Terrorize the free will out of him

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This is the first time I feel like having the ability to terrorize someone is really useful when you're not going to hurt them physically. Basically I'm the students' guidance when they have problems, most of them are just dumb problems that they didn't really think about good enough. But there's this kid who actually needed physical help in the real world, or maybe it's just me thinking that because, I saw myself in him. It was a regular day after the class all the students went out and the one with the problem stayed, his name's Nathaniel.
He just came up to me and he said "can I tell you something, but promise to not tell anyone"
He's dumb because I can't really prove anything on him since it's just a conversation with no witness, but his mind thinks a certain way because of his father and I wouldn't blame him. I said "sure go ahead"
I was waiting for him to say something stupid, like my girlfriend left me, or what do I do when it's my first time to have sex, but he didn't say that, he said "I wish I could kill my dad"
I looked confused as I said "why would you say that?"
He said "it's a long story"
I said "well, you didn't tell me just so that you could say it's a long story, go ahead I'm listening"
He said "do you promise you won't talk to my dad about this?"
I said "yes, I promise"
He said "fine, basically my dad treats us like shit"
I said "can you be more detailed?"
Nathaniel said "basically my dad is a sadist, and he finds pleasure in watching us in fear or scared of him"
I said "tell me all the details on why you think that Nathaniel, don't be scared, you won't be scared anymore"
He said "you're not letting anyone know, are you?"
I said "I already promised you I won't tell anyone so please talk?"
He said "he likes to treat mom as if she's lower than him in grade or something, and they both go to work and he sits around the house while she does all the work, and he never stops yelling, and nothing pleases him, my mom makes the best food, and he just talks shit just because she made the food, and he says "I give you money so that you could feed me shit?"
And the thing is he makes her pay with him in everything, her personality is just too weak to stand in front of him, and mom was upset once that she ordered food from a restaurant and made him think that she made this food, and he still thought it was shit, even though he said before that this restaurant makes the best chicken, and he always talks about how he's letting us live in his house, and it's not even that good or clean, and everyone chooses not to argue with him about anything, because if he wins it's either you get punished or he beats you up because you're disrespectful, and it's usually the second one with my sister"
I was shocked, I stood in silence and I didn't know what to say, I was going to deal with it, which I already did now that I'm talking to you, but I just couldn't leave the kid and tell him everything will be okay.
I looked at him and I said "you know my father was like this, except we were poorer than you are, we lived in Detroit, and he died when I was nearly your age"
He asked "and did your life get better after he died?"
I thought for a second and I looked at him and said "if I look at it from another angle, I may have got my freedom to do what I want, but maybe if I didn't get the freedom I had, I wouldn't have gone through all of the bad experiences I went through"
He said "thanks for talking with me about this, I feel a little better now"
Before he got out I said "Nathaniel! It's going to get better you have my word"
I just sat down and I had thoughts flying around my head, do I buy Nathaniel's mother another house and help them with the money? But then I would think again and find out that this is not going to work out, because it would make it feel like I pity him, or that he needs constant help. And yes I did think about killing his father. How and why would someone be that cruel to his own family? He's just doing less than his wife, and he's demanding for more, and he's doing it in front of his children. I was boiling but then Arthur interrupted my brain as he opened the door and said "hey dad!"
No he's not a teenager if that's what you're wondering, he's ten, and he just comes to check on me whenever he gets the chance since we're basically in the same school. I said "hello there sir! May I ask? What is it that brings you here in this fine noon?"
He said "nothing I was just looking for one, wonderful Gabriel the physics guy"
I looked at him and raised my eyebrows "the physics guy? Really Arthur?"
He laughed as he said "well, the physics guy can't catch the Arthur guy"
I said "young man! are you challenging me? Because if you are then be prepared to run"
He came and he punched my shoulder gently as he said "no, I won't run we both know I would beat you in a race"
I said "since tomorrow is the weekend? Would you want to stay over at one of your friends' house?"
He said "but how will I work out with you if I'm staying with them?"
I said "Arthur, you're still too young to be that consistent on working out, you just started three days ago because you liked it when you saw me do it, so, no harm will be done if you rest tomorrow and after tomorrow? Okay?"
He said "sometimes I think that you're a superhero with the power of convincing others"
I rubbed on his hair as I said "don't you think you want to go home now and lose at your favorite games from your old man?"
We walked out of the class as he said laughing "yeah, we will see?"
When the night came I called the Marshal, he was surprised because it's the first time I call in years, and I asked him to give me the list of people that are in the network that work with Nathaniel's father, and he gave me one name, and that name gave me all I needed to know to get this guy in my hands, so I waited for Arthur to go to his friend's house to start my plan, and I wasn't alone on it I had the guy that works with Nathaniel's father to help me. And not to bore you with the details like I do every time, I just got him where I wanted him to be, in the middle of nowhere, tied to a chair not knowing how he got this or who's in front of him, and his mouth is taped, honestly I didn't tape his mouth so that he doesn't scream, I taped his mouth because it's the only way he would say yes on what I write without arguing or saying why, it's just a two way answer.
After he woke up I wrote to him "do you know who I am?"
He nodded saying "yes"
I wrote to him again "The Executioner?"
He nodded again, I could see that he's terrified, it almost never happens that the executioner let someone go, the executioner just leaves them dead, or a body, which happened once and people were terrified since then. I wrote to him "do you know why you're here?"
He nodded again saying "yes"
I was confused. So the bastard just ruined my plan of being fast, I removed the tape from his face after I wrote to him "if you scream I will break your leg"
After I removed the tape and I wrote to him "why do you think you're here?"
He said "because of the twisted stuff I watch on my computer, believe me it's not a choice, at least I didn't hurt anyone"
I wrote to him "I asked you to say what you did, answer the question and don't make me angry and don't blur out anything, you're already here"
He said stuttering "I like to watch children..."
And then he cried as he said "I can't control it!"
I wrote to him "you're born that way, but that doesn't mean you can't control it"
He said "and how would you know unless you're like me"
I wrote to him "I don't need to be like you to know what lust feels like, I love women and I didn't touch one in twenty years"
Of course I wouldn't say the real amount years so that he might come to the conclusion that mister Gabriel's wife died almost that amount of years ago. He stuttered as he didn't know what to say, so I got back to the main problem as I wrote to him "you didn't tell me. Why do you treat your family like shit?"
He said "they're my family I can treat them how I want"
I wrote to him "you just said that to me, and we haven't been over the first problem yet"
He looked more terrified as he said "is there a way you can let me live, I promise I will do anything you say"
I wrote to him on the first paper "the papers I'm about to show you are orders, you will only nod to them, and if you don't agree, I will make you agree, now nod if you agree to this"
He agreed on them all but I will tell you either way what the orders were, they were "it's either you do the housework and food with your wife or you shut the fuck up and thank her every second that she's still putting up with your shit. You will never lay a hand on your sons and daughter. From now on your life does not belong to you, it belongs to your family, if you hurt or yell at them in any way I will know and I will get you if you go across the world. And with your other filthy problem, you can resist to like kids the same way any man can resist a woman or a man depending on their sexuality, so if I find you looking at this shit again, you're staying alive with no hotdog to play with, and you're not telling anyone about me, you're the first one I let go without torturing"
And then I tranquilized him and left him in another nowhere far from the nowhere I had him in. I found someone in the network that's good with computers and stuff, so I can now know if he actually still watches the filth he used to watch, and a week later Nathaniel asked me after class "what did you do to him?"
I said as if I didn't know "what did I do to who?"
He said "my dad! He's literally another person, I can have conversations with him now, and he never yells!"
I said "I never met the guy, but some people say my prayers are related to the physical world so they make a change. I told you everything is going to be better"
Nathaniel smiled as he walked away. Maybe killing someone isn't always the only way to stop them.
Arthur wants to go to the beach and we're going tomorrow. He's used to seeing my scars, I told him when he's little that I was in an accident, and he just got used to it. He's just like his mom, he accepts everyone for who they are not for how they look. I think he has a crush on Shaun's daughter since he tries to change the subject whenever I talk about her, maybe he will tell her when he's more of a teenager, I will tell you what happened when we get back, I will probably take him to the beach house and tell him that it's not mine it's a friend's house, and he's out of the country, and tomorrow is going to be the first time he sees the garage on the inside or the motorcycle, since I never got the chance to show it to him, tomorrow is going to be fine don't panic you're a cool dad.

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