Shaun is good

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So, I think Shaun was a good choice, he's funny he cheers me up sometimes, and his taste in movies is quite nice. I know that you're probably dying to know why did I actually take the small bed and give him the big one. It's more of a sleeping problem, I couldn't sleep on the king sized bed so, I tried the small one, and it was a little better but not that good, so I had the amazing idea of sleeping under the bed, and you know what happened? I fell asleep right away, it's a little funny when you think of it, since we're all scared of the monster under the bed, but all of a sudden I am the monster under the bed, I was trained to be. Apparently all the lecturers like me because I argue a lot with them on very sensitive points, to the point that they meet me after class just to keep talking about physics, one of them was a woman, she asked me to talk about physics over coffee, and I asked her if it was okay if I pick her up with my motorcycle, and she agreed. Today is the day I will meet her on, I hope I don't mess this up and give her wrong signals, I will talk to you again when I'm back.

It happened, she's actually a nice person, and she smiled through the whole time as if she never saw anyone talking about physics before, the thing is, she's lost, it was a weird meeting for coffee, and she was more interested in taking with me about me than she was about physics.
She said "what is your story, you don't look poor, yet you don't own a car, you have a motorcycle, and don't you think you're a bit old for college?"
I said "it's a long story really"
She said "come on Mr. closed book, it's not like we don't have all time go on I'm listening"
I said "I'm just some rich asshole who got the money from his parents"
She said "well that's not as exciting as I thought it would be"
I said "oh! But yours is more interesting"
She said smiling "oh well and how would you know?"
I said with an evil smile "I can guess each main thing in your life, I'm a psychic"
She said laughing "you know we're scientists we shouldn't believe in that horseshit"
I said teasing her "try"
She said "fine, do it then"
I started looking around at her. I asked her to open her bag, but she said "that's personal!"
I said "you won't get the readings right"
So she gave me her bag I looked slightly in it and then gave it back to her. I said preparing her "are you ready?"
She nodded with her head. I said "your parents wanted you to be a princess also known as a housewife, and they didn't like it when you wanted to study physics, but you did anyways, your sexuality is quite unpredictable but I would say you like both males and females, the way you're looking at that girl that serves coffee, I would say you have big crush on her, just the same way you have one on me, because no lecturer would ask their student on a date, and actually what is that E.G company that I started seeing everywhere since the day I got back in America? I am asking because I noticed that you're working in it, judging by the merchandise you have for it in your bag"
She said with a shocked smile "you little fucker, how could you possibly know that?"
I said "well, the little fucker shall not answer until his question is answered"
She said "you mean about E.G? It's basically the best company to ever exist, this Elliott guy, he's a real genius if you ask me"
I don't know if you remember or not, but do you remember that Elliott I met when I played poker? Yes, that one. Apparently he made an empire with the money I gave him, so after we talked about Elliott.
She said "I really wished that you weren't gay"
I said with shock on my face "I am not gay"
She said "and what proves that you're not?"
I stood up and grabbed the arm of girl that Natalie was looking at and I asked with my lips a centimeter away "can I kiss you?"
The girl stuttered as she said "yes"
So I kissed her and sat back down and stretched my arm as I smiled at Natalie. Natalie said "how did you do that? And why exactly did you have to demonstrate that on another woman when I'm right in front of you, you asshole"
I said smiling a cocky smile "first of all you would abuse that and use it in the wrong way if I teach you, and second of all you're my teacher basically and it would be so unethical to kiss you, and because I'm not made for any kind of relationships even the sexual ones"
She said confused "so, you don't like sex?"
I said "I love sex, but I don't want it"
She said "you are so interesting"
I said "and you're so away from physics with these topics of yours"
She said "before getting back to physics, can I trust you not to be different with me later in the next lectures?"
I said "sure you can"
And we kept talking about the boring things that you don't really want to hear about. I got home only to find Shaun running to me saying "where the fuck were you? I am starving"
I said "do I look like your maid?"
He said "yes you are my maid, now please make me some food"
I said "take that back or else you'll have to go buy yourself some food from a shitty restaurant with a cook that likes to spit inside the food"
He said "I'm sorry, you're not a maid you're the best chef to ever walk the earth, now please! Make me food!"
I said "alright then"
He hugged me as he said "I fucking love you"
And then he stood back for a moment and said smiling "but not to the point where I would suck your dick"
I laughed, he's a pure person I like the way he jokes a lot. While I was sitting with him when he was eating he said "have you heard about the couple kidnappings?"
My eyes suddenly stared at him as I said "what kidnappings? Tell me more"
He said "how could you not hear of it? it's all over the news, five couples have been kidnapped, all of them are married and they can't find any trace to what happened, some say it's a serial killer and others say it's just a kidnapper, and no one really knows anything, even the police knows nothing, they're pathetic, I bet the executioner is going catch that bastard before they even have any leads"
I said wondering "the executioner?"
He said "you don't know him? Have you been living under a rock or what, he's that serial killer that the cops never stopped searching for all over the country, and yet they found nothing, all he does is torture people that either..."
I said "don't continue I know"
He said with his mouth full of food "what do you think"
I said "what do I think? Of course he's going to catch the fucker doing this"
He raised his eyebrows and nodded with his head as if he agrees with me. He said after finishing his plate "I never thought a man could cook that good, you must be gay, there's no way you're normal"
I said "you better go wash the dishes before I make you forget your own name"
After that he went to his room and I went to meet the head of North America which is a big person in the United States marshals' service.
I went to meet him at his house which happens to be in California.
So apparently in each police station or department I have three or two people working on the actual police force, and on either in the forensics' team or the evidence room, the one that Franco said was going to be my help was named Isaac, like that bitch's father.
When we sat down, the first thing I asked him was "what evidence do you have on this guy exactly?"
He said "literally nothing, the guy is a fucking ghost, all the cars of the victims are in their ordinary places, and the fingerprints on the houses were not wiped they were just fingerprints you would find in an ordinary house, no one else's fingerprints are there"
I rubbed my head for a couple of seconds while I was thinking, and then I said "did any of the couples order a repairman before they got kidnapped?"
He said "that's a weird question, but yes, they did"
I said "and did you find this repairman's fingerprints?"
He said "no we didn't, but it didn't matter since the repairman had a heart attack and died before the last couple got kidnapped"
I started walking around in circles as I started thinking and said "this guy is smart but he makes mistakes"
I asked "you did search for all the old warehouses and factories, in the radius of kidnappings right?"
He said "we did and we found nothing"
I started thinking harder, I asked him "how did you know which warehouses and old factories to search?"
He said "we know from the documents we have, why?"
I said "do you have a copies of all the records about all the ware houses and factories that exist in this radius?"
He said "yes? I already said that's where we knew where to search"
I said "honey, I said copies, and you searched the original records, get me the copies!"
I waited at his house for an hour and thirteen minutes until he got the copies from the place where they store them. When he gave me the copies he asked "but why would you need those?"
I said ignoring him with my hands open "and give me the original ones too"
I put both my pointing fingers on them, that my right hand was on the original and my left one was on the copies, and I kept reading the names of the warehouses on both papers and then lowering my finger to the next one, I kept doing that on two pages and in the third one I found it, it was a warehouse in the copies that wasn't in the supposedly original records. I said "I found it!"
Isaac said "what did you find exactly?"
I explained to him that there's a name in the copy that isn't in the original record. He said "and how did you know that this was going to work"
I said "I didn't, I just thought like the pig, unlike you, you fucking idiots, you didn't wait and wonder why the repairman's fingerprints didn't exist in the house? And why were the victims' fingerprints there? It's because he tricked you, he planted their fingerprints there after wiping everything clean to make it look like an ordinary house, and you put the records and their copies in different places right? He thought, oh well those lazy bastards won't bother look in the copies so why risk it, I will only fabricate the original one"
He looked shocked for ten seconds and then he asked "who the fuck are you anyways, I only helped you because the Marshal asked me to"
I asked him "do you know who started all this?"
He said "yeah, the Russian"
I said "yes, but do you know who actually gave him the idea of starting it?"
He said "yes there are words here and there that this guy was turned into a killing machine"
I looked at him and smiled, it took him a second or so to realize that it was me. I gave him the papers as I stood up and thanked him for his hospitality and went back home, only to find that Shaun was trying to be a star by singing, it was quite funny opening the door on him and seeing him fall to the ground. I said mocking him as I got into my room "definitely California girls would love to see that"
He laughed as he said "go suck a dick"
Now that I know where the people are, all I need to do is just make a plan to go there unnoticed and pack myself, I will talk to you again when I catch the fucker."

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