Prison was comfortable

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I don't know if the concept of time is clear to you or not, but I have been away for eight years, I'm quite happy actually, so from the start of what really happened.
What I told you was going to happen, happened, and Arthur became a cop, and he got married to Elena, one day I was just visiting as a father should, and I made the food, even though I was the guest but that's not my point now, I got out and I got on my motorcycle as our neighbor was getting out the trash, it was the first time I ever see him taking it out really, and fortunately the trash bag was cut, and everything fell out, I acted as if I didn't see, oh, but I saw a lot, I saw sanitary napkins, you might think this is not a big deal, but believe me, it is. A back story on this neighbor, his wife left him, and he has been living alone since, and as you might expect for a bald short guy, no woman actually thinks of loving him because it's how people think.
Yes, the same question came to my mind as I went off with my motorcycle "whose things are these then?"
And in a second I knew, the time the girl was kidnapped, he was as curious on the details as I was, and when someone else but me is like that, you must know something is wrong, and something was wrong, but I didn't notice because my mind was too deep into that case. And I remembered that he never invited us to his house, even though I did invite him over a couple of times, I cannot believe I was too dumb to not think that.
I went over the block and went around from another way and stopped my motorcycle somewhere else not near my house, since this pig's house is right next to mine, I opened the door of Arthur's house, and I found him making out with Elena on the couch, he jumped away because he didn't expect me, before he was going to yell and say what are you doing here, I put my finger my on my mouth to make him stay silent, and he did stay silent, I said to him with a low voice "Arthur, do you trust me?"
He nodded, so I said "I'm going to need you to call for your units in fifteen minutes and tell them that there are screaming sounds in the house next door, which you will hear"
He said "screaming? What are you up to dad?"
I said with a firm tone looking into his eyes "do you trust me!?"
He said "yes"
He was about to say something, but I stopped him saying "don't worry"
I used one of the one use phones I had in my attic, and I called the Hacker that I knew in the network, I said those words before breaking the phone completely "I need all the eyes around my cave to be blinded, and for the memory of their brains to be erased"
Arthur looked at me and said "who's that?"
I smiled in his face as I said "I know a lot of people Arthur, don't worry, everything is going to be okay"
I could see they were about to have a stroke because their head just couldn't catch what was happening, I got out of the house and my adrenaline, was so high I could feel my heart pumping, I knocked on the pig's door, he opened the door like an idiot not even asking who was it. As the door just opened I kicked it with my leg, and the pig fell to the ground on his ass, as he said putting up an act "what the fuck is happening"
I went to him as I kicked him in the face and screamed "where is she!"
He said crying "where's who?"
I screamed again "I swear on everything I loved in this universe, if you do not speak I will not hesitate to fucking murder you"
I stood him up and held him from the back of his shirt as he walked to where the secret door was, it was like a room under the house and the door was hidden under a carpet, I made him open it as I kicked him down to fall down the stairs as I saw her, she looked like absolute shit, she was tied to a bed, her wrists were bleeding because this asshole didn't change the ties that he put, and he didn't let her bath since he had her down here, I could see a lot of towels, and a lot of birth control pills, I tied him to the bed he tied her too as I kicked his face again, I wish I could've killed him, but I didn't, I explained to her that I was here to save her, and right as I untied her, I held her the same way a mother holds her baby, and she hugged my nick too tight as if she never wanted to leave me, I got upstairs and as I got out of the house I found a police car waiting for me with three officers including my son pointing their guns at the door, one of them yelled "hands up!"
I said "I can't leave her"
One of them tried to separate her from me, but he gave up when she screamed, I said to him "your guy is in there get him to a hospital before he dies"
He got inside and I got in the police car, with one of the officers and my son was in the front seat, he smiled to me through the mirror.
As the girl was crying I kept calming her down, and passing my hands on what looked to be her hair as I said "everything is okay now, no one can hurt you anymore"
Her body was too weak, she didn't move this whole time, her body was what you expect it to be, thin and weak.
As I got in the police station they had to have me alone and cuffed in the interrogation room, so I said to Lana "I must go now, don't worry they won't hurt you"
And she let go of me slowly, detective Patrick looked at Arthur as he said "why is your dad cuffed? Why is he even here?"
I smiled at him as I shook his hand and with a slight move I took off the cuffs from my hand and I put them on Patrick's, and I said "you're right, I'm not the one who should be cuffed"
He said "again with the tricks? How the fuck did you do that?"
I said "with the power of science you buffoon"
I was inside the interrogation room saying what I did to the guy, and Patrick opened the door suddenly as he said "you did that to the guy? It's all over the news now, his face looks mutated"
I smiled an evil smile as I looked at him and said "fear my wrath for it shall be the end of you"
And then I laughed to not get them too scared, later the guy pressed charges against me, and I was too rude to the judge, and it was on purpose if you ask me, the idea of going to prison is just thrilling to me, imagine being surrounded by the one thing you used to kill, it turned out later that not all of them are actually bad people, and it was a good idea if you're asking me, I got five years in a maximum security prison, and it was different each year, and it wasn't that hard actually, all that was bad about it was the food, but oh well it's better than shit, before going in, I had Patrick telling me, that he had me with a nice inmate, not one of the dangerous one. If you ever want to see the real world, the prison is that, they are all shitty equally, maybe some more than others but that doesn't remove the fact that they are shitty, there were five groups in that prison, the Blacks, the Nazis, the Latinos, the Italians, and the people with no group. The time in entered, they were all sitting as I walked by my cellmate, I was bending my head forward as I was looking at them slowly, with a smile appearing slowly on my face, I got inside, and I put my things on the bed, Adam had the bottom bed, and I had the top one, he didn't say a word, and I liked that to be honest, as I turned my back on him to walk away, he put his hand on my shoulder gently, so I turned around. He said "can I trust you?"
I smiled to his face as I shook his hand and said "yes"
I got used to the routine on the first day as, and in the night, Adam talked to me for the first time when we were both lying on our beds, Adam said "what are you in here for?"
I said "I hit a man nearly to death because he had one of my students in his apartment for five years"
Adam said "student? Are you a teacher? And how did you not have the urge to kill him?"
I said "yes, a physics teacher, and of course I had the urge, but I made a promise"
He said "your body doesn't look like the body of a physics teacher"
I said "your body doesn't look like the body of a Scottish prisoner"
He said "it's not about how big you are or how hard you hit, it's about knowing where and when to hit"
I said "and what are you in here for?"
Adam said "I stabbed a man eleven times"
I said "and why would you do that?"
Adam said "the bastard was touching my twenty year old daughter in places his hand shouldn't have been"
I said "don't you think she's old enough to decide who can touch her and who can't?"
He asked "do you have any children?"
I said "yes, one who's a cop and married"
He said with a sad tone "my daughter cannot be independent, she's mentally disabled"
I said to him "and who's taking care of her? Is it your wife?"
He said "my wife is a piece of shit, she left us a year after Talia was born. Talia is in one of those shitty places where they gather around an amount of disabled people, just to let them know that they're different from everyone else, because the man in the sky... man fuck this, why am I even talking about that to you!"
I went down and crouched and looked at him as he was sleeping and I said "I can have someone on the outside take care of her"
He said "who exactly?"
I said "it won't matter I will give them money for it"
He said "and why would you give your money to a random person"
I said "I don't see why not when you have a lot of money"
I shook his hand as I said "can I trust you?"
He nodded with his head, I went back to bed. I didn't really get involved with anyone on the first day, but on the second day I was sent right to solitary, I was just standing with Adam in the yard, some were playing basketball, some others were just sitting, and others were coming towards me, when they were in front of us, one of them said "the Scottish scum have a girlfriend now!"
Adam didn't say anything, I said to the guy "it's "has" and you're probably uneducated that's why you didn't know"
He said "what? You a fucking teacher or something"
I said "I'm not something that's for sure because something is what you are, but I can assure you, I am a fucking teacher"
Adam tapped on my shoulder as he moved his head left and right trying to tell me not to continue with what I'm doing, so I looked back at the seven guys and I said "fuck every one of you!"
One of them came at me, and there was another and another until they were all on the ground with their razor blades cutting their bodies, they were all down before anyone had the chance to gather, the guards came to me, and I raised my hands up as I said "Adam was just standing, I was the one fighting and it was in self-defense"
One of the guards said as she cuffed me "the son of a bitch says self-defense after putting the whole lot of those bastards to dirt"
I was taken to the warden and I stood in front of him in silence as he said "what's the new guy doing here?"
The guard said "within two minutes the Nazis started hustling with him, and within two others they were all down in need of medical care"
The warden said "you're a fucking teacher, you're supposed to be..."
I said "supposed to be raped and stepped on? No thank you, maybe you should try that sometime"
He said "you ballsy mother fucker!"
And then he said to the guard "leave him be, solitary will only keep him away from the Nazis"
When I went back it was food time, the guy who was serving the food was one of the black people's gang, he said as he gave me extra rice "nice what you did back there kicking them in the balls"
I smiled at him as I made a fist bump, he looked around and then he said "man, fuck it"
And he gave me a fist bump, Adam was right behind me as he said "a white guy making friends with a black guy? That's a first I see in here"
I said "but black people were standing with white people in the yard?"
He said "they weren't making friends, they were doing deals, sometimes cocaine, and most of the time cigarettes"
I said "and how does the cocaine get inside here?"
Adam said "money, the guards don't really get paid that good, so money is what moves them, and you can't really blame them for trying to feed their kids and give them a good life as much as they can"
I nodded as we sat down to eat, at the time I had a plan in my head, it was to cut the source that brings the cocaine from outside, and pay the guards anonymously, and the same day I made a call to the marshal, and since all the calls were watched, I did it fast and I did it covered, I said in the phone call "the river is long and it's water reaches here, block the source of the flour"
Later all the addicts suffered from severe withdraw symptoms.
I went on with my day, the next day it was time to shower, you probably know that in prisons showers are on the open, which means you shower naked in front of other men, I was in the showering place, I saw a scene that I don't know how to describe well enough, it was a man, with other men around him, and they were all taking turns on him, it looked weird, he wasn't trying to stop anything, he saw me and he said taking his breath "hey scar-man! Wanna come join us?"
They looked at me weird and I didn't respond I acted as if I didn't hear him, and when I did that he said "your dick is small anyways!"
It's kind of weird to see that all of these men just want sex so bad to the point that they would do something as humiliating as that, it was like a fucking scene from an ancient Greek book explaining what an orgy is like. After I got out, I was going to go sit with Adam, but I was grabbed by a guard to go to the psychiatrist of the prison. She was sitting on a wheelchair and I stood in front of her in silence as she asked the guard to close the door, she looked at me and said "sit down, please"
I sat down and I didn't say anything. She said "what's your name?"
I answered "how could you call for someone that you don't know the name of?"
She said "I'm just getting to know you, that's all"
I said smiling "we're not dating are we?"
She rolled her eyes as she said "Gabriel, what happened to the whore?"
I looked at the ground and I laughed as I said "it's been more than twenty years, and you guys still use that"
She said "you didn't answer me, what happened to the whore?"
I said "I killed her with a hammer"
She smiled as she said "so, you exist after all?"
I asked mocking her "how would a psychiatrist in a wheelchair, help in whatever it is the cause?"
She said "how much have you read about this prison?"
I said "nothing at all"
She said "so you don't know about the constant suicides?"
I said "it's suicide, how do you kill someone that killed himself?"
She said smiling "you don't kill them, you make them do it"
I was about to talk as she said "our time is over, I will see you again tomorrow"
And the guard took me back to my cell, Adam asked "where did they take you?"
I said "the therapist"
He said "she's hot!"
I laughed as I looked away, the next day I had someone who wanted to meet me, and it wasn't Arthur since I asked him not to come, it was the girl that I saved, I sat in front of her on the table next to the other prisoners sitting with their families, she didn't know what to say, she just looked down on the ground, I said to break the silence "can I tell you a secret?"
She looked at me and she nodded, so I said "I've been raped before"
She said "you're disgusting"
I asked her "why would you think that?"
She said "you're a liar, how can someone like you possibly know what it's like to be raped, I bet they fear you in here"
I said "that's why it's a secret, it was in Russia, it wasn't just one person, and it wasn't just rape"
And I unbuttoned two of my buttons to show her the scars I have, she looked worried as she said "why didn't you tell anyone!"
I said "I'm telling you now, but that's not the point, the point is that I know how you feel"
She said with a sad tone "and how does it feel?"
I took a deep breath as I said "it's not about the physical part, because after a while your body feels like a doll, all you want is just to be in control but you can't, and you just think, and think, why would someone do this to me? I didn't do anything wrong, maybe it would be better if I died, maybe that's the only thing I can really control, but the thing that you don't understand, is that you've been in control of your thoughts the entire time, you're like me, you didn't break"
She said "what's your definition of broken?"
I said looking deep into her eyes "I wouldn't know a straight definition, but I would say, it's not you"
She said "I got pregnant twice, and he killed them both"
I said "it happened, we cannot do anything about it"
She said "it would've been better if you'd killed him"
I said "I made a promise"
She sat silent for a minute and then she said "why can't people treat me normal, like they used to before..."
I said "because, you're not normal, you've been through something that not that many people went through, you simply just can't be normal"
She yelled at me "I hate you!"
As she walked away, the guards looked confused, they thought I hurt her or something, when I went back I got a phone call from Arthur saying that Adam's daughter is with a good family now. When I brought the news to Adam he was happy, since his visiting day was tomorrow, and the next day, I went to the same psychiatrist. Just as I entered her office I said "say what you want to say, and don't play games"
She smiled as she said "straight to the point, that's what I wanted in the first place, so tell me, what do you know about hypnotization?"
I said "they show it in kids' cartoons that you need a pocket watch to do it, I don't understand, what does that ha... is hypnotization a real thing?"
She said smiling in a mocking way "no, the prisoners just decided to kill themselves on their own"
I said "that's playing god"
She said "you already played god once or twice, maybe more"
I said "I stopped doing that"
She said "sit down please"
I sat down, I knew she was going to explain it, but I stayed for the sake of knowing, she said "hypnotization is never about the objects you use, it's more like a combat, if the one who's to be hypnotized has a stronger personality than the hypnotist, then as you might expect nothing will happen, but if the opposite is the case, and we have a strong hypnotist, then they can control others"
I said "you don't seem like someone with a strong personality"
And I looked at her wheelchair, she said "that's because of how you are, but if you saw the people that I... let's say guided to justice, you will know that I have a strong personality"
I said "stop saying the word personality, it sounds silly, and yeah sure, good for you, you're strong. What do you want from me?"
She said "from what I heard, you've been through hell, and you turned Lucifer into pieces, and you're still one piece, you even got stronger from what he said to me"
I said "who's he?"
She said "it's the marshal, but that's not the point Gabriel, the point is that you are as strong as one can be"
I smiled as I said "may I leave now?"
She rolled her eyes in disappointment as she said "at least keep this book with you, it has a cover that says something else other than the content"
I took the book and I walked away, I read it, I didn't believe that something like that existed, I thought I wouldn't have a use for it.
Every month they would change the cellmate, but I stayed closest with Adam. A year later Lana came to see me again, as I sat down she looked eager to see me, I said smiling "you look better than the last time!"
She said "I'm sorry"
I asked smiling "why are you sorry? I admit that I was cruel"
She stuttered as she didn't know what to speak of, so I said "what brings you here?"
She said "because you're the only one I know, that went through a similar thing"
I said "go on say your ask"
She said "does it feel weird to feel emotions towards someone and reject those feelings for no reason?"
I said "I had a wife once, but she died, I used to feel the same towards her, I was an idiot to waste a second with her without telling her the truth"
She said "but she's probably the one that confessed her love to you, the guy I like might not like me back"
I said "well, Anastasia was an exception"
She said "yes, but what am I to do?"
I said "just take the chance, life is nothing but chances"
She said "he doesn't know about what happened to me, we just work together"
I said "I'm sure it won't make a difference to him if he's a decent human"
She said "but..."
I said "no BUTs, I said the answer, don't stall because time goes by every second and you're wasting it by sitting with an old man like me"
We both stood up and I raised my hand to shake hers but she just hugged, and said "nothing will hurt you anymore"
I raised my hands up as all the guards looked at me, after she went out, Jefferson smiled as he searched me and said "Damn man, white people do be weird"
I made a fist bump with him as he said "my man!"
I liked how black people were always friendly with me since I kicked the Nazis asses and they were too scared to make a move. Another year passed by and Arthur came to see me against my wishes, he brought Elena with him, it was funny how he thought I would be terrorized in prison when in fact all my cellmates were the ones terrorized by my existence. Another year would pass but this year it wasn't just like anyone, Adam's daughter died from a disease, he didn't look anyone in the eyes for six months, he wouldn't even reply to me when I spoke with him, I was sitting in my cell alone and he came and sat beside me on the bed, he looked at me and he said "they're moving me with you next month, I'm going to kill myself, and I chose to do it with you in the same cell because I know you would respect my wishes and let me do what I want to do"
I said "to hell goes respect, what will you do if I don't let you?"
He said "I will find another way, other than hanging myself with the sheets"
I said "why would you want to do that?"
He said "I have nothing to live for, and I believe you would do the same if Arthur died"
I said "this isn't about me, this is about you, you're the best father ever, you stood up for your daughter even though you know the consequences, I know parents that push down their kids just to satisfy others"
He said "well what good was I in fucking prison? They didn't even let me be with her in her last moments, I'm as good as dead Gabriel, just give me your word and let me go on with whatever I have left in my life"
I said "I can't promise you with my word this time"
I was squeezed I didn't know what do, but I had this idea in the back of my brain that was blocked by those words "you're not god to do this"
But this wall of thoughts, it collapsed on it's own letting my idea turn into a plan, and my plan was to hypnotize Adam into not being depressed or self-destructive, it's usually used to cure addictions, like smoking or to stop bad habits, in the book it was mentioned that a beginner shouldn't try it for mental problems, so I went to Maria the therapist, she was surprised to see me, I sat down and I didn't waste time as I said "have you ever used it to cure someone's mental health?"
She said smiling an annoying smile "have I ever used what?"
I said with an angry face "I don't want to play these games right now"
She said "yes, I did, it's easy most of the time because people who are depressed are usually the easiest to manipulate"
I said "so he came you and you chose not to help him, even though you can?"
Maria said "Adam is a good person I can't take away his choices like I do to the others"
I said "alright then, now I know you won't help him, but how do I know that I won't destroy him or make him worse if I try?"
She asked "you read the book right? You didn't just give it back?"
I said "yes, I read it, why are you asking?"
She said "if you can hypnotize me to do something, you can basically hypnotize anyone, try it on me"
I said "what do I make you do?"
She said "anything, it doesn't matter like the book says, if you can hypnotize someone into doing something, you can hypnotize them into doing everything"
I can't really tell you on paper how the hypnotization happens but it physical touching and whispering and fast talking happens, basically I hypnotized her into stabbing herself with a pencil and the word that would cancel this was "ire" it didn't need to be a word, it could've been a touch and it can be both. And yes, I saw her stab her hand with a pencil and then cancelled it, when she woke up from what I put her through, she just said as she saw her hand "are you a sadist? That hurts like shit! Help me clean that up!"
I helped her and I was smiling all the way through, it was mixed feeling, because I knew that I could help Adam, and because she was an asshole and it felt good to hurt her. She said as she saw me smiling "I don't know whether you liked hurting me more or you like patching me up more"
I said "would it matter?"
She chuckled as I finished patching up her wound. Later when I saw Adam I did it on him, you can't imagine how better he was, he was the same Adam, he missed his daughter but in an optimistic way. In my head when I saw that this is what happened I just thought "maybe it's good to be god when god himself isn't helping, is taking away their free will the only way?"
And as you might imagine, I did it again, but this time it wasn't really that good, I'm not proud of it, but I couldn't just waste a chance like this. Remember the guy that I saw in the bathroom in that weird situation? Well, some of each group gathered on him to kill him, and do you know why? It's because he transmitted aids to them, even his group, the blacks, they didn't protect him. They helped in killing him, and so I did what was supposed to be done, I didn't kill them, I made them kill themselves after I leave the prison, and the ones that got aids already died without me doing anything, some just helped in covering up, and even the ones who were in there for crimes like rape and murder were included in this. Each day I would hypnotize someone to do it on the same exact date, which is three days after I leave, and they did it at night, the whole state didn't know what hit them, they thought that the inmates were pressured by the prison, they just didn't know the truth."

The Diary Of GabrielWhere stories live. Discover now