Chapter 43

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Hold on tight y'all



" So you was gonna have a party and not invite me ? " My cousin Mani said .

" Where Aunt Beverly at ? You know she gon whoop yo ass if she find out you with us " Melo said back making me double over in laughter .

Mani is only 17 and we used to be close when we were little but Aunt Beverly distanced herself from us when my dad got back into the game . She would always tell us not to end up like her brother . Obviously , we did . And although she couldn't control us , she made sure to keep Mani away from us when Melo went into high school and right into the streets .

We rarely see her now but she sneaks away to see us when she can .

" Yea cuz you not finna have yo mama on our ass " I added in .

" Please , I swear she won't find out . Do you know how embarrassing it is for my own friends to come to my own cousin's party but I can't come " She pleaded with us .

" Ight , one condition " Melo cut me off knowing I was still gonna say no , " You gotta start setting up in like an hour "

" Okay deal " She said enthusiastically , smiling .

" How she gon go get the stuff , she don't got no car " I said back making her punch the side of my arm .

" Nigga I know that . Nas and Karina boutta head out to the store in a little . So you better go make yourself familiar " Mani dashed down the stairs before he could finish explaining .

" Shouldn't y'all get some security or something ? " Malik asked . He's been tucked away for a while and him even being here is a risk but he know he straight with us . We just wish he could slide to the party .

" Nigga we are the security " Melo responded .

" Yeah ight . Bet 500 , Melo gon be two shades in the wind by 11 o'clock " Kaine chuckled plopping down next to Malik .


" Girl I'm nervous I can't even lie " Nas said sitting on my bed , waiting for me to finish getting ready .

" No cap , me too . I was lowkey thinking about just going out to make plays " I said still considering it . I really couldn't believe that Melo and East thought it was smart to have a party right now with all this shit going on . I know they're leaving and all but a little , invite only shindig would've been a little more appropriate .

" Nuh uh don't leave me alone . We already know them bitches are gonna be there and they not boutta try and be all up in our niggas' face without us there " She said making me giggle .

" Ohhhh our , huh ? " I said raising my eyebrows at her . She couldn't help but to break into a smile .

" Anywaaaaays , I'm sure when people get here they'll want some packs so you can probably still make some plays " She said matter-of-factly .

" I mean yeah thats true too . Fine I'll stay " I said rolling my eyes with a grin .

Our heads turned to the door once we heard someone knock on the door .

" Come in " I called out hoping it's not Melo or East coming to rush us .

But instead Mani walked in " Hi guysssss " She said dragging out , going to sit down on the bed near Nas .

I just met Mani today . In fact, I had only heard of her today . Which makes me think about how much I don't know about East or his family . Of course other than Melo and their Dad .

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