Chapter 1

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" Please make sure the kitchen is cleaned & all carpet is vacuumed before I come home " My mom said entering the bathroom i was in without knocking .

" Okay no problem " I said before directing my attention back on my mirror .

" Oh & Karina ? " She continued ... " Wipe that foolishness off your lips "

I sighed & took a baby wipe & wiped the sparkly lip gloss off of my lips . I was 17 years old & wasn't allowed to wear or do a lot of things . But I didn't complain , I am a home body anyway . Despite the love for new york everyone has, I found the most amount of entertainment in my bedroom .

" Hi sprinkles " I said petting my cat's head walking past her .

I grabbed my bookbag & my car keys & headed to school . And not high school , college . I attend NYU as a part time student to be an RN . I lived with my mom & we practically have been taking care of each other for almost 10 years . My dad wasn't a dead beat , just illegal . He was deported back to Jamaica when I was younger has been waiting on his green card for almost a decade . When I think about it my heart breaks . But on the bright side , I have a good reason to visit Jamaica frequently .

I stopped by one of the main office buildings to speak to an advisor about one of my classes when I ended up being knocked over by I don't know what .

I groaned clutching my head " Aye my b , you gotta watch where you goin " The guy who knocked me over stuck his hand out to help me up .

" I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention " I said grabbing everything that fell out of my hand " Thanks " I continued to walk up to the front desk .

" I didn't get your name " He grabbed my wrist preventing me from walking . My heart started pounding & my palms started getting sweaty . I had no idea who this person is . He could be a rapist or a stalker .

Next thing I know , I ran out of the office without saying a word & just proceeded to the class I wanted to talk about . Great , now someone on campus probably thinks I'm a freak .

" Did you finish the personal narrative ? " Jess asked me .

" Uhh no actually not yet " I responded to her . Jess is not a friend . I wouldn't even consider her an acquaintance . She just cheats off me & always asks me for answers . I got nothing in return but that's okay ; I avoid confrontation at all costs .

" What the hell Karina ? My grade depends on this " She said raising her voice making me crack my knuckles in nervousness .

" Here's a thought Jess . Do it on your fucking own " Camilla barked stepping up to my desk to interrupt our conversation .

Jess scoffed & stormed back to her seat flipping her blonde hair . " Tha- " I started

" Don't thank me . Where have you been ? " She questioned sitting at the desk next to me . Camilla was probably the closest thing to consider a friend here . She stuck up for me & tried her best to be my friend but I'm so conservative , I don't really let her in that much .

" What do you mean ? I'm either at home , work , or here " I said in my defense .

" That's not what I mean . I texted you 3 times & you never responded . I will track you down if that means we can finally hang out . You better hope I never find out where you live " I giggled at her .

" I'm sorry but you know - "

" Know nothing , we're hanging out soon & you can go back to your little hiding hole after wards . End of conversation " I sat back now paying attention to my professor .

Towards the end of the day , I was heading towards my car when someone came a hair close to crashing into me . So close that I stumbled backwards falling right on my ass . Maybe they did enough damage for me to sue .

The person rushed out of the car " We've gotta stop meeting like this " He chuckled . It was the same guy that ran me over in the office earlier . My anxiety doubled & I was scared for him to help me up since I could feel the moistness in my hands .

I stood up on my own giving a faint smile " It's okay I'm not gonna sue . My neck is fine " I joked making him laugh . Which actually relieved some of my nerves .

" Alright you have to tell me your name this time "

" Karina . And you are ? "

" East " I gave him a puzzling look . " A nickname " He said clearing up the confusion .

" Oh okay . I'll see you around East " I smiled walking away

" I hope so Karina " He got back in his car which I just noticed was filled with other people & sped off .

I got into my car & let out the biggest sigh of relief . I need to go home .


End of the first chapter to this very new book . To be very honest with y'all , this book is not planned out . I wanna be hella creative & see where my writing takes me . So much feedback is appreciated cause the direction of the book will be based on what you guys like & don't like .

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