Chapter 29

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Lani ^^^


I woke up from a really good nap . One of those where you wake up and forget what year it is and where you are . The bed was empty so I instantly wondered where Kade was .

However , I was so tired , I rolled back over to check my phone . It's 9 o'clock at night . I got a message from my father .

You can chat to ya mudda tomorrow - Gene

I was instantly in a good mood now . You know when you hear some really good news and it's like your heart & chest feel .... excited ? That's the best way I can describe it .

Okay great - Me

When yuh comin back home - Gene

I cringed at the word home . I felt bad for feeling this way about this whole situation but I couldn't help it . Like I said , this is a lot to digest . I hadn't even given any thought to moving back in . The idea of me having to think / stress about this situation is making me want to roll back over and go to sleep .

Once I figure everything out with where I'm staying now & Kade's school situation - Me

But then I heard distant chatter upstairs so I decided to finally get out of bed and walk up the stairs . However , once I heard my name , I instantly stopped in my tracks .

" Well you're missing your chance bud " I heard Liza say .

" I already shot my shot , aaaaand I missed so thats it . I don't know what you want me to do " I heard ..... Kaine say back .

" Sooo to be clear , you're just gonna let East snatch her up ? " She asked .

" What am I supposed to do ? She said she not feelin me like that , what the fuck you want me to do . We jus friends " He said raising his voice .

Before I allowed the conversation to continue , curiosity made me fold . I continued walking up the stairs , revealing myself . And also seeing that I was wrong , it was Lani who was talking to Kaine . My face began to get flustered as a little warmth rushed to my cheeks . I haven't really talked to her like that since she outed me to East . And since she twisted my story to Liza . I didn't want conflict however I did have a few words for her .

They instantly stopped talking & both stared me down .

" Is everything okay ? " I asked .

" Yeah it's all good . Wassup sleepy head ? " He said walking away from her & towards the kitchen .

" Nothing much " I said quietly . It's really tense . It really bothered me why she was so concerned about me & East . Next thing I know , my whole body feels warm and I felt the need to crack my knuckles .

" Sooo since when did you care about me and East ? " I asked her .

" I didn't realize I started " She said back .

" Really ? " I raised my eyebrows . Did she not know I just heard what she said or is she just playing dumb ? , " I mean it kinda sounded like you did tryna convince Kaine that East is no good for me "

" And your point ? "

" My point is why are you telling Kaine he needs to snatch me from East . And when did I ever say I was anyone's to take . I'm not gonna play games and go back and forth with you , it's obvious I heard what you said two seconds ago . We don't have to have an issue , but mind the business that pays you . And whoever I choose to fuck with is my business " I finished just as soon as East walked in .

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