The killing of a pedophile

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So, I made a plan to kill Linda, hear me out, okay? So, she told me that my punishment will be later that day when I humiliated Mr. Maxwell, so I will act like I actually want her to punish me, but I will have my condition, I will tell her that I need to be adventurous this time, so I will tell her that there is an abandoned building, which there is, but it won't be abandoned when the police discover her corpse there, but I will have to meet her unnoticed, and it will have to be after my I'm done with Isaac for the day, my alibi for when the police ask where I was in the time of death will be easy to fake since I have Rebecca, I will just mess with all the clocks in her house so that when I get there she thinks that I was actually with her at the time of the murder, and before I get back to my home I will return the clocks back again to the right time. It's so early at the time I'm talking to you, so I will try and do it today, because I did not sleep yesterday since putting the things that I will use to do justice on that whore in my bag, I actually think that going out of the house is easier now since they don't ask me where I'm going anymore after my argument with my mother. I guess I will see you later then.

It happened my friend and I am going to tell you every detail because when I saw god in Mr. Anderson's dead body lying, I saw the devil in the details of killing that woman, so it started like that, I went to her house after finishing with Isaac, and knocked on her door and made sure that my bare skin didn't touch the door, I actually saw in her eyes that she wasn't expecting me, but she wanted it, she said "well, come in let's punish you"
I wanted to punch her in the face but I couldn't, I said trying to tease her "let's try something with more adventure, let's go to the abandoned place I found, no one will find us this way"
And she agreed like any other pedophile who would do anything just to abuse someone young, I got into her car and as we arrived in here place of death, she started touching, I didn't refuse, although I wanted to hurt her for even trying, she was about to meet her maker when she made her first touch, you may ask, why did I choose this place exactly, I will simply tell you that this place is in the middle of nowhere, so when she screams for her life, no one will hear her, so, after I went with her inside that place that was left like that for god knows how many years, and just as she started taking off her clothes, I put on my gloves so that I don't leave anything that will trace back to me, and I jumped and punched her in the jaw to make them think that the person who punched her was taller, honestly I felt good when I did that, but what felt better was her face when she didn't realize that I hit her and she was on the ground looking at me, and the punch that knocked her out, it was actually better than anything I've ever felt before, and after I knocked her out I took all her clothes off, and tied both her legs and hands, I waited until she woke up again after three minutes and twenty three seconds of shaking her real hard, I didn't have to say the seconds there, but you know sometimes I just have to show off my memory, so after she woke up she looked at me and started screaming "Help! Help"
Just like those kids she raped, which she didn't confess yet at the time but I already knew. I made the best setup to expose what kind of a monster she really was, by some papers and a pen and a small tape recorder that I had stolen specially for her.
I said "alright now that you have calm down, I will make some rules, if you want to live you will follow them, first of all I will write my questions on those papers, and you will answer without ever mentioning who I am, and if you lie I will know because my hands will be on your chest to feel your heartbeats and if you lie I will know it, and when I ask you about me, you will answer like it's not me who is showing you hell, and if you lie, say my name or do anything I didn't tell you to do, I will stab you and make sure to put my shiny knife here in a place that will hurt yet not kill, are we clear Linda?"
She said in fear "we are clear"
before I continue I just wanted you to know that I can't really know if she's lying, I mean not yet, but telling her that will make her believe it, alright so I started recording and my first questions, they were basic questions for the police to know and identify that the woman lying dead is the woman talking in that tape, and I got to the more serious questions
And the first of them was "how many sexual relationships have you had with males or females who were kids"
I looked at her carefully to make her fear what I will do if she lies, and her answer was "I have had sexual relationships with 15 kids"
I heard that number and I wanted to kill her even more, I wrote to her "say the names of those kids and say my name in between them not last nor first"
Because that would draw the attention to me, she answered with names that I had never heard before, so I wrote to her "and how did you get those kids to not tell anyone what you did? Did you kill them?"
She said "usually they would agree to have high grades, or money, and sometimes both, but I would never kill them"
And I wrote to her "have you ever hurt any of the kids physically?"
And she answered "yes, I did hurt the kids that I mentioned their names earlier from time to time"
I wrote to her "how and why did you do that?"
She said "by hitting them or putting out my cigarettes in their bodies and sometimes I bit them until they showed a little blood, I usually do it because it makes me feel pleasure, it's not my choice, please!"
After that I turned off the tape recorder and looked at her, and she said "please let me go I will not tell anybody about this, just let me go"
I asked her "do you know who killed the governor and all his men?"
She said "I don't know! Please! Let go of me!"
And I know she didn't even think about the question, I went closer towards her and looked her in the eye while she was tied and lying on the ground and said "did you know that this mysterious man got all of the doctor's organs out of his body, because the doctor used to remove organs from other humans"
She cried and said "please don't kill me"
I put my finger on her mouth to shut her up, and got out the cigarette pack I had in my bag, and I lit one cigarette and put it in her mouth and said "have a smoke!"
And right before she could enjoy it, I put off the cigarette in her stomach, and I kept doing it like that until the pack was finished,
I said with a sarcastic voice "what do you think I should do with you?"
She said "let me go please, I don't want to die, I won't speak of this to anyone"
I said "well, I know you don't want to die, but you have to, to be an example for anyone who tries to be like you, and because people like you should be dead"
I didn't kill her right away, I had to terrorize her first, I mean what if god is an idiot and he was planning to take her to heaven if he existed? I mean, I had to show her hell before killing her, I started by stabbing her in the foot and then I went up to the thighs stabbing her, I did it in both legs and arms and she lost a lot of blood but she wasn't dead yet, so I cut both the hands that she touched me and those kids with, and I let her die there and for her to be discovered I made her car to explode after half an hour from when I start the contraption that I made. I got rid of all the evidence and I walked to Rebecca's house, because I didn't want to risk a taxi driver identifying me. After that I tricked Rebecca into thinking that I was at her house at six when it was really half past seven, and later I made the clocks get back to normal time again, and then I came back to you my beautiful diary. I actually now think that Mr. Anderson's body did not go to waste because without me trying to do what I did I wouldn't have killed my father which was going to prevent me finding out about the governor's human trafficking and then those people would have never been saved, now I can sleep with my mind resting, and before you say that I'm stupid I wiped my fingerprints off Linda's car and looked for hair or anything tracing back to me, but I left my fingerprints inside her house because if there wasn't any of mine there, that would draw suspicions towards me when the police starts investigating, I will tell you what will happen tomorrow when I come back home, goodnight for now my old friend.

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