Love in Egypt

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It's been four days and I think I have a very big crush on this Ward, and I know for sure that she doesn't have any kind of feelings towards me. Back to our plan and I will tell you all the feelings stuff later, so apparently Ward recognized five people as freaks or weird lookers, and me and Badr crossed out two of them by testing their DNA for the killer's DNA and they didn't match. so I go with Ward almost everywhere and I think I will start lying out my feeling on you since I can't talk about it with Badr because he would be confused by it, so since the moment I saw Ward I actually got moved by seeing her, and to skip a lot of talking, she actually said a lot about herself so apparently she is disowned by her family and they would kill her but the law stops them from doing that, because to them she is a slut, and for your information, Mr. stupid notebook, an eastern dancer is not really a stripper, she might wear revealing stuff and maybe too tight stuff but she never does lap dances or be topless or such things, she's just like a ballerina except she's hot, that's all, but as you might see religion once again makes people's lives worse, and Ward actually doesn't care that much since her job provides her a lot of money and she's living happily, but she's actually lying because she wished that she was like any other girl to have her father or mother or even brother proud of her. On my third day of staying with her and hearing for the ninth time how much of a great cook I am, we actually sat and had a good conversation on dinner. Ward said "so why do you speak so weird and yet you're not retarded"
I thought she was ready to know the truth and I was right, I said "first of all stop saying that word because it's not something good to be said about those who have a disability and have no choice in it, and we're not really cops and I'm American, I am just here to catch a killer"
Yes if you're wondering, retarded has a word just like it in Arabic and they use it as if it's normal just like it is back in America. Ward said "I actually did not expect that, I mean I thought you weren't real cops, you and that big guy, but you being from America that I did not expect! Now tell me how is that America of yours like? How did you live your life there? I only hear about it in the pictures"
She actually sounded very excited to hear about it I told her how I was from a religious family and about my sex freak of a girlfriend and how I just made a lot of money. Ward said smiling a funny smile while raising her eyebrows "Describe that girlfriend of yours, lover boy!"
She winked while saying "lover boy" it was a little funny
I said "well, her name's Rebecca and her body was something amazing her hair was blonde, but she always thought about sex"
Ward said "her name is weird, and you're crazy to cut your relationship with a blonde!"
I said "yeah I did, and you're amazed why exactly?"
She said "well it's not that you look like shit or anything, but blondes are very pretty it's actually a bless that we don't have them that much here or else no one would be even looking at me"
I said "I didn't fall in love with her because she was blonde, actually I don't even know if I loved her, or I just tried to tell myself that it's a must to have a girlfriend, and just defy my father's laws, or maybe just because I wanted to try what this love thing is like"
She said "well, and what did your father think about you loving her or... getting naughty with her Mr. Lover Boy"
I said smiling "he didn't, he died before any of these things happened, every time I remember him dying in front of me it's like it's the best moment of my life"
She said "and how did he die exactly?"
I said looking up at the ceiling and smiling "the filthy pig was poisoned by his secret lover"
She said "what did he do to you exactly that you hate him so much for?"
I said in a way that means he did a lot "well... let's see, he beat me and my mother and sister and he didn't really hate my two brothers because in his mind they were righteous, and he treated us like shit and he was a fucking hypocrite, saying that sins are wrong people who have many sins will go to hell and all that bullshit just to make us into his own personal slaves"
She said "all fathers are like that if you think about it, mine used to hit me with a thick stick when I was nine years old for trying to play with the boys in the street"
I said "and you didn't hurt him back when you got older or do anything?"
She said "what would I do? He's my father after all. I actually still miss him though, but I had to make the choice between living the life I want and being a good daughter in his eyes, and as you see I made my choice"
I made the "Mmm" sound, because I didn't really know what to say at this point, so I asked her if she wanted some apple juice, and she said "yes, I would like some"
She went and laid down on the couch that I sleep on, I got her a glass and got me one too she took it and kept looking up at the ceiling and I sat beside her on the ground with my head close to her stomach but not touching her because that would be sexual assault and because that wouldn't be a good move. After a couple of minutes she put her hand on my hair and started moving her hand around,
And she said "you're too young and pretty, why would you travel across the world for someone that kills women that people wouldn't care about"
I said "women are pretty I'm not pretty, and these women are people with lives and they have a right to live a peaceful life, and because I like justice, because I like to fuck up people who hurt others, I travelled across the world"
She said "calm down pretty boy! I didn't know that you were one of those people!"
I said wondering "what do you mean by saying those people exactly?"
She said "I mean it as in one of those people who were just born to defend and care for others even though no one gives two shits about what they do"
I didn't really have a reply to what she said so I didn't say anything I just enjoyed these peaceful seconds with her before she went to sleep. Tomorrow we are doing another DNA test and now I won't actually write to you again until we do the deed and kill the killer so I guess I will see you then.

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