Arthur has his own life now

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You know how scary I sound when I fight? I believe Arthur is going to be far scarier, that kid as a machine when in combat, even more of a machine than I am. There's a play at the school, it's not anything big. It's just a King Arthur's play, and as you might expect, it's Arthur who took King Arthur's role, it's just a stupid play with no deep meaning, at the end king Arthur would pull the sword from the stone, and everyone would be impressed and he would say "if anyone does not think I am the rightful king, they shall face me in a battle"
See I was planning on a couple of tricks there, I replaced the fake sword, with a real one, and my role in there was to be a homeless man, and my plan was to object when Arthur says his words, and that's what I did, I yelled "I don't accept you as a king for I shall turn you into a dead man"
Everyone was confused, even Arthur was, I only did that to give him a real fight against me. I pulled out a dagger as I said "show me what a king can do, you imposter!"
Arthur said trying to make a joke thinking that all of this was a joke "this dagger will break on my skin before it makes any kinds of cuts"
Everyone got a small giggle out of that but they were all silenced when I raised my hands and made a small cut on it as I said "maybe I should try the next cut on you!"
And I said "this is your only chance to have a real fight to prove yourself"
Arthur then realized what all of this was about, and his eyes glowed, he threw the sword on the ground which wasn't what I expected and then he opened his arms as he said "a king is not one to attack his people"
And let me tell you, it was so intense, that everyone was in silence, right after my first hit, the amount of moves I did, I can't tell you on paper how much they were."

Arthur said smiling "yeah, you kicked my ass, but I didn't let you kick it too hard, but it was the last time you were ever able to"

"After twenty minutes of pure fighting, I made myself fall on the stage as I said "there's no greater king than King Arthur"
The curtains closed and we could hear the amount of claps and whistles, it's as if we made the best play ever in history, what can I say? Humans just love violence, we ate ice-cream on our way back, and we had Elena facing us, as Arthur saw her, he told me that he's going to his friend's house, and he walked away, I said hey to her, and she said it back, and then she said "I need your help"
I thought it was something big so I said "speak your mind"
She said "I love Arthur and I can't tell him because he refuses to talk to me or even look at me, and all the girls now are talking about how hot he is, and I'm just scared that I might never be able to express my love to him"
I said confused "you're talking about the Arthur that just walked away?"
She said "yes!"
I said "and why can't you tell him?"
She said "why are you asking these questions when you already know that he wouldn't talk to me since my dad's funereal?"
I said "you know he changes the subject whenever I start speaking about you?"
She said with a sad tone "does he hate me that much for what I said"
I said "he doesn't hate you as much as he's scared of talking to you"
She said "so help me! You help everyone and you can't help me with this stupid love thing?"
I said "I can find a cheesy way to help you"
She said "anyway! Just tell me!"
I said "you like to sing right?"
She said "I absolutely love to"
I said "well, you're going to confess your love on stage to him next week in the talents show at the school"
She said "that's too cheesy!"
I said "no shit! I already told you it is"
She said "and you're going to help me with that?"
I said "how exactly do you expect me to help you sing?"
She said "by making him stay while I sing, or even better, by singing with me"
I said "but I will need to discuss this with your mother before anything"
She said "fine then, let's walk home, mom is there right now"
I couldn't refuse so I went along with her, when we got in, Liz welcomed us with a warm meal, I teased her a little by telling her that her food is missing something, and Elena laughed. Liz said "an amazing act, the on that you pulled on stage"
I said smiling a cocky smile "it wasn't in the script"
They both looked shocked as Elena said "so was that cut real?"
I showed her my hand with the same smile as I said "as real as it gets"
Liz said with the same worried tone "oh my god! And the fighting?"
I said with the same face "that was real too"
Liz looked at Elena as she said "those men are monsters how were they not scared"
Elena said "but Arthur is cute"
I said to Liz "actually Elena had something else to say about Arthur"
Elena looked embarrassed at Liz as she said "Ehm, Ehm... So, I think I love Arthur and I will confess that to him in a song, and Mister Gabriel said that I should wait to tell you, I know that it's too cheesy"
I looked at Elena waiting for her to explode from Laughter, and she did and so did I right after. Elena looked confused as she said "why are you both laughing at me?"
Liz looked at Elena with a big smile as she said "your uncle Gabriel probably didn't tell you this, but his wife confessed her love to him the same way when they were in college, he didn't think it was cheesy at the time, because I never saw him kiss a girl like he kissed her, as a matter of fact, I never saw him kiss any other girl before or after he kissed her, it broke the rumors that used to say that your uncle here was..."
I said stopping her "Gay, they thought I was gay"
Liz said "and we would've still loved you if you were!"
I laughed as I said "shut up!"
Elena said "so is that a yes or a no?"
Liz said "what would make you think I would ever say a no? Love whoever you want little girl, as long as you don't do bad things"
We kept having a good family meal, as we made the plan, and Liz made Elena choose the same song that Ana sang for me that day, as much as it reminds me of tragedies as much as I can't let it eat me.
When I went home I found Arthur sitting on the computer doing some teenagers stuff, he asked me where I was, and when I said at Liz's place he didn't say anything, I really hope that he at least accepts Elena's apology because if he doesn't it's going to get really unhealthy, and I don't need that, I will talk to you later, after I do Elena's plan.

For the first time, I am happy that someone is leaving me, I mean, Arthur is leaving me, but not now, maybe in the future, and as you expected, I played the guitar with Elena, and this girl actually knows how to sing, after she finished she yelled "I love you Arthur"
And she went down stage and stood in front of him as he didn't move, he probably didn't know what to do, and she held his face aggressively as she kissed him, he didn't say anything his face just turned red, they walked out together as everyone was looking at them, and I was just standing there having everyone looking at me after the door was closed, I smiled a happy smile as I said "Hello there, everyone!"
I went away with everyone laughing, and the next contestant came in. I tried to figure out where they were, and I guessed it right, Arthur took her to his favorite ice-cream shop, I went back home unnoticed from them, and here I am talking to you, I am lonely, alone is what I am now, not really, since Arthur had to grow up at some point and have his own life away from me. We we're talking a couple of days ago, and while we were eating he just said out of nowhere "I want to be a cop"
I was surprised, I asked him "why a cop exactly?"
He said "because I want to have police privileges. That was a joke, but if I'm being honest, it's because I want to be like you"
My head was going to explode at this moment, yet I was very calm on the surface, I thought "did he find out and this is his way of telling me or what?"
I asked him "what do you mean like me?"
He said "you help people, like the kids in school, even the ones that aren't very clever, you just help everyone and it's not even your job, imagine if it was your job how much the world would've been better"
He doesn't know that it was my job at some point, I asked him "so you're only going to help people? You don't want to catch the executioner or something?"
Arthur said as he sighed "I searched on the internet on this guy, and if I am being honest? I think he did goof more than bad to the world, even though I disagree with his ways, because that's just playing god among humans, and no one has the right to do that"
I looked at him and said "and do you have any suspects in mind, young detective?"
He looked at me and said "they never show the names of anyone they just say the number of the people that his victims hurt or killed, and that's it, they don't even display the victims' names on the internet"
I said to him "have you ever thought that the executioner might be a woman?"
He said "in some cases the forensics think it's a woman, and in other cases, it's a man, and in some other cases, it's both a man and a woman, some rumors even say it's not just one person because killings like these happen all over the world"
I said changing the subject "what a great subject we're talking about over food?"
He said "do you think physics is a good subject to talk about?"
I said "don't talk as if you never liked physics, you're a smart kid, you might have been dumb if someone else taught you, but I did and now you have to deal with it"
We both laughed for a little but then he said "I want to take Elena on a date, but I don't know how to do these things"
I looked at him and said "what kind of activity do you think Elena likes?"
Arthur said "she likes everything basically as long as she's not alone in it?"
I said "take it from me son, you don't, want to do these boring things where you open the car door, and pull out the chair for her, and go to a very expensive restaurant that plays the annoying music over and over in a cycle, and the food isn't even that good there!"
He said "isn't that what dates are?"
I said "that's what people do in dates, you don't need to do that. You can do it at home where everything is private and more comfortable"
He laughed as he said "so we could watch you going around the house? Definitely the best date ever!"
I said "I will leave the house that day and only make you the food and let you have your special time"
He said "fine let me ask her first"
She said "yes" and their amazing special date is tomorrow, it's going to be good, I will tell you about it later.

I know I might sound like an asshole for saying this, but every time Arthur gets closer to Elena I know for a fact that he's going to have his separate life from me, he will be a cop, and he will get married, and I will leave him this house to live in, and it's just annoying you know? But he's growing to be a good person, and maybe my life will stop orbiting around him and I will find other things to do, I mean you can probably expect that I won't talk to you for five years until I'm alone, so I will talk to you later.

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