I will be teaching you physics

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You know what I said about life being care free? Well, it's boring, so me and Ana made a couple of changes, she's working on her project and I will work as a full time teacher, and we're not living in the beach house anymore, since it's better for the child to not be isolated. See, we chose to live in a little above average neighborhood, not one of the rich ones because when a kid has everything that kid grows up corrupted and spoiled really. I am stalling because I don't want to talk about me being a physics teacher, I haven't started yet but I already talked to the school principal and we did some deals which I will tell you about later. See, what's terrifying about this, is that I'm going to be in front of high school kids, you might not be as terrified as I am, because you only saw one high school kid in your entire life. So, Anastasia have been working on her project lately, and she took a shitload of pictures, and when I asked her "why?"
She said "I don't see anyone that has the body of a Greek god other than you, so I will take references from your body, so please take off all of your clothes"
I mean I didn't mind really, it was just interesting, and I couldn't search behind her because she already asked me not to do that.
So now forward to me looking for a job. Basically I looked for the closest school, and I found one, it's... well, I don't know what to call it, but it's a three in one school, you know, it has the three major... I think this school work is eating my brain, so, fuck you if you don't understand what I mean. Another good thing about the school is that the principal is a really sweet man, I made a deal with him that he uses my pay check for charities. He's confused when I asked him, but he agreed at the end... alright, alright don't hit me, I know I have a habit of not saying people's names, when I talk, that's something that Anastasia pointed out... okay, okay? I'm not stalling his name is Robert Snyder, he asked me to call him Rob, but all the kids call him Principal Snyder. But the one thing, that's better than all this, Shaun works there! Yes, the Shaun, the one and only, the annoying roommate who left me for his girlfriend. See, I'm quite happy to see him again, when we talked after I saw him, he told me about his life. See, he got married to his girlfriend, and guess what? They're expecting a baby.
See, I need to stop saying see. When a teacher makes a mark in your memory, you just like that, that's what I'm going to do in my first day, I won't tell you what I'm going to do now, but I will tell you how it went.

Well, that wasn't as bad as I expected. Actually, it wasn't bad at all, I think the students liked me."

Arthur said "well, that's the point, dad, everyone liked you"
And then he started reading again

"I already had a trick up my sleeve to make a good first impression. My first class was a class of seniors, and if I'm being honest I do not like this year of high school, the kids are either too confident, or they're just too scared of their own shadow, there is no in between. The day started like this, Ana walked with me to the school, and then we both said our goodbyes since she's going to keep working on her big project. See this was a school that everyone can afford, that means you will find every kind of a teenager in this school, the poor and the not poor, because those are the golden kind of people, the real humans who live on the same ground that everyone's from. I entered the class, silently, and I put my backpack on the chair as I stood and looked at them with a smile, but not just any smile, the kind of smile that you make when you're happy, or when someone says a funny joke, but the joke isn't too funny to make you laugh. It took them a couple of seconds to realize that I was there, and they stopped chatting on their own, and they all looked at me. I took a deep breath as I said "does any of you know what class this is?"
The student that likes to make fun of teachers said "it's physics, Duh?"
I said "you're not wrong, but don't you think it's flat when you put out that way"
The rebel student said "everything you people teach us in this school is flat"
I made a face that means that I'm interested in what he said. I said "does any of you have an apple or a banana right now?"
One of the normal students said "I have a banana"
I asked him "can you make the pose of the liberty statue while holding it?"
He said confused "sure?"
I got out a deck of playing cards and I said "my name is Gabriel and you're allowed to call me by my first name, and I will be teaching you"
Before completing my sentence I threw a card on the banana and it sliced it, and only after that I said "Physics!"
I smiled a cocky smile as I said "that doesn't look flat to me"
They were all absolutely amazed by what I did. I clapped my hand a small clap as I said smiling "Now! Time for introductions don't you think?"
And each one of them would stand up and say their names. The physics they have it's just a piece of cake, and to get their full attention I would use my hand movements all the time while explaining, it all went good, I did the same trick with every class, and I made a deal with them that by the end of the month the students that will get the highest grade will have a lunch made fully by me, they probably don't understand what it means to get a meal fully made by me, but they well in a month.
At lunch time I already had my food made with me, but it was too boring where the teachers were eating, even Shaun grew up and he's talking about the weather, and all those boring things. As they were talking I interrupted them by saying "hey! Rob! Is there a rule that prevents me from eating in the students' court?"
Robert said "not really, but just be careful out there because all the grades are together in one place"
Shaun said laughing "don't worry, he's going to be okay"
I walked there holding my lunch box, if I'm being honest, that reminds me of my school days. I was looking for a place to sit, and all the tables were full but one, there's this girl, sitting alone with her lunch box untouched, she's drawing in a sketchbook, but she's totally alone and, well I don't want to sound cruel, but she's the kind of girl that's considered ugly by the whole school. I went up to her and asked "can I sit with you?"
She said "aren't you a little old to be going to school?"
I said "yes, that's the reason I work here"
She said "I'm sorry, I didn't notice you're a teacher, you can sit wherever you want mister?"
I sat down and said "it's Gabriel, just call me Gabriel, so, what are you drawing?"
She said "you still haven't asked me for my name. It's Ellie by the way"
I said "so, Ellie, do you want to trade lunch?"
She said "fine, give me a bite"
I gave her the sandwich and as she took the first bite, she closed her eyes, to make the gesture that she loved it. She said "who made this?"
I said "I did, why are you asking?"
Ellie said "can I have the other one too?"
I said "alright, but show me your sketchbook first"
I saw the sketchbook, and, sometimes people use strange ways to deal with their pain, she said "what you're seeing in front of you, is a super hero named Ellie, that's why there's an E on her chest, and she's too pretty and too cool to be anyone's friend"
I said "the right word is super heroin, since super hero is used for males"
I heard her whisper in Polish "fucking nerd"
I said smiling in perfect Polish "well you're not the only one who could speak Polish"
She said "I'm sorry I..."
I said laughing as I walked away "it's okay just be polite next time, Ellie"
If I'm being honest, I like this life, it's peaceful, and it doesn't have any sorts of pain, just an honest job and a wife, and a kid coming in the way, I think I will talk to you again after five years, I am joking if you don't know what humor is, but I will see you later."

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