Chapter 7

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I reluctantly approached the shop / basketball court nervous as I don't know what . I haven't seen East since I blocked him & since his girlfriend slapped me . I didn't even know if he knew about it .

My heart dropped as Kade let my hand go running to greet his friends he hasn't seen in a while . Mommy worked all night so I told him we could stay for a few hours . I was left standing there looking like a fool so I quickly decided to turn on my heels & go back to my car .

" Aye wait up shorty " I heard a familiar voice call from behind me . I turned around seeing East jog towards me .

I stood in place not saying a word just letting my head hang low allowing him to continue to speak . " I heard about what happened "

" What happened with what ? " I said playing dumb not waiting to converse about the situation I feared he was talking about .

He narrowed his eyes " With that Jess situation . You know what I'm talking about "

" Oh she was just very upset " I said beginning to turn around but his touch stopped me making my heart jolt & having no choice but to turn around .

" Very upset ? Stop cappin shorty , just be real & tell me what went down " This situation felt like it was escalating & I didn't know if it was because of my anxiety or if a normal person would be this nervous right now too . His demanding tone made it seem like he already knew what happened ; yet still questioned me .

" Umm she just came up to me and slapped me was yelling about uhh yeah that's the gist sort off " I said slowly but surely removing my wrist from his grip . My speech was progressively getting choppy & shaky .

" Naah not good enough , you not finna duck your way out of a simple question " He said now folding his arms intensifying his stare . There has never been a time where I wanted to throw up all of my organs like I do right now . I can't believe I was in a situation like this . Couldn't believe he was even talking to me like this .

" Aye East , some nigga complaining about some shit and demanding for money back or he gonna cause a scene " Kaine said patting his arm .

I watched him catch East's attention but he looked back at me . This situation couldn't possibly be enough to keep all your focus on me during a time like this . Reassuring me , he broke his gaze & turned around following Kaine into the barber shop ; not before Kaine sent me a wink once East had gotten ahead of him .

I turned on my heels & called out , " Kade I'll pick you up at 7 " I quickly made my way out the parking lot and headed towards Starbucks where I agreed to meet Camilla .


I ain't know if what I just said to shorty was for real or if all my frustrations with everything cane out on her . But naah shorty was the most introverted person I know ; even more than me which bothered me .

" Ight wea the customer ? " I asked reaching the front desk with Kaine on my heels .

" Ain't no customer . God gon do me right doing that girl a favor and getting yo ass off her case " He said checking the sign in sheet pretending like he was busy .

I smacked my lips glancing back through the window of the shop seeing she disappeared from where I left her .

" You know damn well shorty was uncomfortable as fuck with you grilling her like that " He said as I focused my attention back on him .

" Man fuck allat , she couldn't answer a simple question ? "

" Nigga ask Jess , why you so interested in talking to her ? " He asked allowing a brief pause in our conversation .

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