She's pure

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“Well, she’s not as bad as I thought, but she’s not that good either. She is what you call a church girl, my friend, she wears a golden necklace with a cross on it, and when I sleep I can hear her through the walls praying. We have agreed on the rules before she came to be my roommate. She’s deaf, and she doesn’t sound or look deaf. The first time I saw her was when I first met her at Shaun’s lover’s apartment, god I still cannot believe he actually got a girlfriend and just left his friend for her, and I mean it’s not like I was his only friend, well, I mean he was my only friend, and why the fuck am I telling you all this. Back to our point. What I noticed about her, is that whenever someone speaks she doesn’t make any eye contact, she just looks at their lips, so, I had a theory that I wanted to try, I waited for her to not look at me, and then I screamed her name “Anastasia!”
And it wasn’t really a surprise to me that she didn’t hear anything, she didn’t look back yet both Shaun and his girlfriend looked at me, confused. Anastasia looked back at me because she didn’t know why both Shaun and his girlfriend looked at me. I said smiling “did you know that she’s deaf?”
Shaun’s girlfriend said “what? She’s not!”
I looked at Ana and smiled and said “you know that is pretty impressive to be able to hide that without getting noticed”
She said “ugh I hate you already, how would you like it if I exposed you”
Shaun and his girlfriend were very amazed when she admitted that she’s deaf. I actually thought about being exposed when she said that, so I said “expose me if you can”
She said “you’re gay”
Shaun said “everyone knew that he was gay when they saw him at the party”
I said “fuck you two!”
It was funny we all laughed, even though they’re saying things about me that I’m not, and that’s okay really since I wouldn’t want them to say the things that I am. Now it’s been two months since she moved in, and her favorite place was the fucking balcony, since she’s studying art, she’s basically an artist and the balcony is where almost all of her art stuff is, and she’s very annoying, really, but she’s a good person, and to be honest, her art is very good, she even made her room into a fucking painting, but I didn’t say anything since it looked prettier than before. One day I wanted to mess with her mind a little, as we were eating, and for your information she loves to talk while we’re eating she’s very talkative, I asked her “you’re catholic right?”
She said “yeah, why do you ask?”
I said “well, it’s kind of weird that a catholic person becomes an artist and keeps on admiring all of these naked bodies, don’t you think?”
She said with hand gestures “stand up!”
Before I was about to ask her “why”
She said raising her voice “stand up, and don’t be a whiney little kid!”
So I stood up, she totally forgot that we were eating and grabbed my hand and pulled me to the mirror as she said “tell me, what do you see?”
I said confused “I see us both?”
She said “not that you idiot! I meant, what do you see when you look at yourself, see, this is the you that the people in the street see, just a flat image of you, like a painting, but only you, can see the sculpture, with all it’s details, now, tell me again, what do you see?”
It was quite weird that she was very into what she was saying, of course I didn’t tell her that I am the world’s most wanted psycho, and I said “well, I see a rich asshole with family issues”
She said “well I know that’s a lie but oh well, your opinion of yourself doesn’t really matter”
I said “you are very confusing, get to the point”
She said “ask me about how I see you”
I looked at her in confusion and said “alright then, how do you see me?”
She said looking at me from top to bottom “you are something unique, and you never do anything to show off in front of anyone, everything you do, you do to satisfy yourself, what proves my theory is that you work out every day, and you never show off your muscles, and you never even took off your shirt in front of me, which leads to my theory, but to me you’re just a piece of stone walking the earth, as long as I control my urges and not become an animal, I can look at anything without having a single feeling”
I said “And how did you know that I never take off my shirt to show off whatever it is I want to show off? I even took it off at Shaun’s birthday to dance with the ladies”
She said “liar, I was there, and you were the only person on that yacht that had his shirt on”
I thought for a second, was she really there, or did she know about it from Shaun. As she was walking away to get back to eating I smelled a bit of her perfume that was left on her from the morning.
I said suddenly “were you the person that came and stood behind me and walked away?”
She said “yes? How did you know?”
I said smiling “it’s your perfume it was very strong that day, but why did you just stand there without saying anything?”
She said laughing as she walked back to the food table “you seemed scary sitting there all by yourself”
It was a nice talk, because she wasn’t aggressive about anything”

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