Chapter 47

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Everybody was back at the house now and it felt more crowded than ever . This is why I've already started looking at places in Miami . I needed my space from everybody sometimes . I woke up irritable as fuck . Everything was a mess . Everything was all over the place and I had no time for bullshit .

" Alright so , Driga definitely wants to see us . All of us , including Racks " Lani announced to us .

Me and Nas exchanged a look . She continued " Once she heard what happened she rescheduled all the flights so nobody is going anywhere today " Just then my phone rang and they all watched me in silence trying to listen to the conversation since everything was so tense right now .

" Hello " I answered .

" Karina can you come get me ? "

" What happened ? Where are you ? " I asked .

She sighed before speaking " I came to talk to Racks ... to try to convince him not to tell Driga that Kaine shot him " She admitted . What the hell ? Why on Earth would she think he would admit to that when she knows he doesn't fuck with us .

" You did what ? Oh god Liza .. where are you now ? " I glanced up at Lani who now had a concerned look on her face .

" I'm outside of his warehouse . Please don't tell my sister " She pleaded .

" I'm on my way " I said before standing up and ending the call .

" What happened ? " Lani was the first to ask .

" She's okay , I'll explain later but she needs me to come get her from Racks' warehouse " I admitted anyway .

" What the fuck ? What is she doing there ? " Lani asked sounding genuinely shocked and worried .

" Are you sure don't know ? Lani if you tryna pull some funny shit ... " Melo said what probably everyone else was thinking . Any other day I would've thought the same thing but I don't think this was Lani's doing .

" I swear . I had no idea she went there " She responded , " I'm coming with you " She said heading out the door first .

Nas got up too " No . You stay . Y'all need to be back when Driga's ready to meet with us and we don't need everybody going "

" What if it's a set up tho ? " Nas contested .

" Then that's one less person we have to save " Melo said giving her a firm look , " Besides we haven't even started packing and she could possibly send us out today " He explained .

" It's fine Nas . We'll be quick " I reassured her before shutting the door .

Part of me wanted her to come because I didn't want to be alone with Lani but Melo was right . There were so many empty boxes around the house , somebody needed to start on it .

" You know she wouldn't be in this situation if you didn't get her involved " I spoke up before glancing at her .

She sucked her teeth , " I didn't get her involved in anything "

" Right .. so she's not the one going to Jersey to cover for you " I said back .

" Actually for your information , it's Jaime going not Liza . Liza's just friends with y'all and rather you like it or not , I do business with East and Melo " She responded .

" Why Jaime tho ? Since when was she a part of this ? " I asked .

" She's not but if you must know , I owe Driga some money so in return I'm basically her eyes and ears . But I have my own investment opportunity down in Miami and if she finds out she's gonna want her cut " She explained .

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