What he thought was love

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As much as I hate to say it, Rebecca just got back to using drugs, and the new principal is an ordinary man, he's just calm and peaceful, and it actually have been more than a year since the last time we talked, I didn't tell you about a lot of stuff because it's just boring, and I wouldn't want to bore you. In the time I was gone I did learn a lot of stuff and I made a lot of money, but one thing that will actually be very important in the future. Do you remember when I lied to Linda and told her that I would know if she lied by feeling her beat, it turned out to be a real thing actually, it took a lot of time actually and a lot of having sex with Rebecca so that she could agree that I train on her, it's a month until I finish this year, I am basically eighteen now and I stopped gambling for Isaac but I still need to finish high school to be able to go to college later, and I hate Rebecca by the way, she is exactly like her aunt, she used me again while doing what she did and that's the reason why I can't kill her for what she did, you are probably wondering what did she do, first of all she tied me to her bed while I was asleep and then she used a drug which I don't know the name of but she used a needle, and she had this weird whip and she kept hitting me with it while saying weird stuff like she wanted that since forever, it's not even that interesting to talk about it but one thing I did is that I kept a stone face while she did this to me, and I said no word, until she untied me.
I got dressed and looked her as she was smoking and I said "we are over and you will pay for doing that to me"
She said "go to hell you're not that interesting anymore"
I should kill her for that but I can't since she wasn't fully conscious while doing that. She will be going to the prom probably, and that's when I'm taking my revenge on her. The plan is already happening, but I have to leave before it's fully executed, so I will tell you about it as if I still didn't execute it, I will plant a fake letter to the guy she's with at the time telling him to enter the house to enter her room secretly and kiss her that day. You are probably wondering and how will that help me? I will simply tell you that I hired a man who is some sort of a sex freak like her who gets paid to torture people, I know how weird that sounds but it's a real thing, so I will enter her room right before her new boyfriend arrives and I will act like I'm horny and tie her and cover her mouth with a piece of fabric so that she can't talk and I will tell that man to enter from the window and to never let go of her even if she cries and then poof, I get to California with my backpack and my motorcycle, and yeah I now own a motorcycle which I bought for two hundred thousand dollars, and I know how crazy that sounds but since that money is illegal I had to spend it all and make a fortune from scratch. I guess I will talk to you when the plan is done and I arrive at the first stop from Detroit to California, see you later my one and only friend.

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