Chapter 3

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" East are you listening ? " Liza threw a carrot at my head . Right now me & the group were eating lunch in the courtyard on campus .

" Fr man we all haven't hung out in a brick & we tryna make plays "

" Six flags this weekend . I fuckin heard y'all don't throw shit at me " I said throwing the carrot back at Liza .

" Wassup with you baby " Jess said caressing my arm .

" Nothing just stressing about classes "

" Nigga you way too young to be stressing about anything " My nigga Kaine said joining the table .

He was right , I felt like I wasn't living enough to be a 19 year old . My priorities were in line so it was time for me to really start living life to the fullest .

" Yeah I know , we gotta start going out more "

" Ya heaarrrrrd I'm down " Malik said dapping me up .

" You ain't going nowhere " Camilla said sitting on Malik's lap .

He smacked his lips " What you don't know won't hurt you "

" Boy shut- oh hey Rina !! Over here Rina !!! " I saw her gesturing towards Karina who was walking alone across the courtyard . I couldn't take my eyes off her . I watched her every move . & she looked like she was about to throw up .

She froze just standing there . " Ayo wtf wrong with shorty " Kaine asked as we all stared at her now .

She quickly waved & scurried off tripping on a loose brick on the ground making her fall to the ground .

I was about to get up & until I saw Camilla jog over to her . Jess laughed " What a freak " She joked & continued conversing with the guys .


I just wanted to lay here face down in the pavement & never face another soul ever again but Camilla came over & helped me up .

" Camilla " I whined " You did that on purpose "

" Sorry ! " She exclaimed " I forgot how nervous you get in front of groups . I didn't mean to put you on the spot "

I sighed " It's okay "

" You need to be more social anyway , they're all friendly " She said making me glance behind her & lock eyes with East while every one else spoke .

" You hang out with them ? " I asked not even knowing she knew East .

" I mean somewhat . I'm really close with Liza & she hangs with them so .. " She shrugged . " Come sit with us "

My eyes popped out of my head " Are you crazy ? I just face planted - "

" This stops today " She said grabbing my arm dragging me to the table . I started panicking .

" Camilla stop ! I have office hours to go to " I whisper yelled because we weren't that far from them .

" Just sit with us for like 15 minutes , you'll be okay " She said disregarding me .

I didn't want to fight or argue so I allowed my self to be pulled into an uncomfortable situation & plopped down on the bench between East & some other guy . My heart was pounding a mile a minute . I was telling myself to introduce myself in my head but instead I sat there & glanced at everyone like they were about to attack me .

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