The legend of the mountain man

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So I guess you know that I'm alive by now, and to fast forward through my conversation with Badr I will tell you almost everything about him.
First of all he was an ordinary little kid and he's an only child, his father died in a car accident because the brakes of the car that hit him was corrupted, and he wishes to blame the driver but he couldn't because it wasn't their fault, his father left enough money for Badr to complete his education and for Badr and his mother to live without working until the time where Badr would be able to work, he became a car engineer and he used to live in big house but his mother sold that house and bought a small apartment so that she could see him achieve his dreams of being a mechanic and while he was growing up he fell in love with an orphan who used to be a maid in a house next to his, her name is Kholoud, and that's an Arabic word that means immortality, he would do anything for his mother and wife he actually said "I am still alive because of them if they died who would I live for I would be depressed and I would kill myself because a life without them is no life at all"
And one more thing before I get to my plan he can't have kids and the problem is with him not his wife, but she's still married to him even though she wants kids, and that's because she loves him even more than he loves her but in Egypt people don't show intimate feelings in front of others. So he agreed to my plan after a lot of talking and convincing but his demands were that he has to be fully sure before he kills that person because killing someone isn't something you joke about and because he believes that god actually will take him to hell if he kills an innocent man but if he doesn't he's just doing justice, I mean I never thought that someone religious would have the same thoughts that I have, it's a little weird but it's nice and one of his demands were that his family must never know about this, and so that I get his trust I told him my story and skipped some of the sex parts because every time I mention sex without marriage he looks shocked like he just saw a bird with six wings, I asked him to write down his signature since I will be making him and his sweet family a very pleasant surprise, I think that will be all for today since I am literally dying to have a pillow under my head, good night my lovely notebook.

It's been a two weeks since the last time I talked with you but I haven't done anything to the plan yet because I was going around and giving, Badr's family a good life, so I will tell you first the stuff I noticed in the time of me staying with Badr. First of all Badr's mother is now called mother by me since she's treating me like her son and still not minding me staying in their small apartment even though in their religion a guest can stay for three days and after that the host has the right to ask him to leave, she never asked me to leave so I got them food and stuff when I got out as if it was Badr who got it, Badr was so hard working that he didn't even notice the stuff I bought and the stuff he bought, he just ate and slept. He asked me every day "when are we starting this thing?"
And I always answered "just wait"
You are probably asking, what did I do? If I didn't do anything to the plan then. Well I wasted half a million dollars, and don't ask me why, this lady I mean she's just the perfect mother and all she wanted was to just see her son have a good life and she's so nice in a way that cannot exist, so I did some searching and I found where Badr's old house was and bought it and made it perfect and added the best kitchen tools to it, and I bought a work shop and turned into a mechanic place, and not just any mechanic place, it's better than any mechanic in the city, and I bought Badr a car since he didn't have one, it took a lot of time and contracts and stuff, but it's all finished now, and they don't know about it. Now it's dawn time and no one is awake I will wait for Badr to wake up and make this a surprise to them I will talk to you when I'm finished.

Let me tell you how it went now from top to bottom, so as I waited Badr woke up early actually they all woke up in the same time to pray the dawn prayers since Muslims pray five times a day, I waited until they finished and then I stopped them before they went back to sleep,
And said "I want you all to get dressed because I have a surprise for all of you especially you mother"
Om Badr said "but where are you taking us in this time of day?"
I said "trust me you will sleep happily after that surprise"
They all agreed and Badr's car was actually parked down, right in front of the building. Badr looked shocked as he saw the car keys with me and he said "you never told me that you have a car like that"
He kept looking and admiring how beautiful that car looked like since I got the best thing they had in the car shop. I said "well it's not mine it's yours"
He said "but I can't accept a gift like that!"
I said "it's not a gift it's a payback for your good hospitality"
Badr looked at his mother and wife. Badr's mother smiled and said "it's okay son you can accept that he's like your brother now, he even bought us good food sometimes"
I was shocked to know that she noticed but happy at the same time I don't know why everything this woman does is just sweet. Badr took the car keys and went to open the door and everyone got in, Badr's wife sat in the front seat and both, me and mother sat in the back, Badr said "that's a very nice thing to do Gebreel"
I said "oh that's not the surprise that's the car that will take us to the surprise, I will tell you the directions, and you drive"
You probably know where I took him, so as we stopped at Badr's old house Mother said "why are we stopping at my old house?"
I said "it's not your old house mom, it's your house"
And I gave her the keys; she actually punched my shoulder and smiled with a little bit of tear in her eyes, she asked "how could a kid like you get enough money for that?"
I said "With hard work mom and stop talking and go in there to rest"
I said "with hard work" because if I said that I got that money from gambling they wouldn't have accepted any of the things I got them since in Islam, money from gambling is no good but what can I say, I am not that religious and even though it's me who will take all hell if there was a hell. Badr parked the car near the house and we got in, mother said "it looks even better than what I remember"
Badr's wife said to Badr as she smiled "do you remember when you used to give me some of the sweets your mother made every time I passed here and you never looked me in the face because you were just too shy"
Badr smiled and looked her in the eyes, I said to Badr's mother and wife "well I bought some clothes up there get changed and rest a little because I will make the food today but now, me and Badr have to go somewhere"
Mother hugged me and kissed me on the forehead and said "May god be with you my sweet angel sent from heaven"
To be honest that gave me a warm feeling that I have almost never felt before, it felt so good, I wish my real mother was that good to me.
So as me and Badr got in the car he smiled and looked at me and said "you know my mother actually takes you as a son"
Now enough rainbows and sunny sweet things the plan started the moment Badr asked "so why did you do that and buy all these stuff"
I said "Well, simply because you care for your family and you work for them so if they are comfortable and you don't have to work you will be free to execute my plan with me and leave your best workers to work in the mechanic place for you"
Badr said "but it's only a small place and it doesn't get that much money"
I said as he stopped at the place I bought "I meant that place not your old place"
His eyes glowed like a kid seeing his favorite toy, so he made the people in his old place come work here and we got home and I officially became a chef, I can now make Arabian food and American food better than anyone, I actually think I'm starting to like cooking, everyone said that the food was perfect even mother who always says that there's something missing every time I make food, now I am asleep and happy that the people I care about are happy and we will start digging around both me and Badr tomorrow, and yes I do care about these people even more than my real family, goodnight my American notebook.

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