Chapter 36

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Liza ^

Also , just a quick refresher : Eugene , Karina's father , he was in Jamaica but his storyline hasn't been confirmed yet . Meaning , we don't know if he was born there , deported there , etc . We just know he was stuck there because they were giving him a hard time coming back to the states & once her mother got deported , he was able to come back .

Also , Sha and Lani were both bestfriends . In a previous chapter , Sha and Lani were both with Racks . Later on , Sha " exposed " Lani to Melo and East for working for Racks and sent her away basically . It probably still sounds confusing because it's supposed to be , there's a lot of truths that haven't been uncovered yet .

Okay , just keep in that in mind , back to the chapter :))


" So do you know what this is
about ? " Nas asked me plopping down next to me on the couch .

" Nope , no idea . Who's idea was it to call a ' family meeting ' ? " I laughed a little .

" That's definitely my mom " She laughed too .

" Can you take me to the courts
today ? " Kade whined hopping in my lap .

" Uh uh you got another sister now " I said playing sleep .

" Fine " He crawled out of my lap and plopped in Nas' . " Can you take me to the courts today ? " He whined in the same tone making me roll my eyes and Nas laugh .

" Alright " My dad said clapping his hands together and approaching us in the living room with Moira behind him .

" You guys don't have plans today
right ? " Moira asked .

We all shook our heads no , all curious to know where this is going .

" Okay good , don't make any . So " He rubbed his hands together .

" Is mommy coming home !? " Kade interrupted .

My dad couldn't help but to cheese , " She is ? " I asked knowing my eyes lit up .

" Yes , very soon . Her flight is this weekend . But hold on hold on , before we get too too excited , " He laughed catching Kade who was jumping up and down .

" There's some family members I want you guys to meet " He finished .

" You too Nas " Moira said stroking her knee .

" Like who ? " She furrowed her eyebrows .

Our parents exchanged a look and the anticipation was starting to make us all get a little antsy .

" You guys have 2 more brothers " He said with a big smile . As if he was expecting us to jump & down in excitement .

" What do you mean ? Like the both of us ? " Nas wondered .

" Not technically " Moira answered .
" Just Karina and Kade , he's Eugene's son . They've been in contact here and there but they've finally talked about getting together more often now . But with Sonya coming back to the states , and not knowing about your father's other son we figured it'd be easier to tell you guys first " Moira explained .

I cringed at the sound of her using my mother's first name . " Okay so wait wait wait , how old is he ? 10 ? " I asked trying to put together the timeline . I'm so confused . And what did she mean by ' tell us first ' , what exactly did they have my mom coming home to ?

" Listen , I know it sounds crazy but just listen , I didn't really want to say anything until I could determine he was a good guy with good intentions ya know guys who find their fathers after years and years of not knowing them can have ulterior motives . So I just wanted to make sure everything was legit before I brought him around my family " He explained .

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