California again

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Arthur had this feeling of emptiness, like he had to talk to his father, but it made him frustrated knowing that all he had left was just this notebook, his wife gave him comfort with her being by his side when he's asleep.
Arthur sat his alarm to dawn because that's the time that no one really goes visiting dead people.
Arthur sat in front of his father's grave and he just started looking at both the notebook and the grave.
Arthur said with a calm voice "you know you're a coward, but I still respect and love you somehow, even though you did all that, but I still don't know the whole truth"
Arthur started reading

"You know I'm no coward f..."

Arthur closed the notebook and looked at the grave in surprise not knowing, what to do so he opened the notebook again slowly and read

"You know I'm no coward for not wanting to go back to Detroit where my family is."

Arthur smiled a small smile as he looked at the grave and said "you know you almost got me there old man"
Arthur started reading again.

"The thing here is that they're probably living happily and they forgot that it was me who gave them the money, I just don't want them to think that they're obligated to do anything, and no matter how much they lie about loving that shit, I know that deep down they all hate him.
He may rot in the deepest part in hell. Enough talking about him, he's not really worth your special time as my favorite notebook is it?
Obviously as I said, I am going to study physics because I think that physics is my passion, it's basically the science of everything, and actually it is everything. I absolutely sound like a mad scientist saying that. I bought a nice apartment close to where the campus is, and I can say that it's absolutely not for college students, because I bought it for one hundred and fifty thousand dollars which is nothing really to me and I could have bought a palace but after some thinking, that wouldn't be good since being alone in a very big and fancy place is going to make me feel empty which I'm not going to lie, I do feel empty a little without having a palace. But this apartment it's perfection really, it has a very big kitchen with everything someone could need to cook anything, it has three rooms and each room's got it's bathroom, and it has a balcony but I don't think I would use that, I made one of the rooms to be my training room, fully isolated from sound, which means no sound can get out or in this room, it's basically a gym, but it's the gym I would use, the one thing that took a little searching to be found was the wooden dummy used to practice Wing Chun, which is one of the best martial arts if not the best. You're probably bored right now of me just talking about things that you don't care about, but I just feel like telling you this because I have no one else to bother. About the college, I took the test and they said it was weird that I decided to go to college in my age, but I obviously answered all the questions right, see, the college needs money, when I paid my money full on one time, it was a bit weird since, usually no one interested in physics would actually be able to pay that much money all at once. Actually one thing weird I noticed is that all the electronics in the house has this brand called E.G on it, which is a stupid name for a company, but they're quite better than the ones I used to see before leaving America, I guess you can say science is moving forward really. I will talk to you again when I settle in better, or maybe get a roommate, see you later.

So I picked the first roommate I found, his name is Shaun, he's the kind of person that everyone likes to have in their party, and he really likes women, I mean he is basically eighteen if you think about it, he must be horny as fuck, I will tell you what I deduced about him but I will first tell you how I met him. So, I put an ad on the campus that I needed a roommate, and when I say I put an ad that I needed a roommate that means that I actually just put that and put the number that people should call me on. That obviously looked super suspicious, but in the same exact day he called and we made an appointment to meet in a coffee shop, and we did. I noticed him because when he was there, he kept looking around as if he was waiting for a sign, he was exactly two minutes and seventeen seconds late, which is so impressive since he's American. I raised my hand to catch his attention, with a small smile on my face to look friendly, when he saw me he got closer and said "Gabriel?"
I nodded with my head, so he sat down, He said all of a sudden "before we get into anything serious, do you suck dick?"
I looked at him with my face looking so confused and I said "what?"
He said explaining what I already knew "do you like to be fu..."
I said stopping him "no, I don't"
He said "weird that you put on ad that you want only men?"
I said trying to make a joke "weird that you called anyways?"
He said laughing "you do have a point"
He ordered coffee and I ordered and I ordered water. He said "what kind of a person orders water? And why do you look so old anyways?"
I said "the kind of person that doesn't like coffee, I look old because maybe I am old, I'm in my mid-twenties"
He said wondering "so do you even go to college?"
I said "yes, this year is my first year, because I went around the world for what is close to seven years before going to college"
He said "getting to the point where we agree to disagree, how much will I pay a month?"
I asked "how much do you actually want to pay"
He looked confused as he said "not more than one fifty?"
I said "what about fifty bucks?"
He laughed as if he heard the funniest joke ever, but then he saw my face and realized I wasn't really joking, I mean for my rules fifty bucks is actually okay, even though if he was actually renting an apartment like this one, each one of us would pay four hundred dollars.
He said while getting his wallet out "can we go see it now?"
I said putting my hand on his wallet making the gesture that I'm the one paying for his coffee "yes"
Halfway walking he said "it's going to take a long time to walk to the poor part"
I said pointing at the building "it's not that far it's actually right there"
He looked at me and said "how will I pay fifty bucks for a place here? Are you sure you're not going to rape me or anything?"
I said with a little angry tone "literally, if you make any gay jokes again I will cut off your dick and shove it up your ass"
He said "alright, sorry, chill, I was just joking man"
We arrived at the building and I got in so he got in after me, he was behind me but I could expect the look of shock on his face. As I entered the apartment I went to the kitchen and said "this is the kitchen, you're not allowed to cook anything in it, you're only allowed to open the fridge and drink water because I will cook"
I went to his room, I gave him the one with the king sized bed and I took the room with the small bed, I will tell you why I did that later.
He looked at the rooms as we were sitting discussing some rules, and I think he didn't even notice the balcony. He said interrupting me "I can see two more rooms, one of them must be yours, and I'm curious about the other one"
I said with an honest tone "this room is where I kill people because it's fully isolated from sound, no sound gets in or out of there"
Shaun looked terrified as he stood up and got to the door.
I said opening the room's door "wait, it's just a gym, come see for yourself"
He came closer carefully, as he started letting his guards down, seeing it's an actual gym. He said "that's so cool, I'm going to make some muscles here and then go to the beach to get some of those sweet California girls"
I looked at him and said "you're not actually allowed to enter this room"
He looked at me and said "that's not fair!"
I said "it's so fair considering that you're paying fifty bucks a month, and one more rule, no parties are to be made here"
He said "you're probably right, it's a deal then, roommate, I'm going to get my things and be right back to settle in good"
Before he got out of the house I gave him two keys one for his room the other for the apartment.
I said "don't think about stealing me because it won't end up that well, just know that if you need any amount of money I will give it to you if you asked"
He said making a joke "alright Mr. Charities"
I said while putting the keys in his hand and closing the door "fuck you!"
He's still getting his stuff right now, I think he's a good guy, even though he loves women to a point that I don't think I'm capable of reaching. So, I deduced good things about him, the bad things were barely even bad. Judging by the way he dressed he has a job that provides him enough money to live a kind of a decent life on his own, judging that his skin is black and he still talks to me ordinarily, he has pride in himself, unlike other black people that let white shitty people degrade them, racism is one thing I never missed about America and would never miss because it's always there, he doesn't look from California he looked as if he moved away from his parents' place just like I did. The way he talks about females makes him look like a virgin which he probably is, maybe he's going to be a friend or something.
While he was talking he said that he studied chemistry, which means his mind is not dumb, and yes I did judge his mind because of what he studies. I can hear him in the hallway I will talk to you later.

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