Chapter 6

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Seeing her block me & go offline made me slam my computer shut in frustration . The one time I show interest in a girl & she pushes me away ? But I couldn't help but to think about what she said about Jess . What did she say to her ? It was gonna bug me all night so disregarding the fact that it was almost 12 in the morning , I made a FaceTime call to her .

" Hello " She said groggily .

" Wake up , i gotta talk to you " I said turning my light on making her phone screen blind her .

" Damn East it's 12 in the morning , it couldn't wait until later " She squinted as her face got darker letting me know she turned her brightness down .

" Naah . I just finished talking to Karina and she - "

" Are you fucking kidding me East ? " She barked now sounding fully awake .
" You really woke me up to talk about this bitch "

" Fuck is your problem ? First of all lower your tone before I get disrespectful . Second of all , that right there is what I wanted to talk to you about . What the fuck is your problem with her ? What you say to her ? " I shot right back questioning her aggression towards Karina .

" You're supposed to be my boyfriend & you're checking me about another bitch ? Are you serious right now ? " She said raising her voice .

" Jessica you obviously don't understand what the fuck lower your tone means " It got quiet cause there was nothing for her to say in response other than to obey what I just said . " Now what the fuck did you say to her ? "

She sighed " Basically to leave you alone & back off . & that she can't talk to you anymore "

" Ayo are you drunk ? She ain't even act no type of way towards me " I argued .

" Again , you're arguing with me about a whole other girl . If you wanna be with her East just say it "

" Naah but I don't wanna be with you " I said with no emotion . This bitch was not worth my time or energy . And I was beginning to get tired of pretending like she was .

" East are - " I cut her off by hanging up on her & putting my phone on do not disturb .


" Did you finish the project ? " Camilla asked walking alongside me .

" Yeah last night " I was able to finish it because I wasn't being distracted by East's messages . Part of me felt so bad about how I went about that situation last night . But I couldn't see myself realistically handling the situation any other way .

" Me too ! " She exclaimed , " Wanna come over today ? " She asked .

I shrugged slightly " You know I have to pick my brother up so it depends "

" Oh okay . Well yeah me & Liza are having a study date at my house . You should really come , I think you guys would really get along " She explained .

" What about Jess ? " I cringed .

" She has to work " The thought of her still being invited if she didn't have to work rubbed me the wrong way . I mean , being friends with her friends is exactly the kind of situation I want to avoid . I mean Camilla was an exception because we have been friends for a while .

" Speak of the devil " She said making me quickly redirect my focus in the direction her eyes were looking " She looks like she about to kill someone "

I followed her eyes to an angry Jess storming towards us causing so much attention . People were staring wondering if a fight was about to go down .

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