Chapter 5

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I had been receiving way too much attention lately . Way too much drama . I wasn't used to this many people even knowing I existed . & I wanted nothing more than to disappear & stay lowkey .

I walked from class to class with my head down & managed to avoid everyone & anyone .

" Would you drop the fucking fries already ? We're about to be out " My coworker Lex spat at me pausing from typing away at her phone .

" Oh sorry " I dropped the sucky fries customers seemed to love at Wendy's .

I noticed there were people waiting to get their order taken at the register so I rushed dropping the fries seeing Lex was too busy on her phone . I walked to the register & paused realizing it was them . The whole group . East . Camilla . Liza . Jess . Malik . Kaine . My heart fell to my feet & my usual anxiety routine started .

I cleared my throat stepping closer to the register . " Hi how can I help you ? " I said timidly .

" Hey boo " Camilla hugged me leaning over the counter .

" Damn don't act like youn know us " Kaine joked making me giggle . Their friendlyness had only relieved a little bit of my anxiety .

But remembering the chilling night before , I avoided Jess' gaze . It was obvious she hadn't told her friends how much of an evil person she was .

" Aye now that I think about it , you been avoiding us like shit shorty " East stated . I'm assuming he & everyone else wondered the same thing because now everyone was staring at me waiting for a response .

" Damn get off her case " Liza said breaking the silence " Can I get a number 6 " I smiled putting in the order . After taking all of their orders , East was the only one that lingered .

I gave him a warm smile in a ' what do you want ' tone . " Fr I don't see you as much "

I shrugged " Uhh I just go to school & work "

" Come chill with a nigga some time " He offered .

" Umm Uhh I- " I had never been invited anywhere by a boy like this . When it came to boys , I didn't even know how my mom felt . Traditional Jamaicans rarely talk about boys & sex & stuff like that so I didn't even know if i was allowed to have a boyfriend much less even hang out with a boy . " I don't know . What do you mean by that ? " I finally uttered out .

" You always this shy around everybody ? " He inquired licking his pink bottom lip .

I stared at his now wet lips before directing my eyes back at his & answering his question " I guess . I just don't talk much " I shrugged .

" You should " He smirked " At least to me , I don't care about anybody else "

" Okay " I said looking down .

" East ! " Jess called out breaking his progressing stare .

" What ? " He said back .

She raised her eyebrows at his response making him return his attention back to me . I instantly remembered our encounter last night & began to get nervous all over again . My eyes met her scowl & I quickly went to go prepare drinks for customers .

" Who that ? He kinda cute " Lex said all of a sudden being confused . I mean mugged her internally but instead gave her what she wanted to know .

" That's Kaine " I said quietly .

" Put me on " She demanded walking away .

I watched her strut off & glanced over at him having a good time with his friends . I couldn't even talk to him myself so now I was supposed to talk to him for her . The thought of approaching the table just to speak to him made my heart speed up in seconds . There was no way I could do that . East storming out of the building caught my attention seeing the group get quiet shaking their heads . I wasn't nosey enough to ask what happened so I continued to work through my shift .

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