Getting closer

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That girl have been through a lot, maybe not as much as I have been through, but you can't really compare pain can you?
One day she just knocked on my door while I was doing what you call "boring physics stuff"
I opened the door to see her looking at me. The way she said "Gabriel, come sit on the couch I need to talk with you"
It made me worried she was never liked that, for a second I thought she was pregnant or something, but later found she wasn't. After we sat down, I asked her worried "what is it!?"
She said as if it was a confession "I think you're my best friend"
I looked at her confused as I said "best friend?"
She said "yes, yes, you're basically my only friend since Liz got that boyfriend of hers, and by time you've shown me how good and nice you are"
I said raising my eyebrows "well, Shaun left me for his girlfriend too, so that makes you my only friend, technically my best friend, like you say"
She said with a very happy tone "really!"
I didn't really know what any of this was about, but I just went on with her, and I said "now that we're best friends, what do we do?"
She said suggesting "have some quality time?"
I said "alright give me a minute to think about a place where we could have our quality time"
I probably never told you this because it's not important, but I have a beach house, with a piece of land on the beach, I am planning to live there after I get my degree, but I decided to take her there because it's the most peaceful and empty place I know. I asked her "are you okay with riding on a motorcycle to that place? Because it's not that near"
She said with her eyes glowing like a little kid "definitely! I have never been on a motorcycle before should I be scared?"
I said "no, just consider that you shouldn't wear a skirt"
She got dressed and I made her carry my backpack because she was sitting behind me. She's like a little kid every time she's scared.
Every time I went fast she would say in fear "please, slow down!"
When we got there it was right before sunset. I stopped my motorcycle by the house and asked her "where do you want to sit and have your quality time?"
She said "if you have a blanket we can sit close to the sea"
I brought a blanket from the house and put it down so that we could sit on it, and then I got out the juice and the sandwiches that I already made. She said "the sunset looks beautiful!"
I nodded with my head, after one minute I asked "now, what do we do in this quality time, do we just sit, or do we talk or what?"
She said "I don't think you ever had quality time, alright then, I will ask the first question, but promise to always answer honestly"
I said "I promise"
I put in my mind that I would have to lie if she asked about something too sensitive. She said "did you buy that house so that you can get married in it?"
I said "I don't think I will ever be capable of getting married, I just bought that house because of how peaceful it is"
She said "don't stop after you answer, just ask a question"
I asked her "how did you lose your hearing"
She said with a small laugh "went right for the bomb didn't you?"
I said "it's okay I can ask another question"
She said with a smile on her face "I would tell you if I didn't want to answer. Basically it was a car accident and me and my parents came out with very minor injuries, barely noticeable, but I lost my hearing, when I woke up in the hospital I freaked out, and I ran out of the hospital and just stayed outside till my dad calmed me down, since that day I'm not able to enter a hospital, it terrifies me, and that is the reason I never did the surgery that might get me back my hearing, and ever since my friends at high school found out I was deaf, I wasn't cool enough for them, because I couldn't listen to music like them and other stuff, but what they didn't know is that I could see everything they said about me thinking that I don't know, they even thought I got low grades because I only saw what the teachers wrote on the board, they didn't know, I just stopped liking the idea of studying"
I looked at her and said "that turned out to be more depressing than I thought"
She said "not really I got another best friend now, let's hope he doesn't leave me for a girl as well"
I said laughing "stop being dramatic and eat"
As we were both looking at the sky, all of a sudden she just started running towards the ocean, and five steps inside the water I could see her leg trip and see her falling, I stood up worried as hell, and I called her name, I waited ten seconds and then I started running towards the place where she fell, she had her eyes closed as she was in my arms, I kept yelling "Ana? Are you okay? Can you hear me?"
And right before I was about to put my ears on her lung I heard her say in laughter "I got you so good"
I looked at her for five seconds and then let her fall back into the water. As I walked away I could hear her say "come on! It was funny"
I said with a very strong Tone "no it wasn't Anastasia! You don't just tell me that you're my best friend and have some quality time with me, and then you just die, it's not funny"
She got closer and said with a peaceful tone "I'm sorry I didn't think you thought of it that way"
I said "well, now you know"
She asked me "where are you going"
I said "I'm going to get you some towels, because you idiot didn't even think about catching a cold when you did your not so funny trick"
She didn't say anything but she looked like when a kid does something wrong and they look at you while you yell at them. As I gave her the towel and she was about to hug me. I said pointing my finger at her "don't, I already accepted your apology, don't over-use your privileges and hug me every time a cell dies"
She said "but you let me hug you when I asked you to sleep with me"
I said "I let you hug me because you acted like a whiney little girl, and I didn't want to deal with that"
She said trying to prove something "I'm not a girl!"
I said annoying her "then what do you think you are? A woman?!"
She said "yes, I'm a woman I'm 19 now"
I said "wait! Did your birthday pass without telling me?"
She said "it was today you dummy"
I asked "what do you want as a gift?"
She said "birthdays aren't about gifts you moron, it's about the people that surround you that day"
I said laughing "how would I know, I never celebrate it"
She said "then when is your birthday?"
I said "it was eight days ago?"
She punched me in the shoulder as she said "come sit I want to see the sunrise with you"
I said in shock "that is basically what we call tomorrow? I'm not going to wait all that"
She said "but it's my birthday!"
I said "alright, but know that you're abusing your privileges"
We sat down. And an idea just popped into my head.
I asked Ana "what is the company you like the most for art supplies"
She said "without a doubt, it's E.G"
I was confused at first because I didn't think this company specifically made art supplies. I said "wait here I will go do something in the house real quick"
She said "don't be late"
I went to the phone, and called a store for art supplies that I knew, we kept going back and forth on how it's late and by the end when I told him that I would tip triple the price of what I'm buying, he just agreed.
I went back to Ana and we were both lying on our backs looking at the stars, but out of the blue she said "I'm adopted"
I was confused, so I looked at her and said "do you know who your real parents are?"
She said "no, my parents said that it was a poor family in a Europe, and that's all I know"
I said "at least someone wanted you?"
She nodded with her head while looking down.
I asked her "have you ever had any boyfriends?"
She said "yes! A lot of those, but they all left when they knew I didn't want to have sex before marriage"
I said making a joke "so they all left at once when they knew you wouldn't have sex with all of them at once before marriage?"
She laughed as she said "not funny! And what about you? Have you ever had any boyfriends?"
I said "fuck you! I'm not gay!"
She said "well, look buddy, I saw you at the Yacht, and I saw how many girls tried to throw themselves on you, and you just passed through, and let me tell you, those girls to a woman that likes guys, like me, they are smoking hot, but you just passed on them like you saw nothing"
I said "I don't see you throwing yourself on guys, does that make you gay"
She said "you do have a point, then tell me, how many girlfriends have you had"
I said "one"
She said "well go on tell me about the details!"
I said "see, we had sex, and when I say sex I mean a lot of sex, sometimes it could reach ten times in just one day"
She said "isn't that every guy's dream?"
I said "well it wasn't my dream"
We sat in silence for about, fifteen minutes, and then the delivery guy came with the art supplies he had three large boxes full of art supplies, I got him the money from the backpack, and he went on his way.
Ana said "oh my god, you still got me a present, you're an ass"
I said "it's not really a present, these boxes will stay here and be used only when you're here, and I will get you three more just like them at home"
She said "you annoying shit! You read my mind, so what do you want me to draw or paint?"
And then she said "oh I know I will paint you with the stars behind you, and I will paint you with the sunrise, you are going to be my art"
And so she did paint me four times, she asked me at one time to take off my shirt but I refused and she respected my wishes. But let me tell you, I don't really understand anything about art, but the way she's passionate about it, it makes all of her art beautiful, I never thought I would call myself beautiful, but apparently in her eyes, I am beautiful.
Sometimes she's just sad for no reason, maybe it's her period, but I never thought I would even care if someone told me they felt depressed. I am actually making a plan for her next birthday, see, I already made the plan, but I just tell you that I'm working on something when I don't really want you to know about it, because I am executing it tomorrow. I will tell you all about it when it's done, which might take three months, and I am so excited for it, I will talk to you later"

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