Out of Detroit and to California

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I am out of Detroit and I have to say it but revenge feels good no matter what they say that it's not the answer, believe me it is the right answer every time, I'm stopping for gas it's been almost nine hours since I left home and took my stuff, it feels good knowing that there are no rules for your life, and I would love to say it one more time fuck you father!
The girl at the gas station is actually looking at me now while I'm writing to you, maybe I should smile and be friendly a little you know, the tank is full now, I guess I will talk to you when I actually arrive at California.

So the first thing to say is that there isn't that much difference, I mean both of California and Detroit are just states with cities except that everything is like three times more fucking expensive in California; it's the same fucking stuff but no, this is a city of California and this is a special city, I don't have a place to stay the night at but the casinos stay open all night so I guess more money is coming my way then, but here I will have to be careful since this isn't just a place where some people and gangsters just gamble with their money, this place has every kind of casino, special games and lowlife ones, I mean I could have gone to Las Vegas but I don't like the desert there and the beach is more beautiful, so yeah I am about to enter my first casino ever with only a hundred dollars in my hand to build a fortune, I guess I will talk to you later when I get used to place.

First of all casinos are the best place to gamble they are safe and barely that you find someone cheating because if you do find someone doing that the casino manager comes with his huge security guards and he might torture you, you didn't see that but I laughed when I said "he might torture you"
Because he definitely will, but the thing is with me they think I'm cheating and they can't catch me, so it happened that the casino manager himself noticed me and sat to see who is that person that is always winning, and he even tried to make the cards shuffler cheat and slip some cards in their but I caught her doing it. For him to be totally sure he took me to his office and he said "I know that this one challenge is humiliating to you but there is one thing I need to do to make sure that you are not cheating, if you want to keep playing in the casino, I am going to want you to take off all your clothes except for your underwear because you probably will be hiding one thing in there which we already know what that thing is and you will play a game of poker with my friends here and I will shuffle"
I agreed, I mean he could've banned me anytime, but he knows that people came in more often when they started hearing about the guy that never loses, so he had to make sure that I wasn't cheating, but he's so stubborn you know, we played the first game and he could not believe it, so he kept playing again and again until I won a hundred million dollars in one sit, and it was all legit since the police were actually witnesses to that, it was too little with the poker chips but in reality it was too fucking much to be carried around that I had to make myself a bank account and, oh boy! It took them hours to finish counting them and then the casino manager made a deal with me that my maximum winnings has to be less than six millions per day, and I made that deal with thirteen more casinos, I never really thought I would be talking about millions of dollars that way, and I am actually writing this to you since I hired the bank to take to each of my family members three million. I wish I was there to see the look on their faces when they know that the Gabriel they all thought was a loser is actually helping them to live a high class life, and one more thing for family, fuck you father. As much as I might sound like I live in a palace I actually live in a very small apartment, but it's clean though and that's all that matters since I actually have this crazy idea that I will have to do before going to college, which I will tell you another time since the money is finished and packed and ready to go, I guess I will talk you later you millionaire notebook.

See when your money comes from gambling you stumble across a million kind of people trying to get more money for millions of reason, as I entered one of the casinos that I'm usually in by night, I found this young person, he wasn't that young he was on the other hand a student so in his notebook there was this spectacular physics problem that looked very tempting, so I got close to get a better look at the problem and, That student noticed and said "excuse me?"
I said "oh sorry! I just like physics"
He said "well then, what's your name? Physics lover"
I said "it's Gabriel, and what's yours?"
He said "I am Elliott and it is nice meeting someone who appreciates science but why are you here exactly?"
I said "well I guess you already know why everyone is here; the question is why you want the money"
He said "well I do want the money to make my own company, and make a better future, that's why I want the money, so what about you?"
See, I actually don't know why I need the money when I don't really like to live like rich people, but I guess I will have a use for it in the future, so at the time I was talking to Elliott I had this crazy idea, why not just give him half your money? Why not just give him one billion dollars so that he could, build a great company, I mean that's a lot of money really, it's not a lot it is too fucking much, but your guy here got emotional, and had a few thoughts,
So I said to Elliott "would one billion American dollars be enough for you to do that fancy dream of yours"
And remember that I don't know a single shit about this person other than he's smart, but I trusted him anyways, since I saw his eyes glow when I told him about the money, He said with a very happy tone in his voice "yes! That would be more than enough, I could own the world if I actually make my inventions true"
I said "alright then dreamy boy, do you have a bank account so that I could wire the money to it?"
He said with a little fear in his voice "so you're not joking? And I'm not selling my kidney if that's what you're asking me!"
I mean at the time I thought "does he know about me?"
So I asked him "why would you say that?"
He answered "because I think that the mafia is still looking for me to pay them back"
I said wondering "and what got you involved with them in the first place?"
He said "well it's not me, it's my father and since he died I'm the one to pay them"
I said "and how did you really manage to get away from them, they seem to be people who you don't escape from"
He said "I didn't escape because I still don't believe that someone like you might actually have one billion dollars and it's either you are a mafia, or you are something far worse from an organization far worse, and by the way there's not Mafia it was a joke"
I said "alright then let's go to the bank and find out if someone like me really has that amount of money"
He said "well I am not getting in your car I don't know what might be in there"
I said "I don't own a car, I have a motorcycle, so please quit being a crying baby and just come with me; or really don't, I am voluntarily giving you the money"
I mean can you imagine talking someone into taking your money. In the end I actually made him a bank account and gave him the money, and afterwards he said "so how are you expecting me to pay you back this kind of money?"
I said "I'm not, it's yours now and you can do anything you want with it, but if you do really achieve that future of yours I might be asking you some favors"
He said trying to make jokes "so you still don't want my kidney?"
I said with a grin on my face "fuck off"
He said while calling a cab "see you around stranger"
The thing is, he actually won't be seeing me around since I had this crazy thought, so hear me out, so the mafia's got a network all around the country and maybe other countries too, so, all they do is sell drugs and do jobs and steal and kill people, so I had this idea where I wouldn't really kill all bad people on my own, what if I find people with the same way of thinking that I have? So stupid me, instead of finding people in my own country, I booked a plane to the most random country in the world, Egypt, I am actually writing to you now on my first class seat on the plane to Egypt. You may ask me, why would I not start with America, I would tell you, it's because I want to see the rest of the world and America is fucking boring, and I chose Egypt because I can speak Arabic and I had a very hard time trying to perfect my pronunciations, and since you my fellow notebook was made in America you can only understand English, so I will be your translator to my life in the Arabian world, I am so fucking excited, I don't really know what I'm looking for, but I can at least have fun, I will talk to you again when I get there."

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