Another two weren't saved

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Arthur said while laughing "no wonder you never spoke of your past, but actually that is smart what you thought of the records, I don't believe I would've done it if I was you"
And then he started reading again

"Have you ever really thought about it? Is it about the number of people I save? Or is it about how good they are? It's a hard question to answer really. Am I to be happy for saving eight people or just tell myself that there was nothing I could do to save the other two.
See, I made a solid plan, packed my things that are untraceable as usual, and I got there and knocked the pig down, and tied him to a chair and I hurt him a little to get him talking for the record before I actually torture him. See, nothing else is important than the question "why did you do it"
His answer to that was "you know, I was married, but one day, after 28 years of marriage with my high school sweetheart one day I just get in the house early and there she was, fucking a boy in his twenties, and she didn't hide under the blanket or anything, she just kept fucking him while saying "honey I'm sorry" a week later after I let it go, she's the one who asked for a divorce, apparently she was cheating right from the start, so I just thought why not fuck up people the same way it was done to you, so I started kidnapping couples and taking them here, away from anything just to fuck the wives in front of their husbands, and you know what? Every second of it, just felt amazing"
I felt sick hearing him speak, but I haven't seen the victims yet, they were in what seemed to be an office inside that warehouse so I planned to let them out after I do my deeds to him, but I didn't really see them,
I wrote on a piece of paper "did you kill any of them?"
He answered "well, only one couple, she just kept refusing to say that she liked it as I fucked her"
I turned off the recorder, and it was at this point I just decided, he is going to be killed brutally just like any other pig like him deserves, it might be boring since you already know the typical way of how I just torture people, and I did, I tortured him to death, when I entered I was wearing black, fully black, even my face was covered with a black hood on my face, basically nothing of how I looked like was seen, I was just this black being standing in front of them, I was holding a piece of paper in my hand written on it "I am the executioner, I am here to save you please don't panic, I will let you go free, there's a car outside the person who could drive shall drive you all to the nearest police station, tell them where this place is, and please keep silent about me"
Before I cut their ties free I wrote a piece of paper and put it on the dead couple "I am sorry to the person that loved these two, I am sorry I wasn't fast enough" and I changed my handwriting. I ran away with my motorcycle before they got out because I didn't want them to see it, and then they got out and took the car, I burned the clothes until it turned into ashes and here I am waiting for people to keep talking about that pig, and for him to be an example, even though, monsters are just monsters no matter how hard you try, and that applies to me too in a way, I will talk to you after a couple of weeks, see you later."

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