Chapter 40

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East ^

LMAOOOOOO y'alllllll someone on tiktok recognized this book and the comment got like 8 likes hahaaaaa . Nothing major I just thought that was so funny .

Lowkey I always thought about reenacting the books if I ever got famous lmaooo


After packing up all our things , we didn't even go back to Melo's . I wanted to go to Liza's to catch her up on everything and let her know I'm moving but we ended up staying up talking for hours so me and Nas just spent the night here .

Surprisingly , Lani was actually decent and sat with us for a while too . It seems as though she only acts like that when Liza's around though . And now that Lani is back Liza didn't have to leave anymore . It just sucks cause now I'm the one leaving .

" So where are you guys gonna stay while you're down there ? " Liza asked pouring some orange juice .

" I don't even know . Either with the guys or we'll get our own place " I answered her looking at Nas .

" Well regardless we should stay close . I think that's smart " Nas responded .

" Yea I agree " Liza co-signed .

It was the smart decision . And to be honest I agreed too . But my personal relationship with East is what gives me doubt . I'd hate to make it awkward for anyone in the house or be in an unpleasant living situation myself . I don't know , maybe I shouldn't be thinking so negatively so soon .

" You should come with us when we go over there " I said to Liza . I honestly missed having her around . I hated that my feud with her sister impacted our friendship .

" Yea that's cool , I'm not doing
anything " She shrugged her shoulders .
" Look what Camilla just sent me "

She showed her phone to both of us . It was a flier for a party that East and Melo are throwing this weekend . I'm assuming they're throwing as a going away kind of thing .

" Hmmm " I said looking at Liza and she raised her eyebrows .

" I thought they said we needed to be lowkey " Nas laughed .

" Exactly " I shook my head . Not very lowkey at all . It's not like it's unheard of for someone to shoot up a party , but we'll see how this plays out .

" Hold on my bestie calling me " Nas said walking away from us in the kitchen .


" Hello " I said answering her facetime call .

" Is now a good time to talk ? " She asked with attitude .

" Not really . It's a lot going on right now I'll catch you up when I can , maybe tonight but I'm not sure . Don't be
mad " I said back .

" Mmm okay " She said then hung up .

I shook my head at her pettiness . Me and Rae go way back . We used to inspire bitches in high school with anything we did : hair , makeup , outfits , anything we tried . However , my relationship with Blue took me away from her a little and she continued doing the fashion thing and really getting into it . We still stayed close , she just hated Blue and never wanted to be around us . But once I finally let him go , we were back life I never left .

That was until my mom decided to move in with Eugene and moved us here . Rae has been salty about it ever since but I kept telling her there was nothing much I could do . I still wanted to stay with my mom cause we had a great relationship . But I guess now that I told Rae I'm moving to Miami she feels like I did have a choice after all . But there was so much she didn't know .

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