The statue was your future

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Arthur said "your emotions towards others played a big role in your numbness to others, you were completely sane doing these things, but that doesn't mean that you did it out of hate, you've already been punished for more than you've done, it's complicated that I love you and I am trying to show how wrong you are. If this was something we're both reading you would've said that the possibility of this happening to someone has more ZEROs than the mind can handle"
Arthur looked at the grave as he said "you're lucky today is a free day for me"
And he opened the notebook to read.

"I won't keep teaching probably, I'm getting too old for this, I will talk to you again when I have something to say.

Anastasia predicted the future, or maybe it was a lucky guess, but I lost my left arm, it was a street accident, but I helped saving a guy, so maybe it's not that bad, it's the same exact arm that fell off the statue that Anastasia made, I mean, it's a fifty percent chance that I get that arm amputated if we ignore the fact that there's a chance to get my arm amputated in the first place, it's quite funny how I saw Arthur and Elena, even the guy that I saved waiting by my bed as I woke up.
I looked at the place where my left arm used to be and I looked at them and I smiled as I said "I remember having an arm here"
The guy chuckled because what I said was unexpected for him, and he said apologizing "sorry"
I looked at the guy as I said "the car nearly hit you, are you alright?"
Arthur yelled as he stood up "the man is alright, and you lost a fucking arm what are you so happy about?"
I mean I already knew by the time that it didn't really matter that much, it's just an arm, I could still hold stuff with one arm, so I laughed as I said replying to Arthur "it wasn't your arm Arthur, and what do you want me to do? Be depressed over it?"
Arthur said "aren't you going to ask about the guy that hit you or anything? Or are you just going to be Mr. Blue Sky"
I laughed as I said "come here, you know you're being too rude to someone who just lost their arm? And your wife is pregnant don't stress her or the baby might come out as stubborn as you are!"
He came to hug me as his eyes burst into tears, I said patting with my right arm on his back "it's okay, your dad is as strong as one can be, and I don't need the other arm to hold you tight or pat on you, see? It's totally useless!"
I ended up shaking the guy's hand and Arthur sat for a little with me, but I made him go home to get some rest, but after Arthur left an unexpected visitor came, it was Elijah, and he wasn't alone he had Elliott with him, the boy wasn't a boy no more, and Elliott looked too old, I looked at Elliott as I said "I've been to prison, and you still look older than me"
I looked at Elijah as I smiled a welcoming smile and said "look at the little shit who forgot to thank his teacher for more than twenty years"
They both shook my hand and Elijah gave me a hug, I asked Elliott "what brings you here after you achieving your dreams"
Elliott said "to help you!"
I said "I don't need help from you grandpa!"
He said "you know I'm younger than you are?"
Elijah said "we can replace your arm, Mr. Gabriel"
I said "I'm not taking anyone else's arm"
Elliott said "no one talked about humans' arms"
I said "so you're going to give me an arm like a phone?"
Elijah said "I never took you for stupid, how do you compare an arm to a phone Mister Gabriel?"
I said "they both need to charge"
Elliott said "you stubborn fuck! It's not like you're going to need it when you're sleeping are you?"
Elijah said to Elliott "I told you he's not going to agree!"
I said smiling "fine then, I agree"
And not too long after I woke up, I went to another surgery without telling Arthur. When I woke up I saw Elliott and Elijah was standing beside him. Elliott said "the arm you have on you costs ten million dollars"
I said putting my thoughts together "and you're telling me that to blackmail me into paying that amount? Are you stupid? You know how much I can pay right?"
Elliott said "I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that, it's a gift. I just thought it would sound cool"
I looked at Elijah as I said "don't be like this man, he was too soaked into his work to the point that he doesn't know how to deal with humans anymore"
When I looked at the arm, it looked like something from a science fiction movie, when I moved it, it felt like a real arm, even though I didn't feel anything touching it, it's like I was controlling a machine with my mind, it worked spectacularly, and as an adult I just sat down and had some time with Elijah and Elliott, and then I went away, I thought of visiting Arthur. I knocked on the door, and Arthur opened the door, he welcomed me in with a smile, he didn't know at the time that I had another arm under the clothes I was wearing, he said "it's boiling in here, why are you wearing all that!"
As Elena came in to sit with us I took off the jacket with a cocky smile as I said "it's rude of you to not consider that I might be hiding something under these clothes"
Arthur saw the arm and he said "son of a bitch!"
I pointed at Elena's belly as I said "that's no way to speak in front of your son!"
Elena said "I never saw a prosthetic arm like this one, can you move it?"
I moved it swiftly in front of both of them and I closed my hand and opened it, it moved like a real arm would move. Arthur said "where did you get the money for that!"
I said "it's a gift from Elliott"
Elena said "you're talking about the Elliott? The founder of E.G?"
I said "yeah, that Elliott"
Arthur said "when will your secrets end?"
I winked an evil wink as I said "they won't"
Elena said "don't go, wait dinner is ready"
I looked at Arthur as Elena went to the kitchen and I whispered aggressively "I would rather go eat my own home cooked food!"
Arthur said "don't be hard on her, she's pregnant, she's trying her best!"
So I agreed on staying for dinner, I mean, don't get me wrong, her food is good, but it tastes normal, and now that she's tired and insisting on making food on her own, you can expect from her to forget the seasoning. We both sat and ate and just as I had the first bite, Elena asked "how are you liking the food so far"
I could see that Arthur was looking at me dead in the eye waiting for me to say anything bad about Elena's just to stab me with a fork, so I said to Elena "it's absolutely amazing this time"
Elena said "now I know the right ingredients I will remember to do them every time"
Arthur closed his eyes as he said with his lips "fuck!"
Elena said "I saw that! You liar!"
I started laughing as Arthur said "what are you laughing at!?"
I put my hand on my face as I kept smiling and said "nothing"
It was a good sight to see if you're asking me, they really work for each other as a couple, I wish nothing happens to them, and right now, I'm just at the beach writing to you as I'm looking at the stars.
You know, I sometimes think, does Ana still remember me? Can she read my mind when I think about her? When you're as old as I am you start thinking about your death, maybe it's near and you're finally going to rest from the burdens of the real world, or maybe it's not anywhere near and you will just have to keep living because you don't have the right to take what's not yours, and my life isn't mine, people care about me, and people will be broken to think that I left them, it's quite a hard equation that you just choose to not solve at all by staying alive. Come to think of it, when Arthur said "when will your secrets end?"
That made me think, maybe he will be reading this when I die, but at least I won't be here, because I won't be able to face him. If Anastasia was here she would've asked me to stop thinking about death, but come to think of it again, if she was alive I wouldn't have thought about death in the first place. I will talk to you again soon.

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