Last in line, waiting for his turn

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Have you ever had your son stand up for you? I don't believe you have any children, but that kid? He is tough as nails.
As I showed him the motorcycle and removed the dust I said "do you think you're old enough to ride with me on that?"
Arthur said "yeah? How long have this been in here?"
I said smiling "before you're born"
I filled it with gas and I tried to run it, and the motor turned on with no effort. I said "hop on kiddo we have a beach to go to"
I gave him a helmet and then we went off, I could feel how happy felt.
When we got to the beach house I said "we're here"
His eyes shined as he said "oh my god it's totally empty, it's perfect"
And he pulled me down as he took off his shoe and socks to feel the sand, he thought it was going to be warm, but it was burning hot so I carried him to sit beside the house's door.
He asked "whose house is this?"
I said "it's for a friend of mine, but he doesn't mind if we use it, he even gave me a key"
He said "when are we going to sit on the sand and go in the water?"
I said "before the sunset is the best time, now we just rest, we can go inside a little if you want?"
Arthur said "yes, sure"
As we got in, the painting where my scars were made out of gold was right in front of Arthur, he removed the dust as he said "A.H that's mom right?"
I smiled at him as I said "yes, that's mom"
He said "you never showed me this! It's so beautiful dad?"
I said "I know it's beautiful"
He looked at me as he said "remember when you used to tell me that mom is away doing something because you didn't know how to tell a five year old that his mom died"
I said "yeah you're almost eleven now, you're a big boy"
My eyes were about to cry, so he said laughing, trying to change the subject "you didn't have any white hairs back then like you do now"
I said "are you calling me an old man?"
He said "do you think I called you and old man?"
I laughed as I said "you're getting smarter by the minute now that you're getting older"
He raised his eyebrows in a way that says "you're not wrong"
I got a broomstick and me and Arthur started sweeping the floor and then we sat down on it so that we can sit and talk and have some quality time together.
Arthur just sat and looked at the ceiling as he said "have you ever been outside America? Like another country, like Japan or something?"
I took a deep breath as I said "not really, no"
He said "when I grow older I want to get married and travel the world"
My mind was under pressure as I said "that's not a good idea"
He said "why? How would you know if you didn't travel before?"
I said "the guy who owns this place did, and he says it's not that good, it's better to stay with the ones you love rather than travel with the ones you love, because you might get hurt"
He said "when I get older nothing will hurt me because I will be stronger than you are"
I said "getting hurt isn't about physical pain or throwing punches, it's about what you actually feel on the inside"
And I put my finger on his heart. He said "how do you get someone to love you?"
I looked at him and smiled as I said "you know you're still too young for this, but is this about Elena?"
Arthur said embarrassed "no!"
I said "either way, you don't get someone to love you, because if they don't love the person that is you, then that's it they're not good for you"
Arthur said "okay, okay let's stop talking about this I'm sorry I asked"
I asked "would you be interested in listening to some music with me young boy?"
He said "only if we play the songs I like"
This boy's taste in music... it's bad, I'm sorry Ana, I did everything right, but some things cannot be changed. The sun became warm not hot and we both went out again in. Before we got out I said "look the sun is warm, last one to reach the water will do the dishes"
And I ran and he ran after me, we were both in our swimming clothes, and of course he lost because I had to make him lose so that he faces the responsibility of losing. And he does most of the time, that's why I sometimes let him win in situations like these. After we had our time in the water we got out and covered ourselves in towels, and we sat and looked at the sky. I said "do you like the ocean?"
He said "I would be stupid if I didn't"
I said "your mom used to love the ocean too"
He said "yeah, I figured"
We saw three guys walking, and Arthur said "isn't that a private property?"
I said "yeah it is, but it's okay they're not hurting anyone or doing anything bad let them have fun"
Arthur said "can we go get ice-cream?"
I asked "chocolate chips?"
He said "you bet"
So we went back to the house to get dressed, and one of the guys yelled "Frankenstein, the child rapist!"
I kept walking as if I didn't hear and Arthur looked back as he said "hey asshole! Why don't you come say it to my face?"
I looked at him and I said "watch your language, and go apologize to them"
He said "no need, they're coming and no, disrespectful people are to be disrespected, so I won't watch my language"
I said "you're going to get punished for this!"
As they came over I was standing beside Arthur, I didn't really think of punishing him, so I let him speak as if I can't control him because he wasn't actually doing anything bad. Arthur said "which one of you called my dad Frankenstein?"
One of the guys said "it's me, what're you going to do? Tell the teacher on us? I bet you're just as much of a freak like him"
And... well, Arthur kicked him, and he didn't just kick him, he kicked him in the sensitive place, before the other two were about to hit him, I put them to the ground and I said "I would kindly ask you to leave because this part of the beach is a private property, and I will call the cops if you don't go now"
Arthur said "stay down and eat the dirt you deserve"
I rubbed Arthur's hair as I smiled, he said "you know I didn't kick him on purpose, but I knew they would attack me, and you would protect me"
I said "yeah, I have a soft spot for you, is that because you're my son? I wonder?"
Arthur said laughing "shut up!"
I said "respect me young man! You're still getting punished for what you did! You're not getting ice-cream today, maybe tomorrow, but today you're not getting any"
Arthur said "yeah, I understand"
And I had someone after that live in the beach house to look for intruders. Arthur is the main character in my life story if you think about it, everything I'm hiding it's from him, and everything that is to be done, I would do it for him, and if he's wrong, I would stand up for him. He's actually very talented with martial arts and he's very good when it comes to learning about things, he doesn't remember everything and that's amazing to know that what I have isn't something genetic. I hate to say it, but eight years from now, I think he's going to become a better person than I am, I'm tearing up right now. I will talk to you later when I have something to say.

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