which will be transferred to your accounts, if you're wondering what the amount of that money is, it's two and a half trillion dollars"
I said in shock "all of that just for one year of my life! And can you even imagine how big that number is? How did they even legalize that money?"
He said "see fifty people went through the tests and they all failed before half of the year is done, and by fail it's either they die, get killed, or kill themselves"
I said "I think I have been depressed lately so why not try to fight for living. I'm in"
I know that my choice is crazy. I know that might sound weird but I had the passing thought of killing myself when I was on the plane to Moscow, so after tomorrow I will do the test. It's in a place underground, that no one in this whole world knows about but the people that are involved with it, Dragunov didn't really tell everything about that test he just explained how difficult it is to pass it while staying mentally stable. I think I will leave you here and Dragunov will take care of you while I'm away this whole year, unless I die which will be something unfortunate, I guess I will see you next year then, old friend.

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