Chapter 42

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Liza ^


" For all we know she could've been
lying " Nas tried to reassure me but I could tell she was a little unsettled herself .

" And what if she wasn't ? I can't just leave my mom here and dip to Miami " I said back .

" Well worst case scenario we'll see if we can stay a little longer and stack up some bred and get her own place out here " She made a point .

Technically , I could get my mom her own place now but my mind was already wandering . What was my dad's plan when she came back ? He claimed she knew about him and Moira so did he plan on moving her in with them ? Getting her her own place himself ? I don't know . And I don't know why I didn't ask . Maybe I was just too busy with everything else that's been going on to even think about it .

" Hold up , you see them ? " She broke me out of my thoughts , tapping my arm .

I followed her eyes' direction and saw my mom talking to Racks beside someone's car . Like chills, a warmth went over my body, from my face to my toes . Probably because I haven't seen my mom in what felt like years . Or maybe that Racks was talking to her and I was confused . Regardless , this was happening so often . Unpredictable for me almost .

" Damn what should we do ? " I asked pulling over behind a car parked down the street from them .

" I think we should talk to Racks first . He must know what's going on " Nas said watching intently .

We saw her get into the car they were standing next to and he waved bye . As soon as she drove off and turned the corner , I got out my car and started walking towards him , Nas followed . I saw him reaching to get his keys but before he could get to his car he noticed us coming towards him . He slowed his walking down and pulled his pants up , sliding his hand to the front of his waistband probably gripping his gun . He most likely thought this was a set up and Melo and East were waiting somewhere to pop out .

As we approached each other Nas spoke up first , " Relax our dear beloved brother " She said sarcastically now just inches apart from each other " We're here to talk . "

" Mmhmm " He said folding his arms .

" You just missed yo moms . Although I highly doubt she wants to hear from her daughter that abandoned her " He said looking at me .

" Fuck you . I didn't abandon anyone " I defended . But was she upset with me ? Did she really feel that way ? Or was he a liar just like Lani ? I wanted to know the truth but I couldn't help feeling like they were sending us down a distracting downward spiral .

I waited for him to respond hoping he would elaborate on what he meant .

" Well hello " Nas said snapping her fingers , " What's going on ? Lani tried to say she was homeless so no games Racks tell us wassup for real " She was much better at communicating than me cause what would've came out my mouth next would've made the conversation go real left .

He dropped his arms and glanced behind him before taking in a breath " Long story short , Sonya didn't know our parents were together . She thought Gene married a random woman so he could come here to take care of you guys but turns out he just went back to his
ex " He said making my eyebrows furrow . That doesn't make any sense .

" What ? No Moira told me that Sonya knew they were married but didn't know about their past together , including you . So someone's lying "

And it had to be Racks trying to throw us off , but why ? " See this isn't a good idea . We can't trust him " I said ready to walk away and just find my mom so we can talk to her instead .

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