Chapter 38 ( Part 1 )

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Nas ^^

Getting close to the end :)))) I had to break this chapter into two parts , it's so long lol


" The way things are so tense right now , Melo and East will shoot us first and ask questions later " I explained to Rah and  Malik the morning after we found out about the deal with Driga and Racks .

" Yea somebody has to convince them we're on their side " , Malik started ,
" Cause I actually can't do it alone they could think we all plotting . We only have a couple days to figure out what we're gonna do , we don't have time for convincing "

" Well who's that bitch East be feining over . The one that work for them ? " Malik said .

" Who Karina ? " I scrunched up my face already disagreeing .

" Oh shit , yeah . She could get through to them quick and she's smart too she can help us " Malik said excitedly , thinking we'd just made a breakthrough .

Without hesitation , I spoke , " Yeah too bad she just found out Racks is her brother and doesn't want to get him killed " I said matter-of-factly .

They paused and stared at me , as if they were trying to catch my bluff .

" Yeah I wouldn't count on her loyalty too much " I finished .

" Fuck " Malik said punching the palm of his hand , " So what the fuck , who's side is she on then ? "

I sighed , deciding to be one of the good ones for once , " She isn't necessarily on Racks' side she just doesn't want to kill her father's son who he just met . I'd imagine she's still with Melo and East . At least for now , they don't know he's her brother . We're the only ones that know "

" Alright so we can't use Karina now what ? " Rah said .

" Fuck this , we're wasting time , we just need to go to Melo and East ourselves . Hopefully once they see Malik , they'll trust us . After all , we did save his life "

" Yea after you helped set him up " Rah said with anger in his voice .

" Yea and that was right before you pointed him out to Racks " I shot back making his jaw clench .

Malik stepped between us , " Stop . Y'all both did some fucked up shit so neither one of you have room to talk . But if y'all really wanna make it up to them , you can't go in there like this pointing fingers . You both have to take accountability for what you did "

There was silence , " Alright . Now are y'all ready to go ? " He picked up Rah's keys and handed them to him .

" Yea let's go " He took a deep breath leading the way out the door .

The whole ride there , all I could think about was how to prove to Driga I wasn't a liar . That Racks really was working against her . Only way to do that is to set him up ourselves .


" You excited to see mommy
tomorrow ? " I asked Kade who seemed to always wanna be in my room .

" Yessss " He said cheesing hard . But he quickly dropped his smile and rolled to lay on his stomach , " Do you think mommy still loves us ? " He played with the loose thread on my blanket .

" Of course she does . She never stopped loving us " I answered rubbing his head .

" Is she gonna live here with us ? " He said sounding excited .

" I don't know pooh " To be honest I hadn't really thought about that .

Where would she be living ? And would she want us to move in with her ? I had no idea how that would work out . With what I do now , I don't see her being exactly cool with it . I don't know , hopefully everything will work itself out by tomorrow .

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