Chapter 26

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Sha ^^^


The next day came and nervousness was just about eating me alive . I stayed up almost all night long thinking about the right thing to do versus what's best for me . And what's been working for me , is staying out of it . Staying in my own lane and letting East & Kaine handle their thing .

But now that I knew there was a possibility Karina could be in danger , I couldn't live with myself knowing I could've said something to prevent it or at least help her .

Regardless , it was obvious what decision I was leaning towards . Before I could even gather my thoughts and think about what I was going to say , I had already rang their doorbell .

" Damn , can you put a shirt on ? " I said being approached with a half naked East .

" Nigga this my crib " He said walking away leaving the door open .

Once I walked inside & closed the door behind me , most of my nervousness dissipated . Now it just felt like I was talking to the homie .

" Oh hi Malik ! " Karina exclaimed coming up the stairs . They definitely started getting comfortable with each other ; I thought to myself noticing the pajama shorts that hugged Karina's figure .

But they live together , so that makes sense . " Wassup shorty . I ain't seen you in a minute " I said getting up to hug her .

Kade came up the stairs following after her . But based on his expression , he was still extremely tired .

" What's good witchu lil man ? " I asked watching him drag his feet to the table .

" Morning . Too much noise " He said tiredly .

" Oh you're such a drama king " Karina said shaking her head at him and placing a table mat in front of him .

She fixed him frosted flakes while East was still browsing for something to eat .

" Ya know reopening the fridge over and over isn't gonna magically spawn food in there " She said matter of factly to East .

" Yeah yeah shut up . Fix me some " He said plopping down at the table next to Kade .

" You are not 5 years old " She said playfully rolling her eyes .

Maybe ' comfortable ' was an understatement .

" Since when did you get so .... vocal ? " I chuckled .

She smiled and shrugged her shoulders . Despite her rebuttal to East , she still started to fix him a bowl of cereal .

" She has her moments " East answered for her . " Wassup witchu tho ? I know you ain't come here this early just to see us "

" Yah , real shit I needa talk to you , Melo , and Kaine " I said . I could tell I caught Karina's attention .

" You sound serious ? About what ? " East furrowed his eyebrows .

I cleared my throat " Karina " I answered .

She stopped what she was doing to turn her attention back to me , along with East , " Yeah so that's why I said we need to talk to Kaine "

They shared a look with each other and continued what they were doing .

" Kaine left last night . I haven't heard from him " East said .

" Left where ? What happened ? " I asked in utter confusion .

" Uhhh he got mad over nothing and stormed out . I have no idea where he went " He explained .

I sucked my teeth " Man I'm about to call him " I walked back over near the front door but as soon as I was about to call , Rah's name popped up on my phone so I answered .

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