Nothing happens for a reason

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Arthur said crying "you know I've never cried this much before from reading something. And why did you keep all of this inside you for fifteen years, why did you always try to be perfect. And I know that you killed people, I know all that, but I know for a fact that you're a good person, dad. You're the best friend I ever had, and now I know what it felt like when you lost mom, and I can't fucking handle it, I am running in circles, who do I tell about this? And how? You're the one person I talked with about everything, even my work, I just didn't know how you're too good, but now I know. And now I can't tell my wife about this"
Arthur kept rubbing his head as he looked back at the grave and said "I will come back tomorrow"
Arthur came back the next day and he sat in front of the grave as he said "you know, I thought about it, the way you acted with me, after all you've gone through, with your condition, I believe no human was as tough as you are, even the ones in legends and myths"
Arthur smiled and looked at the sky as he opened the notebook to read

"You're probably wondering. What happened to Tobias? He died the next day in his bed from a gas leak, and no, I actually didn't kill him. I just realized, nothing is done for a reason, random things just happen to everyone, me being born with my condition? That was random. And so is everything else really, I'm still sad about Ana's death, but now it feels better to be sure that no mysterious fucker watching from the sky decided to kill her, it was absolutely random. It's quiet harder to hide you from Arthur now, that he's getting smarter by the day, but what I'm scared from is, what if Arthur's like me? What if he has this curse of memory that I have? I'm still going to find out when he's seven or eight. Arthur's words as I might make you think he actually talks, his words are a little understandable, but I just like it when he talks, even though he only says two words at a time. People might think that a life full of adventures and scary moments is the best life. I actually think the opposite of that, I absolutely like the boring life, with the same routine, seeing the same people you know and love every day.
Tomorrow Shaun and Liz are coming over to check whether I'm good or not because they're my friends and they care, and because they want Elena and Arthur to play together, since they're both the same age, and Elena is a little older than Arthur, I'm actually waiting for tomorrow to come, because out of the thousands of books I read, I never read anything about being a parent, and I can read books about being a parent, but it's better to ask other parents first. And I will talk to you again tomorrow.

Socializing is good, I think you should try it and not stay hidden like you are, but you don't have choice I guess, so, staying hidden is good.
They rang the doorbell, and I opened, and Arthur was standing behind me holding my leg, because he's shy. As Shaun saw me, he hugged me saying "Gabriel! I haven't seen you since yesterday!"
And he went to Arthur and he made a fist bump with him before he hugged him too saying "ay! My little man! Arthur I haven't seen you too since yesterday!"
I looked at Liz and said "you know? I thought he would pass that state after college, but I think he never will"
Shaun punched my shoulder as he said walking in "come inside guys! What are you waiting for? Don't you wanna try uncle Gabriel's food?"
This guy! He always finds a way to cheer me up. They sat in the kitchen waiting for me to put the food on their dishes. See, there's something that I do with Arthur when I'm making food for the both of us, I make him sit on my shoulder and I make him taste everything first before putting the food on his dish, and if it's something he wants he would do a thumbs up, and if it's something he doesn't, he would do a thumbs down, and each time he does a thumbs down on a certain part of the dish, I try to make it better for him so that he grows up eating everything. When Arthur sat on my shoulders Liz said "what are you doing?"
I said "you'll see, just wait"
Arthur made a thumbs on everything and Liz said in shock "he just ate vegetables without spitting it? Now that's something you should teach me"
I smiled a cocky smile at her and then I looked at Elena as I clapped my hands and then pointed at my shoulders as I said "horse, horse?"
I carried her and sat her on my shoulders and she made a thumbs up on everything, and then I sat her back down on the chair with the pillows and I put, both Liz and Shaun looked at me confused in silence, as I smiled and looked back at them, Shaun looked at Liz and said "Honey, I don't want to scare you, but Elena just swallowed her vegetables without being forced to!"
And he looked back at me and pointed with his finger "if that's not a voodoo child, then I should've married that man instead of you"
Liz punched Shaun's shoulders and the kids laughed, and of course I put the food, I didn't let them starve forever. Even though I might sound as if I moved on, when I actually didn't move on from anything, because I never do, and as much as you think I'm bragging, as much as I think you should go fuck yourself, because if I don't brag here, where else am I supposed to brag? Either way, it's getting better for Arthur which equals happiness to me, I will talk to you again whenever I feel like it, but goodbye for now.

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