The breaking of Gabriel

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I am alive.

It's been a week since I let you know that I'm alive, I will tell you what happened don't worry even though I doubt that you're capable of getting worried. I was taken there with a black hood over my head, I was told to not assume that any female was the boss because that puts Dragunov's head on the line, since the boss isn't to be talked about outside the cave of control. I was sat down on a chair after they took off the hood, there was a woman and she had a paper, and she looked like she was going to write down things and make marks, and she sat down in front of me and she said "you try to run, you die. You try to do anything that I didn't command you to do, you die"
I nodded with my head because I already knew these things from Dragunov adding that he knows everything about me which means he knows about my memory and everything.
Her first question was "how many languages do you speak?"
I said "French, German, English, Russian, Arabic, Mandarin, Italian, Polish and Spanish"
Her second question was "how do you feel about killing innocent people"
I said "I feel good, because their just animals to me, they're nothing"
You probably know that I was lying, but that was the only way to go through faster. Her third question was "how good do you consider yourself in a one to one combat from one to ten. One is no skill, and ten is you are never scared of a fight"
Dragunov told me that my score is four judging by the people they're going to test me against, so I said "four"
Her fourth question was "have you ever used a gun?"
I said "no"
Her fifth question was "what is your sexuality?"
That question wasn't in Dragunov's list. I asked "can you explain what you by that question?"
She said "do you like to fuck women or men, or do you like to be fucked, what gender are you attracted to"
I said "females, I like females"
She got out of her chair and said "we're done here"
They put the hood back on my head and put me in a room similar to the one I was in, except for some things, I saw nine books there and something that looks like a hole in the ground, it's some sort of a coffin with three locks on it and the nine books three of them were about guns, and three were about martial arts, and three were novels I believed at the time that the novels were for entertainment and the rest were stuff they'd test me in, and my thoughts turned out to be right later. the first day I read three books two about guns and one about martial arts, they gave me enough food to make me stay alive and it tasted like literal shit, and that coffin was for sleeping, the second day a man entered and took the books that I read and he threw me a gun,
And he said "you have three minutes to take this piece apart and then put it back together, if you take more, you're useless and we will kill you and wipe your existence in all the databases"
I did that in one minute and four seconds. The man looked at me and then he looked back at his stop watch and took the gun away and got out and closed the door and shortly after that, the door was open again except that there I was and two men and one of them holding a stick and about to hit me with it, I was going to dodge it, but I remembered what Dragunov said, He said "surrender when you're not asked to fight"
So I took the hit, the man screamed as he hit me "liar!"
I yelled at him "what the fuck did I lie about to deserve that?"
He said "no man can do what you did on the first time you piece of shit"
I said yelling "well, it's not my fault I read that book well"
I mean I was mad at the time; it made no sense what he did. He then called one of the guards on my cell to bring their rifle, as he held it; he got all the bullets out and threw it at me as he said "two minutes"
I said "I didn't read the book with this one"
He said "I don't care, you said you're smart. Now go ahead because your time is running out"
I was under a lot of pressure I had never seen a rifle like this one before and I could imagine ways to take it apart and put it back together but I didn't know anything, as the two minutes ended he pulled out his gun and then pulled the trigger. I looked away because that's the normal reaction in a situation like this, only to know that his gun had no bullets.
He said smiling "you either don't want to live or you really read that book well, but anyways I trust a man that respects honesty"
And both him and the other man got out and closed the door, I almost cried of how terrified I was to that situation, I mean what the fuck was that son of whore thinking when he did that? And to not waste your non-existent time, Dragunov lied to me, I have been in that shit hole for six years, basically those weren't tests or anything they were just making someone strong enough to lead this world of crime like the last leader did or at least I thought so at the time and their way of doing that was by torturing me to the point of me getting used to it and fighting back, each year I would master something, by the third year I knew everything about guns adding to my knowledge and love for physics, guns are very interesting things to know about. It was quite different with martial arts because I only knew enough boxing to keep me alive, but those people, they were different sizes and ages and they were from all over the world, I expected them to be only Russian but they weren't, the first two years I cried and bled and I broke some bones, but I would get better by time and every time they would send someone in my cell, to the point where I killed one of them, he was Asian and they weren't expecting for that to happen I was so furious to get my revenge on him that I kept hitting his head when he was on the ground, he was down but not dead, see I didn't want hurt my hands more so I grabbed his body and smashed his head into the water tab and I knocked on the door three times and yelled "come clean it up!"
I sat in the corner looking at the two guards in shock I heard them whispering "we should tell her"
I knew what they meant and I was waiting for that day one hour after that happened there she was the most beautiful woman I have ever saw, I don't know if that was my mind just acting like that since I haven't really had any sexual experiences for a long time but she was beautiful I give her that. As she entered the room alone she said "I heard about what you did"
I didn't say anything really because there was nothing to say to that. She said "do you know who I am?"
I said "the bitch"
She said "you're still alive inside there! I like that, most of them had their minds empty by that time or they stopped existing, but you're fully conscious. Aren't you going to ask anything?"
I said "well fuck me if I do, but for how long am I staying"
Dragunov came to my cell in the first six months explaining how he lied and how he's sorry and all that shit and he actually started doing my plan while I was in the cell, one thousand men of all races and ages were sent around the world killing killers and recruiting others, that's the actual reason I didn't expose him to her. After I said that she looked at me ordinarily for five seconds of silence and then got out and held a rifle in front of me And she asked the guards to take me with her as she was walking backwards just pointing the rifle at me, I had never seen the cave of control outside my cell before it was so big and there were so many people there, a lot of cargo containers that are sent from all over the world to here just to be decided to each country to it's needs, after that I was in another room bigger and cleaner than mine, I was stripped naked and tied up to what looked like a cross, my face was facing the wooden side and my back was just in the open, I predicted what was going to happen but something else happened, she pointed at one of the guards and said "Fuck him!"
The man with no questions just pulled down his pants and started raping me.
I acted as if I didn't even feel anything and just looked at her from the angel that my eye had since I didn't have a choice to actually move my face in front of the wooden crows, and I did that with no emotions on my face, five minutes later the man was done doing what he was doing,
And she said "next time don't be a smartass"
There was a whip beside her and she held it and just looked at it slowly
She said to one of the guards "go heat up the tip"
The tip of that whip was apparently a sharp metal, and as you expect I was hit with it repeatedly to the point where my back was red from the amount of blood and pain, but apparently that wasn't enough for her, she had to turn me over so that my back was facing the wooden side and had to hit me again but this time she used an ordinary whip, but in the end she said smiling "we have to heat both sides so that the bread is crunchy"
I kept holding on to my act the whole time.
She heated up a knife and started passing it around my body just to make marks not cuts.
After all that was done I was thrown back into my cell, when I was in there alone I couldn't really keep up the act anymore I just collapsed in one of the corners and I was just shaking in there until they put me in the coffin where I slept. The next day when they got me the food there was new clothes with it and a book, it wasn't exactly a book, it was a diary, and the first lines of it were "The Diary of Julia"
It reminded me of myself, but to be honest I knew who that person was after finishing it, it was not that long or anything, and it was just a diary that was held every six months for twenty years. That Julia is the boss, in her diary she says that when she's 14 her father put her in a cell, the way she described it, it's just like the one I lived in, she was put to training and she was never good at anything really, she was just average at everything, she started growing from a girl into a woman, one day she seduced on of the guards to come inside and of course that guard came inside thinking that she's just a girl and all that, she strangled him and took his keys and his rifle and got out. Because she was trained inside the cell on these guns she was able to shoot each and every guard she saw on her way, but she fell on the ground each time she fired because she wasn't strong enough to resist the recoil of the rifle, she knew where her father would be since she basically lived in the place for thirteen years until she was put in a cell, so she went to her father in his office, he looked at her and smiled and told her that all of this was a part of his plan and that she passed by escaping without dying, and of course she didn't buy any of that bullshit and knew that he was a sadist fuck who just couldn't bare the idea that his wife died and did not bring him a man to carry his legacy, and she found that that was true when she saw his notes on each year, and she ended up emptying her bullets in his body and taking his pistol from him and standing outside his office door to assure the cave of control that the old boss is dead and she's the new boss, the carrier of the family's name. One of the people who were surrounding her said "you're a woman"
She shot him in the neck and said "you're dead, does anyone else have something to say?"
She was scared to shit when she did that but her charisma made them follow her even though she said it like that exactly "my fear was that they would attack me and rape me to death, but they didn't do that"
She felt like she had to do something so she went to the place where the cargo containers with humans are put and she took a rifle and opened the container and just started shooting, apparently it made her feel better to just do that and not care for the consequences, after she killed twenty human beings just to get her kicks she said "fuck you all"
She stopped writing because she didn't need to write anything after that but in the end there was a message and this message was "This one is for you Gabriel. See my time ended when I escaped, I know you're capable of escaping at any time you want but I won't let you do that. Everyone who came in thinking they would just stay for a while and then earn their place as the next leader, they weren't strong enough to take it, they weren't like us Gabriel, you and me are alike, that's why I can't let you go anywhere, you're just my unbreakable little toy, I thank god every day that Dragunov changed my mind about killing you, I guess we will see each other again very soon and I know you will be alive till then"
I was terrified, as someone that's never really scared of anything in real life, that made me shake, I wasn't scared of the pain, the feelings I got from the pain were feelings of tightness. It feels bad when you're out of control. After what she did, every three months she would do the same things but these words are still just stuck in my head until this day every time I remember it I feel cold and bad, and I always remember them, those words were, (Fuck him (Heat the tip), (put him back in his cell)
And the routine of teaching me things kept going with the torture, I was basically unstoppable and unbeatable that after a year of killing one of them every three days, they stopped sending them in for fighting me and testing my martial arts skills, and they started training me on being flexible enough to not be hit once if there are fifteen people trying to hit me, by time it became less about winning the fight and more about exhausting the opponent by dodging all of their hits.
By time I became slightly bigger and my body lost some fat and gained some muscles in that time. I didn't shave my hair or have a proper shower in those six years, but I became more peaceful or quiet as you may have noticed or not I don't really know. The languages I learned and the amount of knowledge I got from reading random unrelated books is so big. You're probably wondering how I got out or what actually happened or why did it take six years, I will tell you.
One day out of the blue the door was opened and there was Dragunov,
He said "it's time"
I said with a quiet voice "speak your plan"
He said "no one is guarding this place and each country's organization is in a room on its own choosing one speaker to go to the big room, the guards that aren't my men were all killed, everyone you will see dressed up as a guard is one of my men except the ones guarding the whore's room, and every worker you will see outside the countries' rooms is one of my men too, all of the drugs, guns, humans that were collected here from each country will be divided back based on each country's consumption on those things, but before they choose their speaker, we will put them down using gas from the air system and then we will kill them and destroy the drugs and guns and get the people back to their homeland"
I asked "what about Julia?"
He said "I know what she did to you, and I know how scared you are..."
I said interrupting "I am not"
He said "it doesn't really matter son, just choose the weapon you want against her guards because there are four armed guards around her room but they don't know anything of what we're doing here and they haven't seen the mountain of bodies that we made"
I said "do you have a hammer?"
He said wondering "a hammer?"
I said "yes, the one you hit nails with"
He said with a confused expression on his face "yes, sure whatever you want"
And so he gave me the hammer, exactly the type I wanted with the sharp back that removes nails, you might wonder why I chose a hammer, see, when they trained me on martial arts I was trained with every possible weapon you can think of, a katana, a sword, a dagger, a stick, and so the list goes, but my favorite one of those was the hammer, it wasn't based on the sharpness or anything. You can kill a person with one hit just by hitting them in the head, it's effective and efficient. When I was there I lurked from the corner seeing two of the four guards outside the first door to her room, I could've went on them with rampage mode but I chose to do it the slow and easy way, first I threw the hammer five meters away from the guards, of course the two of them thought they should go together as I expected and just as they were less than two meters away from the hammer I broke ones nose and popped the others eyes, and after that they were both on the ground I hit them both with the hammer to make sure they're dead, the other door: I opened it slowly to hear one of the two saying "hey Miller! Come join me while I'm eating eating"
As I heard that I kicked in through the door killing them both in fifteen seconds and they weren't fast enough to even reach their weapons. Before opening the door that leads to Julia I just stopped there for a second, I kept repeating in my head "she can't hurt you anymore" until I felt better about going in. I opened the door slowly to see the fear in her eyes as she stood up, I said in my head "she's scared of you"
She said "Gabriel! I was just thinking about you"
She got closer to me as she talked, she said "I was thinking of how I might have feelings for you"
She was one meter away as I said with a steady voice "don't touch me"
She said "me, and you are the same, we went through the same experience and we survived, we're made for each other"
She touched my shoulder after saying that, as her fingers touched my skin I broke her knee with the hammer
And said with the same tone "don't touch me"
She screamed of pain as she said "I should've killed you when I had the chance, and you're doing that to be the boss you son of a bitch? No one will follow you!"
I said "the cave of control will no longer exist, your disgusting world of crime was taken down and cut right from it's roots"
She looked at me as if her heart was about to stop and said "what?! How? What do you mean by this?"
I said with a small grin on my face "your right hand did not belong to you"
She was about to keep talking but I couldn't waste the chance of just removing her from existence I just hit her head once and then once more, and then another time, she was dead by the first hit but I hit her thirty seven times, by the last hit, her head was flat to the ground, I just walked back to where my cell was and there was Dragunov standing with ten men behind him. I looked at him for five seconds and said "what now?"
He said "now we destroy the evidence that this place ever existed or that anything ever happened in here"
I said "and how is that possible"
He said raising his eyebrows "explosives"
And so we got out, I felt... I don't know how to describe the feeling it's not freedom because I already knew I was getting out, it's more of a quiet feeling, all of the ten men were looking at me as if I was some myth or something I was just shaking in the heavy cloths that Dragunov gave me and feeling the small sun light that I missed, feeling the air, seeing the trees, I thought at times I would never see the outside world again but I did, now I can die peacefully if I want to. Dragunov drove the snow car to Moscow after five minutes of driving we felt a small shake in the ground.
Dragunov looked at me with a proud smile on his face and said "that's the sound of an empire getting destroyed, one that your plan was the main reason it fell, you know, you distracted that whore from the details she used to focus on, and you killed her best men, but the main reason we could do what we did is because of your plan, we could recruit enough people to come here from all around the world and destroy the cave of control, you know they all gathered today to support their leader and to save him, close to half of them were women, and their number is growing by the day, those ten men you see, each one of them has a continent under their hand or a part of a continent, they have the names of every person in your plan and they are ones of the best men, actually Badr is one of them but he chose not to come because he couldn't leave his family. Those men are under your command"
I didn't really give a fuck about what he said it meant nothing as long as the world had at least a small sense of justice but I did smile when he talked about Badr. One of the men looked American and don't ask me how I knew I just felt it. I entered the hotel room they booked for me, it had my bags and my things just the way I left them, the only thing I cared about was you, no offense but you're worthless really since I can remember everything but just your existence makes me feel safe, not that you can understand any of that but you're the only person I can actually truly be myself with. I still haven't shaved yet, I look like shit, and I smell like shit. Apparently Dragunov knew what I was going to do because there were some new razor blades and hair clippers and nail clippers, I mean it's quite predictable when you see how I look like, I don't think I'm going straight to America I don't know why but I just want to visit Vienna because I have this memory of it since I was 9 that one of the teachers said it's a good place, small memories like these stick hard... who am I kidding every memory sticks in my head, I will talk to you again when I'm in Vienna.

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