Chapter 45

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" Melo would you sit your ass down ? " I scolded , pulling his arm back down so he could sit down .

Every 5 minutes he wanted to get up and make sure the house was straight since we knew the police would be here soon . But according to Jaime and Lani , the house was in line . Even East double checked as soon as we got back . But being paranoid , Melo insisted to check every little corner .

" As a matter fact , you need to go lay down in the back , they gon ask too many questions seeing you with a gunshot wound " East said getting up to help him to the back .

That left me , Jaime , and Lani alone in the living room . I figured Karina would be here by now , let me call her .

Straight to voicemail .

" You heard from Karina ? " Jaime asked breaking the silence .

I don't know if I just don't like her or if I heard a subtle sarcasm in her voice .

" I'm trying her right now " I said dryly , not even looking up at her , then hitting Karina's name again .

Voicemail again .

The door knob rattled and we all tensed up . East must've heard it too , cause he suddenly appeared in the room . But it was only Liza and Kaine .

" Y'all alone ? " East asked .

" Yeah we pulled up at the same time " Liza answered .

" Where da guys ? " East asked sitting down .

" Some went to the warehouse , some of em went home " Kaine responded .

" Wait where's Karina ? " I asked , hoping at least Liza heard from her .

" I don't know . She must've left the hospital , I didn't see her " She shrugged sitting down next to her sister .

" But I think Racks is okay " She finished .

East sucked his teeth and side eyed her before sparking the blunt making the silence turn tense . Something isn't right . She was at the hospital . But not when Liza showed up ? She's not here . And she's not answering her phone either .

" But y'all saw her at the hospital though right ? " I said narrowing my eyes at Lani , thinking . Then glancing at East who's focus was only on the blunt . As if this conversation doesn't concern him .

Lani and Jaime nodded , but before I could inquire further , Jaime changed the subject .

" So now that we're all here , what's the story ? " She said sitting forward towards East .

" We was just partying , and next thing we know , we hear gunshots . We didn't see anyone injured or anyone with a gun while everybody was rushing out . Just a party gone wrong alright " He said checking everyone's face to make sure we all understood .

A lot happened tonight , and I could tell everyone was shaken up so for the next 5 minutes , we all sat in silence with the sound of a notification coming from someone's phone every now and then .

" Your little cousin okay ? " I asked barely remembering Mani being rushed away from the commotion .

" Yeah she good , she back home " He responded .

Jaime got up to get the remote then sat down next to East instead of where she previously sat , next to Lani . We all eyed her . Me , because she think she slick tryna get close to East just cause Karina isn't here . Everyone else , probably because this really wasn't the time to watch tv .

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