The same bloodline

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I just realized now how stupid I was, and no, I didn't get caught doing my justice. I was with Rebecca at school when the police came in and told us that principal Linda is dead, Rebecca started crying and I didn't know why she was crying at the time, I asked her "why are you crying?"
And she said "Principal Linda is my aunt, Gabriel!"
I wanted to correct her and say was but that would make me an asshole.
I heard her and I said in myself "oh fuck, well, now when she hears my name in that record when they show it to the family members she will know where the scars on my body are from"
my mind had so much possibilities, but I just said fuck it and I tried to calm her down and act like I didn't know anything, but actually the police were here to investigate and question me, and so they called my name and I went with them and everyone was confused, They started with the question "where were you between six and seven yesterday"
I said "I was with Rebecca at her house"
and before they ask again I said "look, there is something you should know, Linda wasn't a good person, she hurt me, and she raped me, I know that might sound stupid for a male to be raped by a female but it happened, and she might have done it to other kids too, and that's something that you don't know"
after I said that I knew that I wasn't a suspect anymore after all the hiding I did, and I actually said those things about Linda because they were going to ask me if I had a sexual relationship with her, so I just made everything easier for them, and so they let me go, I went back to sit with the other kids and everyone was looking at me, Rebecca was beside me,
She asked "what happened, tell me why they took you! Are you involved in this in some way?"
I told her that I will tell her later, because you know, telling your girlfriend that they are suspecting that you are the killer of her pedophile aunt who abused you is something that should be normal in my world, so yeah I didn't really tell her at that time, but I will tell her later today because she asked me to stay at her house until the funeral, and now I am writing to you because I won't be able to tell you anything until about next week, right now I'm about to take my important stuff, which you are one of them but I can't risk her reading you, so I will just keep you hidden in here, I don't trust her like that yet, see you later.

Well that was the weirdest week in my entire life and I will tell you every detail of it, so as I entered the house I saw Isaac in my face, and the way he acted it was like he was another person, I mean that the loving father who told me get in the house my dear, is the same guy who scares people from asking questions so that I could gamble for the both of us, and I went to Rebecca's room only to find her drowning in her tears, she jumped at me as I saw her, I thought she was going to kill me, but she didn't she hugged me, and her first thing to say was "did you kill her, I saw your knife in your bag"
I said to her "of course I didn't are you serious, and that knife you saw in my bag is still there and it is for my own safety"
She doesn't know that everything that I used to kill Linda was bought for Linda and almost all of it was left in the crime scene by me, like the knife and the tape recorder with the tape in it, but the paper and pen were burned, and so other stuff too with them. So I looked her in the eyes and said "do you believe me!"
She said "yes"
While bursting with tears, and I hugged her to calm her down, and she said "I want you to say everything you've had to do with my aunt"
I said "okay I will tell you everything if you promise not to think differently of me"
So she promised, and I took off my shirt, and I said to her "look at these scars carefully, all of these scars were made by your aunt, she used cigarettes to make them to me"
And before I continue speaking, she just slapped me, I looked at her and said "if you made me stay over just to insult me, I have a breaking point which after it I will just walk away and act like I never even knew you"
Rebecca said "fine I will not hit you again, but you have to know that this is my aunt you're talking about here"
I said "I didn't say hit me, I said insult me, it's not like I didn't have my share getting hit by you when you're in sex machine mode and I know that Linda was your aunt, but there is a truth about her that you don't know, and if you wish to hear pleasant things about your aunt, I am not the person to give them"
Rebecca said "well I am sorry that I insulted you in any way, I can't hear anymore lies about my aunt"
I said with my voice rising in each word "lies you say? That woman abused me, she made me feel weak, you cannot imagine how hard it is to be in the same place with someone that loved her and thought that she was a good person, and you want to grief for her death? I shall go to the carnival and be happy for her death, and excuse me if you disagree, but if you truly do love me you would stand with me not with some pedophile who was once your aunt; do you remember when I told you that I am incapable of love? I said it because I thought of Linda every time anything related to sex happened; I must go now since I'm not welcomed here"
I cried after saying that while I was packing back my things to go home, Rebecca hugged me softly and said "don't leave, I might not feel your pain but the least I can do is help you through it, we must go celebrate in the carnival as you said then"
I didn't know where that came from because she was about to kill me defending the honor of the bitch that used to be her aunt. I said with a tone that means I can't understand the shit in your mind "Okay..."
Then Rebecca got dressed and pulled me from my arm and I walked with her trying to understand what the fuck just happened, and when she walked past her mother that was crying because she lost her sister, Rebecca just said it loud and clear "I'm going out to the carnival"
And her mother just said while crying "alright sweetie just be safe, and take good care of her Gabriel"
I mean is there something wrong with this family, her aunt just died and her mother is okay with her going to the fucking carnival.
While we both were walking, I asked Rebecca "why did she let you leave? Knowing that you're about to have fun"
Rebecca then said "they forget that I'm about to be an adult, so they treat me like a child and not letting your child have fun, that makes children them ask questions that adults can't answer"
That still wasn't a good fucking explanation to why the fuck Rebecca herself agreed to celebrating her aunt's murder.
I asked her "but why did you actually want to go to the carnival?"
And she replied with the most calm yet scary as shit tone "I did it for you; I would do anything for you, just like you would do for me right?"
I said "yeah right"
I felt at this moment that Rebecca actually is one of those people they call psychopaths, but still who the fuck is talking? Mr. Justice Will Be Served On a Plate. That's humor I know I don't usually use it with you but you know, you're all alone all the time and I'm your only friend so why not try, and for your knowledge, me making fun of myself doesn't mean that my cause is wrong, I mean maybe killing my father was a bit personal, but it was deserved. I know I know you want me to get along and say what happened"

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