You didn't kill the man

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Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, I don't know what to say, I feel good, yet freaked out, so, do you remember that guy"

Arthur stopped reading knowing that he stopped on the best part, but he had to think to himself, he wanted to accept that what he's reading is the real thing, he need to accept that this man talking in the notebook is his father, the man he loved the most, his hero, after he had his moment with himself, Arthur went to his son's room to look at him, to see how beautiful his little son is like, and how peaceful he is asleep. One thing that assured Arthur even more is that this man was his father, is that the handwriting became more and more like Gabriel's handwriting, the more he read into the notebook. Arthur kept stalling trying not to continue but he was intrigued by what he's reading he didn't care if his father was guilty or not anymore because he knew that what happened has already happened, but he only cared to know what kind of a man was his father, he wanted to see what his father was hiding from him, and so he got his courage together and started reading from where he left off

"So, do you remember that guy I told you I killed in alley? Turns out I didn't really kill him, so, after I told you that I would do something that will make me feel better, I went to the same alley to find that the man was still in there like I left him, the only thing that changed was that there was no flesh in or on his body, you can say he was a skeleton, so I wore my gloves and looked through his wallet trying to find an address and I found one, but I had to go to sleep because it was too late, when I woke up I went to that address but I got to it early, so when I got there I found that it was a decent house, not a very big and rich, or very small one, it was just ordinary, and as I was watching from a distance what was happening in there, it seemed like it was a family in there getting ready to start there day, what made me feel weird was that I saw a familiar face, of course it was familiar to me not to you because I don't mention everything, so he is a boy at my school called Scott Anderson, he wasn't a popular boy nor a scumbag, but he was ordinary and bright, like the kind of person that's a good main character in a high school movie, and so I made my plane to walk and call his name like it's a coincidence that I met him, and so it happened, and I told him that I wanted to talk to him about his father since we both lost our father
Scott said "yes, sure, but how did you know about my father"
I improvised and said "well, the person who told me wanted to stay unknown"
And Scott believed it and we walked to school together, and while we were walking he wanted to chat a little
So he asked me "are you really Rebecca's new boyfriend like the rumors say?"
My mouth slipped and I said "how could there be rumors when I just slept with her yesterday?"
Scott said "I take it from what you said that the rumors are right, and it is okay my friend girls gossip a lot that the whole school now knows this... rumor, but an advice from one person to another she's not the best choice, she almost killed her ex-boyfriend when she was in middle school because he dumped her"
I asked Scott "are you sure of that?"
And I knew that she's disturbed enough to do something like that, and he said "yes, I'm sure"
I didn't know what to say so I nodded with my head and kept walking and told him that I will meet with him at lunch to talk, and so we split up and each one entered his class, as I entered I found a man, well dressed, in his eyes I saw that he was looking for someone or something I looked at the chalkboard and there was the most interesting math problem I had seen, it was something big, not like these stupid things they teach us in school. The teacher talked in an angry way saying "how could you get late when we're having a guest"
I said focusing on the problem "Shush!"
everyone made that annoying sound that kids make when they are amazed, the teacher Mr. Maxwell kept saying how could I say that to him, I knew that the man who was well dressed was from a high name university or college and he looked interested when I focused on that board, so I told him to shut up Mr. Maxwell or I won't solve that problem. Mr. Maxwell said "you could solve that! You're an idiot, I myself couldn't solve it"
I said "well, then you're the idiot"
And here they were the other students again with that annoying sound they make. The man said "calm down everybody, if our friend here couldn't solve it he's in a big trouble and if he can, well, I don't know about that yet"
And then he gave me a piece of chalk and I started solving, it was interesting in the beginning but after I finished I realized how easy it was. I looked back at the class and said "well, that was easy!"
One of the golden kids in the front seats said "of course it's wrong, how can someone with average marks like you solve that?"
I said mocking him "well, someone's got a crush on me, and if not, then explain why do you know my marks?"
The boy whom I don't give a fuck about said "to make sure no one is better than me"
I said still mocking "well, face it I am better than you"
The man was focusing on how I solved the math problem while I and that shit head were arguing. The man said "he solved it right!"
I looked at that shit head and said "I told you I'm better than you"
The boy which I still give a fuck about looked like he was about to cry, Mr. Maxwell looked like he was mad too because he wouldn't get his revenge on me, and the man asks about my name and says "I think your class is over kids because me and Gabriel here are going to have a big talk"
I felt like some sort of a gangster and as the teacher and the other students got out I said "you heard him get the fuck out"
The man said "language!"
I said "sorry but I had to say it to that little brat in the front seat"
I asked him about his name, He said that "it's Richard"
And I asked him about what he wanted from me exactly, and he said "only a small percentage of the human populations are able to solve something like the one you solved"
I said "Get to the point please"
He said "well, I am offering you a scholarship to some fancy university that is either for rich people or smart ones"
of course he didn't say it like that but that's how I heard it in my head, I told him that I don't want his scholarship and if he wanted to come and play a little math with me in my school I'm always open, but I don't want the stupid scholarship, he kept telling me about how this is so important and how this is a once in a lifetime thing, and I said "that's what I have and some of the other kids would be very happy to say that I didn't solve that as you saw, with the shit that was fighting me"
And then he got out of class to tell the teacher that he could send me to the principal now which he did, and I want you to guess what she told me, I guess you know what that bitch said, she said "your punishment will be later"
I said to her "fuck you!"
And then lunch time was near and that time was my redemption, I met with Scott, he kept telling me that it's okay and that my father was in a good place and I went with what he said, and then after he finished the (he's in a better place) talk, I asked him about his father and how did he disappear, no one told me that he wasn't found, but I am not stupid, I mean they would've buried him or even try to find his killer, fine I know you hate my thinking but you're a stubborn notebook but those were my thoughts at the time because all that already happened. I will tell you what he said, Scott said "well my father was not missing he had a disease that I can't even spell, so, he left the hospital against medical advice, and in his last hours he just told us not to come looking for him, I mean he was a strange man, but his wishes were understandable, he wanted to die alone, and so we gave him his wish and let him go"
I asked Scott what his father believed in, he replied "well as I told you he was a weird man, he always wanted his body to be a help for humanity after his death but since he was sick he couldn't do that" I asked him at what time his father had left home
Scott said "about dawn, and he had probably died peacefully alone as he wished"
I then told him that I appreciate him talking to me and all that shit. To be honest I felt happy, I did not kill an innocent person, all these things about god I said I was a little kid I think I have grown now. And as Mr. Samuel Anderson wanted, his body will not go to waste his body will be the beginning of something big, I mean he already is is, it has already started but I won't tell you about it right now. After I finished talking with Scott, there she was, the sex machine that never rests, I mean this day I had sex with her twice, like having sex is like drinking water or as if it's an essential meal, and working with her father, that's even more awkward, but on the other hand, she's the only person that loves me at the moment, I mean you might love me Mr. Notebook but I wouldn't know, I will talk to you again in a while.

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