The end of the great Gabriel

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The end, I mean the actual end, let me tell you, I don't know what to tell you really, but just like I had my closure, I must give you your closure.
I came home after I stayed over for a small while at Arthur's place, and that was a couple of weeks after I saw the souls burn, Jonathan calls me Gabal because he can't pronounce my name, and sometimes he mixes between the word Gabriel and grandpa and says Gaba.
I came to see someone standing on the beach, someone that I longed for since she left, it was Ana, she was as shiny and bright as I remember her, wearing a very normal light white dress, and the air was playing with it's fabric like a little kid seeing the curtains for the first time. I walked to her, and with every step my eyes would start having more tears coming out of them, when I became a very few steps away from her she turned around with that beautiful smile she had, she said with a very soft voice "you're here!"
I said "you weren't here all this time"
She said "I'm here now"
I got closer and I put my hand on her cheeks as she put both her soft hands on it and I said "no matter how hot the sun was, it was always cold without you"
She chuckled with a few tears coming out of her eyes as she said "stop it now! Don't break my heart more than it's already broken, let's go rest on the bed, the wind is getting stronger"
And she pulled my arm softly as she walked in front of me to the house and then to the bedroom. We were both sleeping on our sides facing each other, she passed her hand on my face as she admired me and said "you look older than I remember"
I put her hand on my lips as I kissed it and said "I actually just turned sixty yesterday"
She got closer to me as she said "I was watching you since the day I left"
I asked looking into her eyes "and what did you see?"
She said "I saw Arthur get older, I saw you take care of other students problems', I saw you cry, and I saw you never looking at another woman the same way you're looking at me"
I said "did you see me do what I did in prison?"
She nodded with her head as she said "it doesn't matter now Gabriel"
We slept that day hugging each other, it was afternoon and against my schedule, but it didn't matter, I couldn't waste a chance like this one, everything felt peaceful, she stayed with me until a month ago, she didn't leave, and I didn't make her leave, I loved her existence, but one day I woke up to her saying "I need you to meet someone"
And I saw myself standing in front of the door, I asked Anastasia "you want me to meet myself"
He said with a very wise tone "I'm not you Gabriel, I want you to think again!"
I looked at the ground and then I looked at him confused as I said "god?"
He smiled a smile that meant I was right, so I asked him as I stood up "are you here to take her away like you took the rest?"
He said "I'm here to tell you that I'm taking you away"
I said "you're going to kill me?"
He said "I don't like the word killing, I like to call it, make you immortal"
I said "but you haven't answered me on the questions I asked through my lifetime!"
He said "I calculate the life of every human! You can't really expect me to be able to explain my actions to you without wasting your soul like you wasted your father's soul, he couldn't take it"
I said "but why are you appearing to me, of all people?"
He said "because you're special, Gabriel"
I said "do you forgive my sins?"
He nodded with his head meaning "yes"
I breathed a couple of times and thoughts started flying in and out my brain, and it was at this time I had my sanity back, I realized, none of what I saw really happened, I didn't respond to god and Ana as I walked passed them to get dressed, he kept trying to stop me, apparently he knew what I was going to do, I took my motorcycle to the hospital, and what I thought was true, right before I was going to take the scan, it was like he was begging me not to, and Ana disappeared, but he stayed there, and the parts that were inside of me from the arm weren't Metal, so maybe Elliott was smart after all, when I came out, the doctor said with a very sad look on her face "I'm really sorry, but you have a brain tumor, you're very late I don't think chemotherapy would make a difference"
I looked at god, or maybe I should say my tumor, and then I looked at the doctor as I said "it's okay don't be sad"
The doctor looked confused as she said "do you need to call any family or friends, I said "I don't have friends, I will tell my family"
And I walked away, I looked at him walking beside me as I said "god doesn't care about me"
He said trying to save himself "this was my way of trying to communicate with you"
I said "you could've sent one of your angels, please stop it"
And he disappeared, I wanted Anastasia to appear and so she did, she said as she was sat rode behind me on the motorcycle "but I'm not real?"
I said "it doesn't matter"
I took off to where Arthur's home and I called Liz to come over, maybe I should stop talking now as if I'm talking to a notebook and start talking as if I'm talking to you Arthur, yes, you, I know you're reading this right now and you're crying, because you've already been through this once, and you don't want to go through it again, but it's okay, I want you to know that I love you, and I will die loving you.
Now back to making you cry more because I'm your father and I have the right to, I wish I could write Emojis here like the ones you tell me not to send because they look silly, just for you to know that I'm laughing, but I guess you already know"

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