Chapter 41

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The new Lani lol ^^^

I wanna see more comments ! I live for y'all's thoughts and opinions lol

How mad would y'all be if Karina & East DONT end up together ?? Just curious lol


" My bad shorty , can I get another
zip ? " The guy I was selling to said at my window . He was a regular and was cool so I'll look out . Usually I tell people that what they asked me for was all I had on me so I didn't have to spend extra time bagging up more weed .

" Yea that's fine , Nas you got me ? " I asked her as she started already weighing out another zip . East was the one to typically come make plays with me but after the little situation with Jaime , I actually didn't want to be around him . It was so frustrating and part of me feels like he still has feelings for her regardless of what he says .

" So I heard you and East and 'em going down to Miami " He said shielding his eyes from the sun . He was cool but I had no idea why he was asking me about this right now .

" Yeah you hear a lot of stuff nowadays " I said giving him a confused look not really knowing how to respond .

" Is that all ? " Nas asked leaning down to make eye contact with him .

" My bad I'm just saying keep in touch wit a nigga " He smiled at me before walking away towards the car he got out of .

" Chileee " I sighed pulling off .

" Soooo " She trailed as if she was hesitant to bring up the topic , " Are we gonna be seeing wassaname at the house more often ? " She gave me that look , like ' you know who I'm talking about ' .

I chuckled a little , " Who Jaime ? I don't know honestly . I can't cap , it was real uncomfortable her being in the house all casually like that " I explained to her while she listened intently .

She scoffs , " Well yeah I can imagine . I would be too . Did you ask wassup between them ? " She asked . I didn't mind her questions honestly . Me and Nas inadvertently become close recently and talking to her felt like talking to a big sister ; she seemed evolved . Like very much a ' been there done a lot of
shit ' kind of person .

" I mean yeah . He told me they were each other's first loves just like Liza told me . And that they've all been cool since then and they're just friends . But I feel like no matter what he says it'll always be weird unless she make herself
familiar " I say , raising my eyebrows at her .

" Mmm we'll see how she act but at least she staying here when we go to Miami " She said turning towards her door in an end-of-conversation manner .

That last line stuck with me . It just made me wonder what it would come to if we weren't leaving . How things would work with her being around . I wonder what East would do if it really came down to a me or her situation .

I guess it's too early in our relationship for me to be thinking thoughts like these so I turned up the music in hopes to think of something else .


" At first I really was just spying and shit and gathering info for Melo but then Racks offered me money to actually get my hands dirty but I swear as soon as Malik got caught up , we snapped out of it " I finished explaining to Sha . I missed my best friend and I know she thinks the worst of me right now .

Melo put us both up to watching Racks . Playing like we're against Melo and making him think we were watching Melo for him . But like I said , he offered me money and I got ahead of myself .

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