Chapter 39

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Karina ^

Sooooo I'm thinking about doing a Pooh Shiesty fic . Let me know what you guys would rather see :

A spin off with him and one of the characters from this book .

Just include him within this book ( but if I do that , I'm making a sequel ) .

OR an entirely separate book of him .

Give me your ideas . Big Blrrrrrd


We all gathered back at Melo and East's house to discuss what just happened but all we could really do was recollect how our lives were about to change in silence for a few moments .

" Alright y'all , " Melo broke the silence .
" From now until the day we leave we all have to be on high alert . It's obvious Racks wasn't happy with the decision so he could be planning a get back ... " He continued speaking to us but all I could do was stare at the floor and tune him out and poke at my busted lip with my tongue .

My mother comes home tomorrow . She gets here tomorrow . And it was nothing but a mess here .

" Well Karina's still in shock right now . So I speak for the both of us when I say that we literally can't just up and move . Her mom gets back tomorrow we have to stay " Nas spoke up .

" She's right " I said clearing my throat making me even regret saying anything .

" Maybe we have to move out or something but we can't just disappear " I explained .

Just then , Lani came in the door and gazed over the room seeing who was here . Melo looked at her with awaiting eyes as if he was looking for good news .

Lani took a deep breath . " I just came from talking to Driga . Karina we figured you and Nas wouldn't want to move . And we know you guys shouldn't have even been really involved in this . Still , I explained all of this to Driga but she won't budge . She said the drama here has gotten too deep and she doesn't want her people killing each other or the FBI finding out about anything and yeah basically I'm saying you cannot stay
here . She's deadass " She finished explaining .

" Okay so what if we move and just stay off the grid for a while , money is nothing I got us " I said back to her .

" 12342 NW 4th St . Father is Eugene Hansen . Mother is Sonya Forner . Little brother Kade Hansen . You , Karina May Hansen . Previous address 16261 SW 21st . Which is here " She said meaning Melo and East's house . " She told me all of this . I don't know what she would do with that but even if you leave , the rest of your family is there . And honestly I think she told me that to let me know that she can find out anything about you and can always get your location . Same with everybody else " She explained .

I rubbed my temples as I felt my chest start to tighten and my eyes started to burn . I refuse to cry right now . But now my family's at risk .

" Karina I am sorry for what Racks did , I know you didn't expect to be this
deep " She said sitting down next to me .

She sounded sincere but you're sorry ? She's part of the reason I'm even in this shit but at this point I couldn't point any fingers . I'm in this because of the decisions I made . Regardless , this is the situation now and I had to handle shit .

" And for now I think it's safer if both of you stay here . Not just for your safety but if she has your addresses then your family could be in danger too " She finished .

There was no way I could go home and explain this to my mother . And even if I did , there was no way she would just accept the fact that I just have to move so suddenly . But by the way they talk about Driga , she obviously wasn't anything to play with and she definitely had pull so what were my options ?

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