Chapter 15

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Malik ^^^


It's only been a few days since Kaine took me in and I can't even explain how grateful I am . I barely see East . It was beginning to get awkward cause whenever we walked past each other . We did exactly that . Nothing more . Nothing else . It's almost as if he was avoiding me or ignoring me . But then again I never spoke to him either .

I guess you could consider Kaine like a bestfriend to me . Cause he truly was . He has helped me tremendously & I have no idea how I'd be able to repay him .

Kade jumped on my back , " Rina I miss my friends " I knew he was talking about his friends down at the barber shop . This time it wasn't my fault though .

" I know kiddo when I get a chance , I'll ask Kaine if he could take you " I answered letting him down & proceeding to clean the bathroom .

Recently , East & Kaine haven't really been going down to the shop that much so I haven't been able to ask Kaine to take Kade with him . To be honest , I have no idea where they spent their time at . While exploring a couple days ago , I walked in on them stacking up loads of cash & Kaine kicked me out telling me not to ask questions . I didn't even know they were home so I decided to just keep my mouth shut & not ask about it . That's none of my business essentially .

But I am gonna assume that's how they both afford this flashy life .

Also , yesterday , Kaine found some female clothes for me to wear in the meantime . He claimed they were just lying in his bottom drawer but I found that hard to believe . Quite frankly , him & sometimes other people take advantage of my quietness by doing or saying things they know I won't speak up about . So he knew I wouldn't question it .

Recently, I've been giving some thought to reaching out to Liza . She's pretty much the only person I really connect with in my life and I knew she was worrying about me . Kaine told me when I was ready to give him the go, she'd be here that quick . & Although I missed her lots, I was still hesitant to tell her about me because it's still slightly embarrassing . I'm pretty sure East doesn't even know why I moved in . I don't even know what he thinks because he never seems to ask questions or anything like that . Maybe Kaine told him.

" You try take my job you skinny mini " Lydia said snatching the vacuum from me . I widened my eyes before throwing my hands up in surrender . She is a very angry lady . I wasn't trying to steal her job . I just wanted to make myself useful around the house .

" I know this bitch isn't wearing my clothes " I hadn't even noticed who was in the living room while I was walking by to go to the kitchen . But I froze in place , extremely confused .

" East what the fuck is she doing here ? " Jess barked from sitting in his lap .

I squinted my eyes at her not knowing how to even react or what was about to come out of his, her, or even my mouth . She was definitely the last person I wanted to know about my situation . And the awkward silence that followed her question was killing me . Where is Kaine when I need him ? Not only was it difficult to be around Jess but it was also difficult to be around East whose presence I haven't been in for this long for a while. Because like I said, we walked past each other in the house 24/7 .

" Umm somebody speak the fuck up " She said now crossing her arms. My palms began to get sweaty as she waited for a response from two people that had no idea how to respond to her . Which is crazy because although I did snatch her up , it still wasn't necessarily me that really did it . Regardless, she was still bold for speaking to me like this cause it's not like she knows the difference .

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