Chapter 16

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Liza ^^^


I could hear loud mumbling from downstairs as me & Kaine stayed behind while East went back upstairs .

" I knew Jess was gonna say something " I rolled my eyes . She is so bitter .

" Well what are you gonna do ? She knows you're here now " He said now standing up .

I let out a groan of frustration slowly following him up the stairs as the mumbling slowly turned into clearer voices . I hadn't realized how much I missed Liza until I finally laid eyes on her .

" Karina ! " She shouted in excitement leaping towards me engulfing me in a hug .

I sighed in relief thanking god she wasn't upset with me . " I missed you " I giggled .

" I missed you more " She responded but not before pinching the back of my arm which is a sensitive area .

" OW LIZA ! " I shouted . I knew that was gonna leave a mark .

" Don't ow Liza me . You have soooo much explaining and making up to do " She said now fully standing back .

" I know I know " I smiled making her have no choice but to turn her mug slowly back into a smile . " How'd you find out I was here ? " I asked .

" Jess actually sent me a picture " She replied . I'm surprised she didn't come up with some sort of story trying to paint me out to be this horrible pers- " Claiming you were here trying to steal East from her " She finished laughing

And there it goes . I rolled my eyes " I have no idea what that girl's problem is "

" Well chop chop , we have hella catching up to do " She said leading me back down to my room .

It felt good to be around a positive female presence .

[ A Couple Days Later ]


Like the normal routine , I sat in front of the glass window before picking up the phone waiting for him to do the same .

" Wassup pops ? " I spoke once the phone finally met his ear .

" What's good ? How you been ? " He asked .

" I'm straight . You know how I be " I try to come visit my pops at least once a week . And if not , then I definitely make sure I call him .

" Ight that's wassup . What's been going on ? " He said wiping his nose letting me know wassup .

" Last week he took over Woodridge . He like 10 miles past his cut off we agreed to " I said referencing to Racks . Racks' pops was also in here with my pops . And with no surprise , they both butt heads in here a lot . But my pops been peeping Racks coming to visit more often . So for him to hear Racks overstepping now , it's starting to add up for the both of us .

" Man why you ain't smoke that nigga yet ? " He asked with frustration .

" Pops you know how it go . We both benefit from each other . With Racks in control of the South , he control all them niggas that be cuttin up in the East " Which explains those randoms that approached Karina & I down at the shop the other day . Turns out , they under Racks & when my brother approached him about it , Racks took care of it and we haven't had no problems near the shop since .

" We get rid of him and there's a hell of a lot of problems right in our backyard . Tryna avoid that pops so we gotta deal with him " I finished explaining . He had a focused look on his face as he sat there trying to think of a different way but he was in my position before . A part of this lifestyle before . So he knew I was right and there was nothing much he can do .

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